The Real Family From Slenderman

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Jeff POV

After that Slenderman was done with his breakfast he said <<i see, fresh children right? You went out only for bringing me a delicious fresh breakfast, Thank you my Love>>
We started kissing for few minutes and then we stopped for catching back breath and then like 7 hours later i was alredy dressed up with: A black T-shirt with a white skull head, a black jacket with wool inside, black overstriped pants, black long shoes and a small ponytail made with my hair and an elastic band.

After that Slenderman was done with his breakfast he said <<i see, fresh children right? You went out only for bringing me a delicious fresh breakfast, Thank you my Love>>We started kissing for few minutes and then we stopped for catching back bre...

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I looked in the mirror and I have to tell the truth I feel S.E.X.Y how dose that spell? SEXY!
Whit a minut what am I saying? I'm Always Sexy And beautiful.

I was in the red Couch of Slenderman in the living room reading an other book that Jane gaved Me, she knows i like books so she gives me a new book to read everyday when i have nothing to do, Slenderman allows no one to sit in this couch but he dose allow me but only because he cares about me a lot and because i'm his boyfriend.

(3 houers later)

Hear someone ringing the doorbell, so i stand up and went in the office from Slenderman and told him that somenom was ringing at the door, so he stand up from his chair and went in the living room and then we both heared somenom knocking on the door instead of ringing, Slenderman opened the door and what he saw shocked him.
A dude that looked like Slenderman
Hugged him he was tall like him the only difference is that he dose show his face and the suit he was wearing had Lots of colored dots and instead of waring a black tie he had a Red Ribbon, his face seemed like he is always happy and then other 2 dudes came in they looke like Slenderman As well one of them looked like that he was one of this people who likes the trendy stylel and the other one looks like one of this people who flirts with everyone cuz he had a black suit and He had a V-neckline with 2 roses sticking out of a side pocket of his suit.

I didn't want to get in the way so I decided to go and sit on the couch and continue reading the new book that Jane gave me.
I sat back on the couch and started reading again the book, Now i was on page 10.
The book name is
"don't let me go" the book was created by thevampire_diaries.
But then while i was reading the book Slenderman calls Me,
<<Jeff come here please i have to introduce you some people>>
I nodded amd followed him and this people which they were looking at me the whole time...
I felt uncomfortable that they where still watching me, we went inside the office from Slenderman then Slenderman with one of his tentacles looks the door from his office
I sat in down in the lap from Slenderman and he said
<<Jeff is everything ok? You look like uncomfortable>>
I hugged him and whispered him
<<yeah i kinda feel uncomfortable cuz when you told me to follow you they were staring at Me the whole time and i don't like it...>>
But then the Man with always a happy face said <<Oh we're sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable little one is just that we left this place long ago so after we came back here we are a bit curious of knowing all of you creepypasta>>
I nodded at him and then i said
<<uhm... Its ok>>
Slenderman caresses my head and then says <<Jeff they are my brothers, the one all colored and decorated dress is Splendorman, the one who is dressed in a trendy style is Trenderman while the last one with the V-neckline is Offenderman>>
I didn't know what to say so i just
<<oh... Well nice to meet you all>>
I smiled at them and they smiled. E back, And then Trenderman said
<<Hey Slendy why is he sitting on your lap? Is he your Boyfeiend?>>
Slenderman nodded at him and said
<<yeah we are dating since an half-year already, I know I said long ago that I would never fell in love but it seems like I was wrong really badly>>
And then splendorman made a face like (awww that's cute)
Trenderman didn't care if he was gay or less he only cared about he's Project of trendy stuff and style
While Offenderman was looking bad at him he was looking at Slenderman as if he was an enemy or somthing like that but for sure less then a brother.
And the i said
<<are we now done slendy?>>
He nodded at Me and i got off of his lap and went back in the living room
After like 6 minutes i saw the brothers from Slenderman and Slenderman sitting near Me but then i saw Slenderman looking bad At offenderman... I wonder what happend to them did somthing happend between them before Slenderman had this idea of the Creepypasta thing or did something happened while i went back here?
I don't know and i don't wanna know cuz it's not my business so better keep my self out of this situation.
But then Slenderman but me in his lap again and looked more bad at his brother wth was going on? But i ignored that so i just continued reading my book but then not even starting reading back the book that offenderman stood up and offered Me a Rose one of the roses was red and the other one was blue...
I refused to take one or both of them cuz one time moth ago Masky told me something important

(what masky told him)

<<Jeff Remember this words if ever you meet 3 Mans that look like Slenderman you do not have to trust one of them, the one who you do not have to truest is his oldest brother maybe you won't belive it but it's ture Slenderman haves a family and haves 3 brothers The oldest between them is Offenderman Trenderman and Splendorman and the last son is Slenderman! You do not have to trust The oldest Son Offenderman the first thing he'll do is offering 2 roses one red and the other blue you can accept both but i wouldn't do that i would refuse cuz one time Slenderman told me that who ever accepted one or both of his roses they always died i'm saying that for you cuz you are my friend and i worry about you do not accept any of his roses and you'r going to be safe!>>

(back with jeff and slendermans brothers)

Offenderman said <<what why?! Why don't you want a rose?>>
I said <<well because I know you'r little secret, you offer you'r victims 2 roses one red and the other blue if they accept the Red Rose Means that She/He will be granted his full devotion and his fleshly desires will be satisfied.
The Blue Rose means that She/He will not give up her private life as she will not be allowed to love anyone else.
According to the choices, the victims will have consequences and they only have 3 Possibility
If the victims accept only the Red Rose You will cut them they'r faces
But if the victims accept the Blue Rose You will kill your victims instantly the last choice is If the victims accept Both Roses they will have time to run away but they will still be dead meat destined for slaughter Or do you simply take them to a place where few of them manage to escape but most of them are dead and you know why? Because after having kidnapped them, you lock them in a cage and then tear them to pieces with blades, But there is a theory that masky told me that is not to accept any of the Roses and run away from you>>

When I said this things everyone where shocked even Slenderman was shocked because of all whit what courage I managed to say all that to him, Masky actually only told me the meaning of the roses but he didn't actually tell me what happens or what he would do after the victims took one of the roses or both of them
The rest that I said I found it out from a diary of Slenderman it was a diary where he wirths everything about his family so I actually alredy know and that he had a family but the most part that interest me was the pages from Offenderman where Slendermans explains how to survive from him
He probly whirted it for Me cuz I mean why would he whirt somthing about his family for sure not for his victims.
Slenderman laughed like he never did and said <<good job jeff it seems like you reded the diary I left for you in my office that explains all the characters and personality of my family>>
But offenderman seemed kinda mad so he tried to attack Slenderman but Slenderman avoid the attack and both of them strated fighting and arguing just like my parents in the past before I died in that party with idiot children

(the fight that Jeff is talking about)

<<Margaret calm down I know you are stressed but I am as well our son [Liu] got in prison for 2 days cuz he took the accuses of beating up does guys and Jeff makes go on fire the whole house of our nightbores just because of that little accident in the Buss station>>
That's what My dad said? Is that what they really see in Me and Liu? They do not care that Liu got a black eye because of them! They don't care if now i'm dead even if they don't know
why don't I go do a little present for them maybe if I become more biutiful they will finally accept Me!
(after that Jeff cutted him self and killed his whole family and finally met his black prince Slenderman)

(hey guys I hope you liked this chapter cuz today I had this idea of doing the presentation of the family from Slenderman well have a nice day/night and see you in the next chapter!>>

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