Sally And His Twin Brother Sam/Sammy Williams

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[Warning! Sam/Sammy Williams is just the genderbend version of Sally but in this story they are Twins!
Oh and if you are asking yourself how he died he didn't die because of his uncle but because of his aunt]


Ugh Sally is always so noisy... She wasn't like this before we died... She was more calm and she didn't even need a babysitter... But in this year's she is acting like she is still 7 years old
She thinks that we are still in 2009... The year when we both borned in the same place at the same time...
I am saying that not because I hate her or somthing like that but because she isn't a normal child... Not anymore I think that she haves to act more mature then how she acts like this everyday...

After some minutes I heared
Somenom who was knocking on my window, it was a girl... And she had super red hair...And She had a rag doll in her hand sewn with 2 different fabrics, a little sewn with some blue cloth and a little sewn with the ila cloth, the eyes of that doll was a button the other button was torn. And that doll had the appearance of a teddy bear, had the nose of a teddy bear and also had the ears of a teddy bear.
I would recognize that girl by thousands of centimeters ... She was lazary ... But it didn't seem like she was angry or amused but on the contrary ... She was bleeding wound with torn clothes and bruises everywhere ... She looked very sick ... . What should I do? Slenderman hates Zalgo and his daughter even worse since last time she sneaks into our house ...
Okay I let her in I'm not so cruel to leave her like this outside....
I will take all the responsibility, If she do anything wrong I have to take the blame cuz it will be all my fult...

I opened the window and she came in really quickly inside...
She was really scared and sick....
She asked to call Slenderman and so I did Slenderman came in my room with Masky and Hoodie and he was surprised to see Her again
But he was Mad at the Same time cuz he didn't want his worst Enemy Daughter in His mension
And then she started beging Slenderman to Let her stay saying that her father was a Pyophile and a Abusive Person, Slenderman didn't seem surprised of what Lazary Said
And then I asked him if she could stay cuz she was really sick... He sigh and then looked at Me and Lazary
He nodded saying <<Fine, she can stay but if she dose somthing wrong you'll be the responsable of what she will do got it?>> I didn't know what to do but I agreed and then he said <<Good, she will be sleeping with you in this bedroom since you don't have a Roommate>> I said <<yes father>>

(since sally is like the half-Daughter of Slenderman then it means that Sam/Sammy is his half-Son)

Masky and Hoodie were shocked but they decided to Respect the choice of Father/Lord Slenderman cuz yes My Step-Father is the Lord of the Creepypasta that's why Zalgo hates him cuz Zalgo is planning to eliminate Slenderman so that he could Take his place and treat us all like his little Toys we all hate Zalgo really much... Luckily that Father is Immortal I would fell sick knowing that he died because of our worst enemy...
After a bit i decided to talk to lazary that she was sitting on the floor trying to not disturb Me or Anyone else I went to her and said <<Hey what's wrong?>> she seems upset and then she looked at Me saying <<Nothing, nothing, I'm fine I was just wondering somthing... do you have any Scissors here?>> I looked confused at her and I was Preparing My self of what she was thinking to do with the Scissors...
I nodded and the she asked Me <<Can I heve them for a minute?>> she asked it really calm actually which it was kinda creepy cuz I still don't trust her 100% but I gave her the scissors and she looked at them and then she grabbed them and then she looked at Me again I looked back at her and then she said <<do you have somthing red to put on?>> I nodded at her and then she asked Me <<can I have it?>> I was a little confused but I gave her a Red sweater, it was a red not too bright it was like a pastel red a little dark, she took the sweater and went into the bathroom, I sat on my bed and waited for her to come out, as soon as she came out of the bathroom I saw that she had completely changed her hair was still red but it was short ... As short as mine, has she become a boy?!

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