Happy Birthday Jeff!

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Sally POV

I hope big brother won't see this before 00:00MA cuz we all had this idea of doing a birthday party for beging My best big brother, My dad "best friend" (sally still didn't understand that they are dating)
And for beging the best creepypasta in the world!
I made a little gift for him, I know he is gonna like it 100%, I made a birthday present with a big and long knife

and I Wanna give him this gift after the birthday cake! Cuz I know that he likes knifes and Dangerous things like this one so I tough why not? It would be nice giving him a knife since he likes this things that much, I wonder if in the past he eve...

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and I Wanna give him this gift after the birthday cake! Cuz I know that he likes knifes and Dangerous things like this one so I tough why not? It would be nice giving him a knife since he likes this things that much, I wonder if in the past he ever celebrated his birthday, by knowing his past story I don't think so cuz i think that my parents would accept Me even if I'm a Ghost but if people wouldn't be so cruel or bastard with people who looks different to them... I wonder if Jeff ever told them that he won't ever like a girl I think that if Jeff told them to Be gay/bisexual/Pansexual his body would be full of scars and Bruises,
If they alredy wanted to kill because he cutted him self telling them that he was gay/bisexual/pansexual would just make the situation worster.

I saw big brother coming out of My dad's Office and then I went to him asking what his sexuality was so that I won't say any mistakes while thinking about his past story, after I went to him I said <<Heya big brother! Good morning! How are you? I have a question!>>
Big brother stared a Me and I could see that he was holding him self near the door of my dad's office And his legs were shaking as if he felt cold or that he could not stand with his own weight... He said <<yeah good morning Sally, I'm fine thanks for asking, what is it?>> I looked at him a bit weird cuz why was strange that he's legs where shaking for no reason
I said again <My first question is what's you'r sexuality, my second question is why are you'r legs shaking?>>
At first he didn't want to answer the questions but then he said
<<to answer the first question My sexuality is Bisexual and to answer the second question well...>>
And then I saw dad coming out of his office saying <<he is shaking because dad and Jeff had a "friendly pajama party" last night and we were almost the whole night awake so he is shaking cuz he is sleepy>>
I nodded at my dad and then I went back in the living room doing My things.

Slenderman POV
When sally asked Jeff why he was shaking I went there and said that we had a "friendly pajama party" or I should say a "Sexual pajama party"
But I didn't say it cuz sally even if shen is now not 7 years anymore she is still a child and I won't ruin her childhood just because of this words,
Anyways Jeff was shaking because of last night, last night in fact when he came to tell me that he can't sleep without Me I grabbed him with one of my tentacles cuz I noticed that he had a bit of difficulty with walking, I guess that I went to rough last night, which I have to apologize cuz I promised him that I wouldn't, he did asked Me too go faster but I think that I shouldn't use My tentacles I think that they were the part where I made him fell wake alredy.
Anywyas I grabbed him with one of my tentacles and put him on the bed of my bedroom and then I sat near him <<Sorry my love, I think I shouldn't use my tentacles in our special night>>
Jeff looked at Me with while he was blushing and then he kissed Me and let My tongue join that kiss after like 5 minutes we stopped for catching back breath and then he said
<<you think I give a fuck if now I can't walk properly? Well you are completely wrong cuz I donated my virginity to the Man that I love and I don't regret doing it with you cuz I love you slendy!>>
Slenderman blushed and I was blushing as well so we started kissing like before it's just that this one was like 2 hours and half and then we stopped for catching back breath again and then I asked him
<<Jeff did you had a boyfriend before the accident>>
He didn't want to answer this question so he just said
<<well yeah but I don't wanna talk about It>>
So he simple cuddled Me and I cuddled him back just for making feal better cuz he seemed not to like the question that I asked, I hope nothing happend before he met Me

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