Ben Haves A Secret Crush On..... But His Crush Secretly Loves ____

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Narrator POV

The day in the creepy house was normal like every other day, Jeff went to the lake with a couple of his friends like every day, Liu was stalking his crush (Jason the toymaker) Slenderman was in his office doing his thing, Masky and Hoodie were making sure that no one of the creepypasta would start a fight or somthing that can may harm the whole mension, Ben was playing with his classic Videogame "Link Legend Of Zelda"
The kids were playing in the Bedroom from Lazary and Oliver, while the group from the Jason the toymaker was alredy planing to create a new circus in a new city,
Let's just say that the day was calm but kinda boring for some of them cuz it's not always that they have missions, so it's kinda boring especially for who is here for really long for example Masky, Hoodie, Jane, Jeff, Toby and more.
But one person of the creepypasta was acting differently then usually...
Since Laughing Jack joined one of they'r guys becomed really strange and just Toby noticed that one of them becomed super strange.

Toby decided to find out why this guy was acting so strange between them
The person who he was investigating was Ben, cuz ben was acting really strange for years alredy.
Toby found out that every day that he see Laughing Jack he stops playing and then he starts stalking him for No reason, but why?
After that Toby got engouh he finally found out what was going on with Ben so one day he said mentally to him self
<<Love letter? Stalking? Valentines gifts? Beging nice with him the whole time even if he hates everyone? Could it be that... No! It can't be! He is in love with him?! If that's the answer I have to ask Ben if that's ture!>>
And then that same day he went in the living room where Ben was still playing with his Videogame "Link Legend Of Zelda"
Toby was getting more near him and said not loud so that no one could hear him <<you have a crush on Laughing Jack, don't you?>>
He was shocked of what I said and then he said <<whaaaaat?! How do you know it?!>> he put pause to the game and then He begged me not to tell anyone. He told him to calm down and promised him that he wouldn't and keept this secret for him self

But then one day somthing happend that made Ben cry really badly...


"Ok come on Ben you can do It, the only thing that you have to do is watching him on his face seriously and confess him all you'r fealings that you have been heiding from Him this whole time... I hope he will say yes!"
This is what I said to my self mentally so I went to my crush and looked seriously at him he looked at Me back and then he said <<hey ben do you need somthing?>>
I looked at him still with a serious expression but I was blushing as well and then I told him
<<Hey Jack, well if you are asking you'r self why I am here well I have to tell you somthing important and I'm being serious right now!>>
He looked curiously at Me and then I said <<Jack... I know you from a really long time and I started feeling like I had a flame that was burning my heart and that I had butterflies in my stomach, and well now I understand why and it's because... I LOVE YOU THINK!>>

He looked shocked at Me and then I waited for him to give Me an Answer
He didn't look really happy about it and then he said <<I'm sorry ben but I love ____ I know that __ is alredy dating with somenom but I love ___
And I won't give up on my fealings for ___ but if you want we can still be Friends>>
His words broke Me... But I held back my tears, hugged him and then ran to my room to cry bitter tears.
I didn't know what to do... Cuz I can't hate him just because he loves ____
I still love him but if he loves somenom eles then I won't be the one to stop him loving ___


I saw ben going away from LJ and I even saw some tears falling from his eyes, I hope that one day that I will confess my feelings to my crush he won't reject Me as well... but then I felt like that somenom was behind Me... I could fell his or her warm breath, and then he put his hand on one of my shoulder, I knowed that it was a Male caz the breath of the Males is more Masculine and the hand that touched one of my shoulder was a Male Hand... So I actually alredy knowed that the one who was behind Me was a Guy and Not a Girl...
The person who was behind Me didn't even left Me the time of turning Me around that he alredy did it for Me and then he slammed Me on the Wall
And the this person said
<<why hello cutie, what are you looking at?>>
I blushed really hard cuz I after that the guy called Me cutie I immediately understood that it was Jason cuz he was the one who called Me cutie last time that I saw him,
I didn't know what to do so I just said <<hey Jason nice to see ya too, what's up?>> he didn't really like the way u answered so he kissed Me on my check and then he said <<I asked you a question first, I may want a answer if you don't mind>>
He said this words in a sensual way and I couldn't do more but blushing
And I said <<first of all I'm not a cutie second I saw that ben got rejected by his crush really badly and I was thinking about somthing>>
He looked at Me with a pervertly face and then said <<oh~ and why were you thinking about somthing? Where you thinking about confessing you'r fealings to Me?>>
I blushed more then before and and then I was kinda offended because of how he was acting with Me I felt like he was just playing with my fealings so I slapped him really hard on his face Leaving 5 fingers mould on the cheek...
And then I quickly walked away as far away from him as I could. And went in our bedroom, cuz yeah we were in the same bedroom...
In that moment I felt like he was just playing with my fealings that's why I slapped him that badly cuz he deserved it...
I just fell asleep after I Layed my self on my bed...

(hey guys if somenom of you guys is curious of who is the person with the censored name, well you will find it out in the next chapter have a nice day/night)

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