I Met Him Again...

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Jeff POV

I woke up and I found my self Layed in the bed from Slenderman but he wasn't there... I stand up from the bed and went in his office still with a bit difficulty of walking cuz of 2 days ago
That we had that special night,
After i went in his office I saw him sitting in his chair doing some paper work but he wasn't alone in fact I didn't saw just Slenderman but I even saw Masky and hoodie they were talking to slenderman... They didn't noticed that I was so I hidded behind the door of his bedroom and listened to everything what they said <<I am really sorry to disturb you Mr. Slenderman but we found a Boy that sais to know Jeffery Alan Woods... He said to be his Boyfriend>> this were the words of Masky... I was shocked of what Masky said and then when I looked at his office I saw Slenderman not that happy at all he stood up from his chair and I saw his tentacles coming out from his back and he said
So I decided to pretend that I just woke up and pretended to be still sleepy, I came from behind the door and started the act, I said
<<Slendy why are you yelling?>>
Slenderman looked at Me and said
<<Jeff I have a question for you and you have to Answer honestly...>>
I looked at him a bit confused
And said <<what is it Slendy?>>
He looked at Me a bit like if I in this whole time I lied to him, he said
<<Jeff are you single or not...>>
Masky and Hoodie were looking at Me with an shocked expression... I didn't want to lie too him so I decided to tell him the true... <<well you see before I came in this forest 7 years ago I did had a boyfriend but after that I killed my family I abandoned everyone even my Boyfriend and then I wirthrd him a letter of why I did that and then I leaved that city, I always thought that he would be mad at Me and that he would be disgusted from Me for what I did and would just forget the fact that he dated... So when I said that he hated Me because he thought I was a horrible boyfriend is actually a Lie but I said that because I thought that you would get Jealous that I was saying this kinda of things about him... But why are you asking?>> so Masky and Hoodie got more near the exit door from Slenderman office and then they let came in somenom that I didn't actually expect to see again... It.. It was Keith?! How?! How did he find me?! He ran towards me very quickly and put me against the wall and he put his hands on the sides of the wall so that he made sure that I could not move... I actually blushed a bit cuz even if I'm dating with Slenderman now I still love Keith cuz I have no reasons to hate him... Not really at all
And then after that kaith put Me against the wall he looked at My face and while he was blushing he kissed Me... I couldn't kiss him back cuz he was literally kissing me in front of my boyfriend... So I stopped the kiss Slenderman wasn't happy of what he just saw... He was kinda Mad and Jealous... Masky and Hoodie were more shocked then before... He said
<<you are still beautiful like I remind you Mi Amor>> I blushed a bit for what he said but then I said
<<Keith we can't be together anymore... And I think that you alredy know why... I think that Masky and Hoodie alredy told you that I'm dating whit the Boss of this place right?>>
Keith looked down and he was kinda sad and then he got off Me and said
<<yeah... They did told Me that you were dating with him but I missed you so much you were missing for 7 years and after that you leaved me that letter I searched for you everywhere but now you are here and I am here with you which makes really happy cuz even if you don't wanna date Me anymore for Me is Ok, the important is that you won't leave Me anymore>> Slenderman was less mad then before but he was shocked like the others I was about to talk but then he continued talking <<Can I join the Creepypasta? Cuz while I searched for you I had as well some problems and do you wanna know what I did to the bullies after you were gone? I killer them Just to take avenge you on that group of bastards...>> I looked at Slenderman and he didn't know what to do but he accepted to let him stay here with us.
After 1 month we becomed best friends and he said sorry to Slenderman for kissing Me in front of him even if he knowed that Slenderman was alredy my new boyfriend.
He was putted in the bedroom with Me and Sally. Sally didn't mind at all having a other new Roommate, we even becomed Murder Partners it means that in every mission he was always in my team, the people in my Murder Team were: Keith because he is really good with pretending or acting with Sally in fact even Sally was in my Murder Team and the thing that Keith and Sally were supost to do was acting that Keith was her big brother and Sally was his little sister and the thing that Sally was supost to do is she pretendig to die and Keith Role was to be scared and that was calling help around the whole forest asking for "helping her little sister" and my Role was to kill the victim or victims while Keith and Sally were acting like if they were in a sad movie and the last character in my Murder Team was Smile dog cuz Smile dog eats the rest of the body and when he is full and didn't eat everything then we bring the rest to EJ (Eyeless Jack) since he eats organs and mortal meat too.

Keith POV

I becomed Jeff best friend but I'm still Upset that he leaved Me and in this long 7 years found an other... I mean he didn't tell me that he was going to brake up with me he just said that he was going far away from here... I still love him but if he loves someone eles I am not gonna be the person to ruin his life a 2nd time, he alredy suffered more then Me and I don't think it's fair ruining his life again only because he loves somenom that isn't Me but it's somenom eles.

But it's ok I still have him like a best friend and I hope I will have at least a good relationship with his friends... I am not saying that I wanna become friend with everyone in this mension but I'm trying to say that maybe I could at least become friend only with Jeff friends and maybe having a good relationship with him.
I don't actually care that I becomed like this, people outside can call Me whatever they want: gay freak, Faggot, or whatever they want I don't care anymore cuz every person that sais this kinda of things will die in my or in jeff hands cuz we had enough that everyone haves to be provocative with us only because we are A gay guy and a bisexual guy.

(Hey guys, today I had this idea of doing a chapter where Jeff ex-boyfriend becomes a member of the creepypasta cuz Jeff ex-boyfriend cared too much about Jeff and he promised him self that if he would be missing or he would run away from a place he would always be ready to search him and it dosn't matter how far away he is Keith cares too much for Jeff, well have a good Day/Night!
And see ya in the next chapter)

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