"Brother?! Is That You?!" (The Return Of Homicidal Liu)

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<<Liu! Liu! Wait for Me I don't wanna stay here alone in this little bitchs birthday party!>>

<<Liu wait let Me explain I didn't want too!>>

<<I swear it was just an accident! I seriously didn't mean too giving fire to that family house>>

<<why do you hate Me that much?
Only cuz our parents found out that i'm gay you are going to act like that
Only because you are scared to admit them that you are gay and are a member of the LGBTQAI+ as well!>>

I fell from the bed and then when I opened my eyes I noticed that it was all a nightmare... Better if it stays a nightmare... I hate my brother but I love him at the same time (as a brother!) the reason that I hate him is because he pretended to be homophobic and always treated Me bad only because he didn't want to be treated the same way as me that always got bullied and abused only because I'm bisexual.
And the reason why I love him is because He always protected Me from every dangerous thing around the entry world...
I hope he forgave Me...

I could fell my self like shit just thinking about the fact that I killed him but then I said to my self mentally
"Come on Jeff! Don't think too much about the past or eles you know that you will start crying like a cry baby!
So let's not think too much on the past especially on you'r brother"

I went in the office from Slenderman and I said that I was going out for a walk he nodded at Me and and I took some clean clothes, I put them on and I had my classic clothes on: black pants, black shoes, white hoodie, and my knife in my pants pocket.
Nothing special cuz today I had the idea of going to a shop and buying somthing for Me and somthing even for my friends cuz I wanted to thank them for doing that wonderful birthday party.

                  (1 houer later)

I finally found the shop that I was searching for, a shop of clothes I wanted to buy somthing for Sally and Jane, somthing new to Ware so I put my black Mask on so that people couldn't see my cut on the mouth and I put my hood on so that they couldn't see that I didn't have Eyelids, and went inside the shop being careful to not watch on the other people so that they couldn't see my face, I went first in the place where there were there are clothes for kids between the age of 13-16 years sally was now 13 year's old so it was perfect for Her and then I took for her: a dress, Socks that reached the knee, and pink shoes. And then I took her a swimsuit (Not bikini!) a normal swimsuit for kids of her ages
And then I went I went for taking some bigger clothes, for Jane, I went in the place of the clothes between the age 25-30 year's Jane is 26 year's old so I think it's perfect too!
For jane I got a black dress, Dark gray Gloves, heeled shoes and Righteous socks just like she likes it
I went to pay them and after I did I went out of that shopzit was horrible that shop! It was almost everything PINK! luckily that the dresses weren't all pink like that shop I was getting sick of seeing so much pink and even sick of havingy mask and hood still on!
After I got back inside the forest I took of my hood and my Black Mask,
But then I dumped into somenom...
I was about to look at who I dumped into but before I could that person grabbed me from my hoodie and put Me against a tree after I looked right at his I noticed that he had a scarf on this mouth like mine and had some scarf even around on his face He was... LIU?!
No that can't be it must be an illusion right? Right?! But it dosn't look like a illusion this time it was really him...
Wait a minute he was different...
He was more older then when I saw him the last 7 years
I though that he was going to attack Me cuz I saw that he had a knife in his hand but I was wrong... He didn't kill Me or somthing like that he... Hugged me..?
And then he started talking...
<<brother where the hell did you went?! Why did you leave Me?! I though that you would die because of Me! Please never ever Leave Me again!>>
I hugged him back and said
<<I don't understand... I thought that you hated a Me because of what I did to you... Why are you hugging Me? Why aren't you killing Me?>>
He was shocked for what I said and then he slapped Me on the face saying <<don't you ever dare think something like this again! You are my brother and suffered because of Me cuz I was the one who didn't protected from dose group of bastard, I am the one who didn't protected from Mom and Dad! I am the one who didn't save you from that fire! Why do you still love Me if you actually had to have like 100 million of reasons for hating on Me!>>
I could see many salt drops coming out of his eyes... He was crying?
He hugged me tighter and I hugged him again... He seemed as if in these 7 years he was only looking for Me just like Nina and Keith did but why? The only thing I did is ruining the lives of these 4 people I ruined the live of my boyfriend, my brother, my best friend, and an admirer of mine.
I'm still asking my self if God is doing this to Me or if this is just one joke of the devil like always...
Well I hope it's not.
Just like Jane, Nina and Keith he Joined the creepypasta and after few months he fell in LOVE with somenom! He fell in love with Jason the Toymaker, he was the friend of a little child who promised him that she would never forget him but then after she growed up she broke her promise, she literally forgot about him so Jason got revenge on her killing her really brutally and turning her into a Ceramic doll And inside the ceramic doll there was the little girl destroyed in a thousand pieces all the organs had been made all shredded, the blood was not there but sometimes when Jason feels sad the doll begins to drip blood from his eyes and his mouth, the bones of the child had become small gliters on her head and clothes and the scent of the doll will always smell what the child did before to die for example the child had been scented with vanilla and strawberry In fact, the doll smells of vanilla is strawberry just like the child before dying but the inside of the doll smells of rotting flesh...

Jason is a guy with Red hair and neon yellow eyes, A white shirt and a light brown vest and black trousers with a belt but when he gets Angry his hair changes color they become White and his eyes instead of being neon yellow they turn Neon Green, Liu completely lost his head for him
And then one day somthing nice happend between them, Sally told Me every little detail about it.

   (the thing that happened that day)


It's been months that I live here I even Meet Jane, Jeff's best friend, Keith his ex-boyfriend that now was his best friend, Nina his Fangirl/admirer, Masky, Toby and Hoodie his friends, Sally as a half-sister and Slenderman as his boyfriend

While I was thinking about my own business I accidentally dumped into a guy after that I looked at him I saw somthing wonderful.... He was so biutiful he had Red hair and neon yellow eyes, A white shirt and a light brown vest and black trousers with a belt

I blushed really hard but then his voice got me back to reality<<OMG! I'm so sorry I didn't mean too are you hurt?>> he took my hand to stand Me up and I stood up I thanked him and he said <<Hi my name is Jason the toymaker or you can simple call ...

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I blushed really hard but then his voice got me back to reality
<<OMG! I'm so sorry I didn't mean too are you hurt?>> he took my hand to stand Me up and I stood up I thanked him and he said <<Hi my name is Jason the toymaker or you can simple call Me Jason for short, If you are wondering who are this guys near Me well here is you'r answer this boy with blue hair is Candy Pop

I blushed really hard but then his voice got me back to reality<<OMG! I'm so sorry I didn't mean too are you hurt?>> he took my hand to stand Me up and I stood up I thanked him and he said <<Hi my name is Jason the toymaker or you can simple call ...

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And the other boy near Me is laughing Jack

 he is a Clown while Me and Candy Pop are Toys maker, I create puppets and dolls while Candy pop and Laughing Jack work in a circus every weekend to kill new children so that we can create new dolls, who are you? I never seen you around here>>I wa...

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he is a Clown while Me and Candy Pop are Toys maker, I create puppets and dolls while Candy pop and Laughing Jack work in a circus every weekend to kill new children so that we can create new dolls, who are you? I never seen you around here>>
I was a bit nervous about that he alredy wanted me to know 2 persons but I introduced my self anyways <<My Name is Liu woods but I use the Name Homicidal Liu but you can call Me just Liu for short>>>
He and his friends looked at me as if they alredy knowed Me and then Laughing jack sais <<Woods? Are you Jeff the killer brother?>>
I nodded at him and then Jason said
<<well nice to meet you Liu, we have to go now, see ya around cuteness>>
And then he kissed my check... I was so red in my face that I almost looked like his red hair and then they went away.

(hey guys, this chapter is how Jeff and Liu met again and how liu meets his future hus- I mean his future best friend, hope you liked even this chapter and see ya in a next chapter)

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