The Daughter From Zalgo

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I'm still thinking about his words... It's been a week since he rejected Me and this words were hurting Me cuz I loved him since the first day I saw and met him but if he really loves ____
That much I'm not gonna force him to date Me and to leave alone ____
I never saw him caring for a person that much but if he dose it means that he dose care... He cares a lot if he dose.
I force my self to forget everything but it seems to be useless I try and try and it's not really easy how I though...

(Here's who the person with the censored name was)

"I'm sorry ben but I love Jeff I know that he is alredy dating with somenom but I loveHim
And I won't give up on my fealings for him but if you want we can still be Friends"

"His words broke Me... But I held back my tears, hugged him and then ran to my room to cry bitter tears.
I didn't know what to do... Cuz I can't hate him just because he loves Jeff
I still love him but if he loves somenom eles then I won't be the one to stop him loving Jeff"

(end of flashback)

Lazary POV

Wow it seems that the children in that creepy house have fun and a lot...
My dad never pays Me attention or plays with Me... He Is always too busy with killing his victims and stalking his worst enemy's: The creepypasta that live in the mension from Slenderman...
My father gaved Me this name cuz is really similar to His and Mom's name
"Lazary" I was 15 and I had really long red hair, A robe as red as blood but blood when it is dry not a bright blood color, my eyes were red like those of my father ...

I still had that little rag doll

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I still had that little rag doll... I used it when I was little now instead of playing with it it keeps me company as if it were a real person, my father is never next to me and always too busy with his things ... While my mother leaves us saying that Zalgo (Lazary's father) had kidnapped her while she was on drugs and after kidnapping her I use her only as a sexual outlet ... She had been kidnapped and fucked by my father... And only 2 years ago I realized that she was just a sexual outlet for my father... That's even the 2nd reason why she abandoned us... That's why she abandoned Me...

I had the idea of running away from my father and to ask Slenderman if I could live there with them... I had enough that my father was so cruel to me... I just couldn't take this anymore
So that same night while he was asleep I packed my things and teleported my self in front of the mension and then I opened the door without making any sounds, I sneaked in and tried to find Mr.Slenderman office... But then I saw to guys that were controlling the living room and after they both saw Me they grabbed me with Violence and then the white masked guy said <<WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! YOU LITTLE SHIT!>> That scream that had just made the guy with the white mask has attracted everyone's attention ... I had everyone's eyes on Me... I was scared and I was sweating cold from fear, and then the 2 masked guys took me to a room... It looked like an office... So I immediately knew that I was in Slenderman's office. They Trowed me like trash on the floor with violence, so much violence that I started bleeding... It hurted so much... And it still hurt I never bleed before so this was my first time that I was bleeding... I didn't know that I could fell so much pain... After that the 2 guys Trowe Me on the floor
They bowed down and as soon as I saw to who they were bowing down I saw Lord Slenderman in front of Me...
I was scared u didn't know what to do and then the one with the yellow hoodie and a black mask with an sad expression said <<Sorry to interrupted you Sir but we found this little bitch sneaking inside our mension we brought her here because we all know that she is the Daughter from Zalgo our worst enemy>>
I stood up and started saying <<whit whit whit a minute I'm not here because of my father... I am here because I ran away from him...>>
Slenderman didn't trust Me and then after a long discussion he kicked Me out of his mension... I really didn't know what to do so I decided to go back home...

(should lazary join the creepypasta?)

(Yes) (No)

Jeff POV

We were finally back at home and I went in my room with sally and jane for giving them they'r new clothes
The dress from Sally was A white blouse with pink collar and a pink skirt with pink shoes since she loves pink so much, I gave her the dress she tried it on and then when she was done she came out from the bathroom and this is what we saw

She was pretty like always and then she asked Me <<Hi big brother how do I look?>> I looked at her while giving Jane her new dress and said <<Pretty like always sis>> she loved the compliment that much that she ran to Me and hugged Me I hugged her...

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She was pretty like always and then she asked Me <<Hi big brother how do I look?>> I looked at her while giving Jane her new dress and said <<Pretty like always sis>> she loved the compliment that much that she ran to Me and hugged Me I hugged her back and then I saw Jane entering in the bathroom so Me and Sally whited for her to come out of the bathroom, after she did she came out of the bathroom with a wounderful black dress: The dress was long with long sleeves

She was pretty like always and then she asked Me <<Hi big brother how do I look?>> I looked at her while giving Jane her new dress and said <<Pretty like always sis>> she loved the compliment that much that she ran to Me and hugged Me I hugged her...

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She was beautiful but I'm 100% prettier then her, Jane was shocked for what I buy her and then she hugged Me as well saying that the dress was wonderful and that she loved it, I smiled at her and she couldn't do more but smiling Me back
They were both very happy but then we heared somthing really loud coming from the living room, it was masky he was yelling... This is what we heared "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I had to cover Sally's ears because of the bad words that He just said, somthing was wrong for sure, Me and Jane went out of My and Sally's room for a second and we saw Masky and Hoodie taking with force a little girl with really long hair... Whit isn't that Zalgos Daughter?! Why the hell is that little shit there?! She dosn't deserve to be here in our mension I hope Slendy will kick her out in less then a second

(hey guys this chapter is the revelation of who was the censored name and if Lazary could stay here in fact you guys have to choice If she haves to leave or if she can stay with them)

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