16+ In The Shower

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Jeff POV

Damn... I didn't expect that slendermans body was that hot, After he took off all of his clothes he came near me and washed him self, i wanted to take the shampoo but when i tried tontake it slenderman pushed me against the shower and said in a pervertly way <<hehe, Jeffery you sure you don't wanna spend more time here with me?>> i becomed more red then before and said <<what do you mean by that?>>
Slenderman noticee that i was getting hard so he decided to kiss me and kiss/lick/biting my neck, I moned a bit luod so I put my hand on my mouth to do not make unholy sounds/noises
Slenderman looks at me and said <<you do know that the my bedroom and bathroom are soundproof right Jeffery?>> i looked at him and said <<fine... Do watever you want just be careful... Because i'm a Virgin>>
He began to lemonade hard kissing me and leaving me many purple bruises with some clamps on my neck.
I tried to choke all my moans but I couldn't hold back anymore and a loud moan came out of my mouth <<haaa~ slendy~>>
But then we hear someone that entered in the bedroom from Slenderman, and then this one person knocked on the door, I mentally said to myself <<phew thank goodness that someone came to save my virgin ass...>>
Slenderman put the tablecloth around his pelvis and I did the same we open the door and we found out that it was hung girl that knocked on the door

Her name is iris but we all name her hung girl, she is Sally's best friend and Just like Sally, Oliver, lucy, sadie, sammy and Lily she is adoptedIria/hung girl dosn't talk much but she is kind and friendly with everyone here in fact she has a goo...

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Her name is iris but we all name her hung girl, she is Sally's best friend and
Just like Sally, Oliver, lucy, sadie, sammy and Lily she is adopted
Iria/hung girl dosn't talk much but she is kind and friendly with everyone here in fact she has a good relationship with: Sally, Me, Oliver sammy, lily, lucy, sadie, Slenderam and Masky but she is a bit shy even if she haves a good relationship with them.
I asked her <<hung girl what do you need?>>
She started talking and said <<sorry if i disturbed Mr. Slenderman and Jeff but i wanted to ask you a question...>>
I said <<what do you need?>>
She said <<I know that i disturbed you for a stupid thing Mr. Jeff but Mrs. Jane told me that you were with Mr. Masky Mr. Toby. Mr hoodie Mr. Slenderman and Mrs. Jane at the lake i didn't know that we had a lake here in our forest so my question is if you may can bring me there too one day for example on your free time like today...>>
I said <<sure but you have to wake up really early vuz We can stay there only at a certain time, we can stay there from 01:00AM or 03:00AM until 06:00PM or 07:00PM and no more, if you want to stay there even until the evening you have to be careful because we know very well that after 06:00PM there are people around the forest so if you want to stay even until evening as I said before you have to have a mask that covers you the whole face or just a mask that only covers you half face so that if there is someone they can not see that you aren't a human>>
She nodded and then before she went out of Slenderman's bedroom she asked me <<can i see your mask later? Please?>> i nodded at her and she smiled at me, I smiled back
And then she went out of the bedroom from Slenderman
We put one our clothes but i had somthing different on, I Wore: a red t-shirt With a light red heart in the middle of the T-shirt, Striped socks, torn black pants, a white jacket that reached my pectorals and had long sleeves, A black belt with a small decoration, A necklace with the black Jesus cross and a black thorny collar, And black gloves.
impractical I was dressed as emo like every day the only thing that changed is that i was waring less white, the only white thing that i had on was my white jacket that reached my pectoral.
I even changed my hair style, i brushed my hair but instead of doing a ponytail like always i just left then like this, I didn't want to do the ponytail because I honestly didn't feel like it.

 I even changed my hair style, i brushed my hair but instead of doing a ponytail like always i just left then like this, I didn't want to do the ponytail because I honestly didn't feel like it

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But then i noticed that Slenderman was completely red in his Face.
I started laughing and said <<how do I look Slendy?>>
He said in a flirty way <<you look simple hot like always Jeffrey>>
I blushed and kissed him on the lips
And then i said <<alright, i'm going for a walk with smile dog, you can join us if you want!>>
He answered <<sorry my love but i can't spend time with you right now, i have to do my work, you know paper work and keeping the creepypasta calm so that they Avoid to burn down the mension.>>
I nodded and then i took Smile dog and went outside, to search some dinner for him and then after like 3/4 minutes we found it, we found smile dog dinner i asked smile dog <<hey smile, do you want this for dinner?>>
I looked at smile dog and all i could see was Him drooling at his dinner and then I immediately understood that that drooling meant yes.
I said in a silent tone << are you going to kill him or Me?>>he went really fest on his prey and strted to eat it and then after he was done he came back with his mouth dirty of blood
I take a clean handkerchief and clean the mouth of my dear smile dog
After i cleaned my dog mouth the handkerchief becomed all dirty of blood, after we came back home i left smile dog go around the whole house and then i go in the kitchen to help Jane and Gass Mask Lady with dinner but the i See Jane That blocks my way
I asked her really kind <<hey jane do you mind If you make me pass so that I help you and Gass Mask Lady in the kitchen?>>
And she said <<ho yeah well you see, sally decide to take your place of cocking for this week...>>
I asked her why and she answered <<well she decided that you should rest a bit and that she wouldn't mind cocking for a week>>
I nodded at her and then i went in the office from Slenderman but this time instead of opening the door whiout any permission i knocked on the door.
Slenderman said <<Come in>> he expected that the one who knocked on the door was was Masky or hoodie or maybe somenom eles who respect all rulers from the creepypasta but he didn't expect to see me instead of somenom eles of the creppypasta.

(heya guys i think that i'm gonna end this part here and i hope you all had a good day/night!)

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