I Forgive You.

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Jeff POV

This dumb ass thinks that i didn't see him listening to all what we were talking about.
After I got in i said good night to masky but instead of going in my room I went In the bedroom from Slenderman I wanted to talk to him in privat and going in his room was the only way to talk too him in privat.
After he opened the door he saw me looking at him with a mad expression... And i started saying
<<Slenderman what the fuck got into you?! Why did you spayed Me and Masky the whole time?!
He was just staring at me without answering me but after 4/5 minutes He lowered himself to my height and hugged me and apologizing...
I didn't know what to do so I just hugged him back and said
<<It's fine just next time let me know if there are new creepypasta, you do know that I don't like when random people that just come in My and Sally's room without i know them...>>
And slenderman said <<sure>>
I smiled at him and he started blushing a bit and I started laughing a bit and kissed him in the cheek and he blushed more and I said <<haha come on let's go to sleep now>> And then I winked at him.

Slenderman POV
Jeff took my hand and pulled me to my room
he ironed on my bed and fell asleep

I stretched on my bed next to him, while he was sleeping he put his hand on the top of me and hugged me while he was sleeping.
I wonder what he was dreaming...

              [the next morning]
Jeff POV

Like always i'm the first one to wake up, I woke up at 03:00AM as always
I dressed in my usual black shirt torn with the skull's head, then I put on my white hoodie, put on my black jeans and my black shoes I brushed my teeth and made a ponytail with my hair.
After preparing myself I went to the living room to read a book that Jane gave me last year said that it is a super interesting book, I trust her and if she says it I believe her.

               [A few hours later]

fuck, I've already finished reading the book and I'm getting bored, in the morning from 03:00AM to 06:00AM there is no one awake I am the only creepypasta who wakes up at 03:00AM or 04:00AM the rest of them always wake up at 10:00AM or 08:00AM
And since I'm an asshole I have to wake up the others of course!

Before i woke up some of my friends
I put away the book that Jane gaved me, I went in my room, And open the drawer of my desk I put the book in the drawer and went first to Jane's bedroom and gass mask maid, I went In without knocking on the door as always,
I started shaking Jane while she was sleeping, as soon as she swerved she asked me
<<Jeff why did you wake me up this earlier?>>
I said <<i'm getting borend on staying alone in the living room so i decided to wake up some of my friends..>>
Jane looks at me for a while and sais
<<why don't you go speend time with your crush?>>
I replayd saing <<Yeah but you know that Slenderma is always busy and even if I wanna spend time whit him he would refuse cuz Slenderman always haves better things to do then spending time with somenom childish like Me...>>
And then Jane Said
<<Aww don't say such things you know that you aren't that bad, well maybe in the past when we were still new here, it wasn't easy for you acting as a real serial killer of 18 years But now you are an adult and you have understood that being joking in everything even when the thing is serious and wrong, you just had to get used to the fact that you no longer lived with your parents and your brother, for all of us it was difficult accepting the reality but we all did and you too even if you didn't want tough but you did it anyway cuz you wanted people to admire you, accept you, support you for what you actually really are, but of course no one did from your family and neither did my girlfriend...>>

And then i said
<<Thanks Jane but can we spend time whit others anyways?>>
Jane replayed and said
<<sure but only because you are my best friend and a little upset>>

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