A Fight Whit The Person I Hate Most And Then A Sex Night.

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Jeff POV

Me and Offenderman started arguing and fighting and then in less then a second He tries to attack me with one of his tentacles that I dodged easily but then as soon as I looked at his tentacle I saw that his tentacle was different from those of slenderman, those of Offenderman were white as the color of his skin.
After about 5 minutes the living room was all messed up the sofa was upside down and there was blood from all over the color of the blood were 2 the color of the red blood was my blood and the other instead of being red was pitch black and that was the blood from Offenderman.
Jane was in the first floor and was watching the show with a shocked expression and she wasn't just shocked but she was even scared
And then I heared her saying
<<Jeff be careful! He is trying to attack you with one of his tentacles!>>
After she Warned Me I looked at the way where she pointed Me and then with a bit of atlentic skills Managed to dodge all of Offenderman's attacks.
Then with all my strength I took with a lot of violence and strength one of his tentacles And I tore him a beautiful piece big and long of his tentacle and then throw it to the ground obviously for the pain he screamed since I tore half tentacle from his body and that scream does not go unnoticed in fact all the creepypasta who were in their rooms or were outside come out of their rooms while the ones who was outside fell through the door
But then I saw the 2 brothers from Slenderman Near him in the first floor Slenderman was in the middle, Trenderman was in his right and Splendorman was in his left
They were shocked, everyone showed fear and scare to me but Slenderman, Jane, Nina, Masky, Hoodie, Toby and Sally they looked at Me like if this was simple normal for them Seeing somthing like that.

I put Offenderman on the floor and I sat on him and then I saw Slenderman looking at His brother with a Jealous experscion but then I stared at Offenderman again and started to beat his damn face with that smile of shit he is a damn Copy Cat! I am the only one who can have a smile like that while doing this kinda of crezy things, he was bleeding so much and I didn't fell any pity for him
After I stood up I started kicking him util he started dropping black blood from his mouth after like 6 houers of fight I stopped and guess who was the Winner?
Jeffery Alan Woods the one and only Jeff The Killer!
I started laughing like a pshycopat that just Escaped from a Asilum and everyone just looked scared at Me but like I said before just Slenderman, Jane, Nina, Masky, Hoodie, Toby and Sally seemed to not be scared of Me Slenderman in fact looked at Me with an experscion that wants to say that they are proud of what you just did
This 7 people who weren't scared of Me started laughing and the they all said like a core
<<Hahahah you deserve it I think that you do not know how dangerous Jeff can become! you are stupid. You Dealed With the wrong person!>>
I looked at all the public and it was like that I was the protagonist of the show (the hero) and Offenderman was jsut a villain that I had to beat up his Mother fucker Ass.
Trenderman and Splendorman were kinda shocked of Me and then Splendorman said to Slenderman and Trenderman <<wow I didn't actually know that he was so violent...>>
Trenderman nodded at him and Slenderman said <<that's an other reason of why I love him beacaus he isn't just Sexy, Hot and attractive but he has many atlentic skills and studies really well his enemy so that he can win the fight.>>
Trenderman looked at him a bit confused about what he said "he studies his enemy's before he attacks them...?" so he asked his brother
<<what do you mean by that Slendy>>
He looked at his brother and said
<<well let's jsut say that Jeff before he attacks one or more of his enemy's he dosn't attack them but he starts studying what kinda of skills and attack they do so that after he studied all they'r moves skills and attacks he knows how to defeat them, In fact before we became a couple we were enemy's and he almost did it he... almost defeated Me if he didn't saw that journalist that was spying on us
So if this journalist wouldn't be there spying on us and if Jeff wouldn't notice her I probably wouldn't exist anymore cuz I almost died when because of him but I thankfully survived>>
They were more shocked then before
Cuz he told them that he almost died becuase of Jeff even if Slenderman is an immortal creature he still risked his life the only way to kill Slenderman was cutting all his tentacles, arms and legs but jeff just cutted 1 of his tentacles that growd back again that's why Slenderman is immortal cuz even if somenom kills him his cutted part will grow back again and he will always come back.
Jeff went inside his room and went in the bathroom for taking a shower cuz his clothes were full of black blood and started to stink as well so it was a good idea taking a long and good

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