His Presence Makes Me Feel Calm

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Jeff's POV:

After i came in i saw slenderman waring his classic black suit But instead of his classic black/red tie he had a red scarf on and his pants instead of being formal pants he had gray jeans on him.

He seemed a little angry with something or should I say with someone, I had noticed that he was talking on the phone with someone he was so busy talking to that person that he did not realize that I entered his office.

After he finished the call he turned off the phone and threw it against the wall, I had put my hands in my ears so as not to hear the conversation between him and a certain guy who I think is called a trendedrman, I'm not so sure either since I had my hands on my ears so that i couldn't hear them talking about what they were talking about...

After slenderman threw his phone against the wall He noticed that I was sitting in a chair covering my ears with my hands so as not to hear the conversation between him and this kind of trenderman name...

After he notices that I was sitting in a chair He asked me how long I had been sitting there, I replied to his question by saying: let's say not long ago because I entered the memento in here you were ending the call and throwing the phone against the wall.

Before he closed the door with his usual tentacles he took me with another tentacle and took me to his room, he said he had clothes for me so that I was more comfortable since we had to talk so much he said looking at me and at the same time also where he was going.

After we arrived in his room he gave me those clothes that he had told me the clothes were cotton style and trendy.
He told me that trenderman had sent them for me, After he gave me the clothes I went to change in the bathroom since I couldn't take off my clothes in front of him, after I changed I showed slendy how I was wearing a white t-shirt, a jacket like the color of the border of the shorts that reached up to the thighs of my stockings. black color that almost reached my knees and always black shoes. I liked the clothes a bang even if in reality my style is not trend, my style is based on the emo style and the casual style but these clothes were not bad indeed I loved them.

And then we sat on his bed he said: whit here jeff i'll be back.

After he returned he gave me a cup of tea and then he Sat his in bed again and we started talking about what happend...
After I told him everything about the nightmare
He took me and kissed me on the mouth ... At the first stroke I did nothing but after a while I returned the kiss ... We continued and continued until we could no longer catch our breath after we parted I had my heart beating stronger than last time he kissed me and I was struggling to breathe after that kiss full of passion and love ... After that he didn't wait even 2 seconds he put me to bed and got on top of me that he started to kiss me and fill my neck with so many
bites, kisses and bruises,

As soon as I realized where slendy was going I stopped him saying: slendy maybe I'm not quite ready for these things ...

He stopped and apologized to me saying that maybe Mello should have asked first.

And I told him: quiet, unfounded and normal, we're all wrong, right?
I was next to him and we start talking about this and that, then to make him laugh a bit I made bunny ears with my fingers and the months behind my head and then I started to move them we both start laughing but then from the tiredness I left on the bedside table the empty cup that he gave me soberly with the tea as he said and then I fell asleep next to him on his lap,

Then he ironed himself and fell asleep with me we were stretched on the bed covered with the blanket and I cuddled with him from the cold that was there.

(hey guys, i hope you enjoyed the story i will continue it don't worry i still have many ideas for this story but today i do not have much time to Wirth to much like i do always so i'm sorry if it only haves 851 words but tomorrow i have a test at school and i can't fail it, i'll be studying the whole day tommorow so i dont't have time to make part 5 but i ask you guys to be patient and whit util i'm finally done so that i continue the story only for my followers that i really love❤️)

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