Maybe Love Is Going Just To Desteoy Me...

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Jeff POV:

I was the first to wake up among all the creepypasta, the first thing I did and wake up sally, Liu and jane
I wanted to make a little joke to all creepypastas,
So when I woke up sally, jane and Liu took our clothes to dress and after we were ready we took some Pans
As soon as we took them we went to the first floor In front of the stairs
And we started to slam the pans loudly,
We all had 2 frying pans and as soon as we started making noise everyone came out of their room to check what that noise was.

As soon as they came out of their rooms and I was so fast that I hid inside the slenderman room that squared me with an air like he was disappointed by me ...
I tried to explain but he didn't want to listen and interrupted me saying <<Jeffery I want you in my room after lunch for now I do not want to discuss and talk about these things already in the morning.>>

After a couple of hours I went to my room and started asking myself questions and mental films of what he was going to tell me.
So I sat on the bed massaging my head that was about to explode for the too many questions that I had in mind, Because of all those thoughts that revolved around my head began to cry because because of those thoughts the head made me feel bad: headache, nause.
I couldn't control the diseases anymore and so I made a loud scream that even if I shouted louder no one would hear me because the walls were soundproof, For example, although I would also shout as a girl no one would hear me.

After a while he heard someone knocking on the door... I said <<Enter as well>>   After the door opened I saw a little girl with red hair And one green eye the other eye was blue with the pupil at the yellow edge and the inside of the pupil was as dark as a black hole.
She had a doll similar to her was the same and identical to her but the eyes instead of being like hers or drawn are buttons always like the color of her eyes.
She was dressed Aesthetic but was also covered with blood on her face And even in her arms, the little girl's arms They were all 2 full of small cuts and not only her legs were but her legs instead of being full of cuts were cut completely and somehow she had managed to mend her legs at least I think because I do not even know this little girl for me was a total foreigner the child, 
She looked like a doll the whole thing about how she was sewn, dressed, brushed, she just looked like a doll instead of a child, kid, girl.

Then he looked at me and started saying <<you are jeff aren't you?>>

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Then he looked at me and started saying <<you are jeff aren't you?>>

I replied Saying <<it is me, and who would you be?>>
I answered the question and I asked her a question but I spoke in a serious tone.
After I spoke to her in a serious way she was scared.
She was scared of Me just because I talked seriously with her.
I still wonder if this has any problem or mental disorder, Well She looks at me more frightened than before and small salty drops were coming out of her wide eyes, she was starting to fidget and I noticed she wanted to scream as I scared him.
But before he did it I put his hands in his mouth and I took the scotch tape, and I closed his mouth, after doing it I took her to a slenderman,

Instead of knocking he opens the door with all his strength and smashes it against the wall and I start to say <<SLENDERMAN WHO THE FUCK IS THIS CHILD OF SHIT?!>>
Slenderman looked at me for a while with his face like (Are you kidding me? How many times have I told you not to slam the door like that ?!)
Then jeff said << Well you know what I don't care who she is! >> limproviso jeff takes out the knife from one of his jeans pockets, puts the girl against the wall and holds the knife very close and tight to the girl's neck.
Suddenly Slenderman got up saying with a serious tone << JEFF LET THE CHILD GO OTHERWISE I SWEAR I'LL SHIT YOU FROM HERE! >>
Jeff let the little girl go saying << How the fuck are you interested in the life of a little girl ?! You are the first to kill random children around the forest now that I'm doing you a favor are you mad at me ?! >>

(hey guys! I'll continue this story tommorow so don't worry, part 6 will come out soon promise!)

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