"You Can Hurt Who Ever You Want But If You Hurt Him I'll Hurt You!"

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Jeff POV

Slenderman and Offenderman started arguing and fighting but then I saw Mr.Happy face (Splendorman) grabbing me with one of his tentacles
His tentacles where different then the ones from Slenderman, the tentacles from Mr.Happy face were black but they had a decoration on they were covered with Bells, one of this bells that only dogs/cats/bunny's have in they'r neck for decorating them somehow, but I hate this kinda of decorating that's why Smile dog haves a collar with spikes, anyways after he grabbed Me and followed Trenderman, after they entered in a room he put Me down and after I looked my self around I noticed that we were in the office from Slenderman I wanted to get out of this room and help Slenderman but Trenderman Closed the door with the Key I said <<Trenderman open the door I have to help Slenderman>>
Trenderman and Splendorman stared at Me and started explaining Me why I couldn't help him let's just say that they were acting like if they were expert in this things, But I Insisted
Saying that I couldn't just Leave him like this but they Insisted too saying that it is too Dangerous for Me but then I said <<then why don't you guys let me try first?>>
They continued saying that it was too dangerous for Me but then I had enough of staying here and dealing with this 2 idiots cuz they don't know that i'm a harsh head that if I wanna do something there Is going to be nobody to stop Me, I took the key to slenderman's office and opened the door to get out but then his 2 brothers had blocked my way I said <<Set aside, and I'm asking with the good ones I don't think you want to know what happens with the bad ones>>
They got a bit scared of Me cuz I was looking at them with an expression be like (GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY WAY YOU BASTARDS) So they simple moved, they weren't just scared cuz I looked at them like this but they were even scared of what I was going to do
I went inside my room and I took The crossbow and the bullets were not friezes but But they were sedative syringes, which already as soon as they hit someone with a sedative syringe already the sedative does the job all by himself, the only thing I had to do was shoot the bullet with the crossbow, As soon as Trenderman and Splendorman saw me with the crossbow with a bullet they only tried to stop me but I was too hard headed so I aimed at my target and while he was behind I shot a Bullet from behind his back.
He fall on the floor and then after Sally came to Me staring what was happening on the Ground floor, I didn't even watch her in the face and said <<thank you for the crossbow sister>>
She said <<no problem big brother and thank you for giving Me back my crossbow>>
She went back in our room and then Slenderman stared at Me I was in the first floor staring at them one idiot on the floor and my my Boyfriend looking at Me Surprised and Proud of Me, I was proud of my self as well and then said <<I'm still waiting that you say "thank you" to Me>>
I went down the stairs and grabbed Offenderman by his legs, and after I did I pulled him and opened the door of the creepy house and the trowed him away like a Garbage bag
(like trash) Slenderman stated laughing because I trowed him out of the house like trash and then his other 2 brothers started laughing too
I smiled at them and then I said
<<The trash was supposed to be outside who brought the trash in?>>
And then they all laughed more like a group of idiots that just saw somthing funny on a TV, and then I sat back on the red couch and asked to My self (can I now read this damn book or will there be an other idiot who will block my way again for today?)
While reading the book I was drinking a hot chocolate, and then I saw Jane coming out of her and Nina's bedroom singing a song named: Tomboy from Destiny Rogers

And then she sat near Me I didn't actually care of what she was singing the Only thing I knowed is that she is really good in singing and then after I was almost In the last chapter of this gay book I asked her from how long she can sing so good and she said
<<I can sing since I was 11 years old, it's just a talent that I got from my Grandma And the artistic talent I got it from my father>>
And then I even asked her if she really was a TomBoy and she said
<<No, I'm not a tomboy I just wanted to make somthing more creative for example we do have in this mension some TomBoys for example Nina she dresses like a girl but she acts like a boy somtimes for example today morning she prefer playing a bit with Ben Drowned and his damn Nintendo Switch then eating somthing for breakfast or for example now she is playing football with some male kids>>
I was going to say that playing videogames and football isn't just a thing for boys but even for girls but maybe she is just trying to be friend with her and I have no doubt that some people don't like when somenom ingiores them cuz I hate this kinda of thing as well so I can understand her but if she says again that videogames and football are just for boys I have to scold her otherwise she will never learn, so I decided to pretend that I didn't hear her saying this things, and continued reading the last chapter of the book. And then after I was done with the book Jane said <<how can you finish reading a book that quickly?!>>
I said
<<maybe because Slenderman still haven't give Me a mission to do?>>
And she started laughing without a right reason and then she said
<<Poor you, it seems like you get bored while you do nothing in this days so You simply start reading some books that I gave to you>>
I nodded and then I said
<<well luckily that tomorrow I can finally cock again and going to mission again cuz I had enough of staying home doing nothing all days, trust Me it may looks funny but it's not actually that funny cuz in this 7 years I was always used to cock and to go in a Parr of mission but then after that Slenderman said that I have to take a break from all this work for an entire week I got really borend I hope this curse will final end tomorrow>>
But then Jane after she heard all this she said
<<look jeff all this that Slenderman did it wasn't a curse but he did that for you, he did all this cuz you were always busy with your work and never payed him attention for some houers or maybe somedays simple didn't care about giving attention to him for once he did all this to spend more time together and I don't think that he did the wrong choice I think he did the right one cuz if you really love one person the first thing you have to do is shearing your love with that person to prove that you actually love him>>
I actually didn't noticed it that he just wanted attention so I just said
<<oh well I actually didn't noticed it cuz you know I am not that good in this kinda of things for example kissing/having Sex or giving attention to somenom cuz I gave up of loving somenom long ago cuz after My Boyfriend broke up with Me saying that I am the worst boy that he have been dating and that I was horrible in kissing I promised My self I would never ever love somenom eles again...>>
Jane nodded at Me and then she said <<oh well I didn't know you had a ex-boyfriend and I didn't either know that you didn't noticed that he just wanted attention>>
After like 2 minutes we started talking about this and that.

(8 Hours later)

I Saw Offenderman that came back In the Creepy House I looked bad at him and then I said to Jane <<Jane whit a second I have something important to do>>
She nodded at Me and then she continued reading a random book
I went to talk to him and then he started flirting with Me like nothing happend I said
<<Stop doing the Jerk with Me, you know exactly why I am mad at you!>>
And then he continued Flirting with Me even if I didn't like him So I said
<<Look just stop it I know you just want to Rape Me and make me as you'r personal maid and Slut to fuck Me every time you want too and you even want to hurt Slenderman just because he is my boyfriend and you don't like him since always now bye...
Ho and an other thing IF.YOU.HURT.HIM.I'LL.HURT.YOU!!!>>

(hi guys! The next chapter will be an discussion between Offenderman and Jeff let's just say that they will start fighting and arguing but I am not going to do too many spoilers so see ya in the next chapter!)

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