Chapter 1

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Cyno's POV

The desert at night is much better than during the day. The sand is cooler and there is no blazing sun to burn you. Cyno finds himself wondering the dunes again under the moon. A 10 year old alone in the desert at night? Sounds like the start of a kidnapping case. Cyno alone in the desert at night? Yea no one will want to bother him...

A lone wold, a street dog, an unwanted child. The nicknames don't bother Cyno anymore. It's better alone, no one to bother him, no one to nag him. Though sometimes a warm bowl of food  would be nice. But nothing's ever waiting for him at home.

Taking in a deep breath, Cyno sighs to himself as he walks through the desert. The nights are somewhat chilly in Sumeru, but it's not bad once you get use to it. All of a sudden he sees a sparkle in the distance. Coins? Jewellery? Impossible, He thinks, any valuables would've been snatched up by the treasure borders.

Curiosity gets the better of him and he finds himself walking towards the shiny item. As he nears the object he realizes that it wasn't just plain treasure. It was a vision, a hydro vision. Though that wasn't the most peculiar thing that he witnessed. No. The vision itself was surprise, but the unconscious fox lying next to it, now that's a question he needed answers to.

Without thinking he scoops up the sleeping animal and takes the vision with him. Does this vision belong to you? He thought as he looked at the fox. Can animals even receive visions? 

"Hey, wakeup." you hear a voice say as someone's finger's gently tugged the tip of your ear.

Slowly blinking away the exhaustion, you open your eyes to see a boy with red eyes and white hair. Huh? Where am I? you think as you begin looking around in confusion.

"Relax fox. You're in my home." The boy answers your unspoken question with a flat tone.

Fox? Did he just call me a fox? How rude! You reply to him by smacking his hand with the tip of your tail.

"Geez, where are your manners. I just saved you from death by overheating." The grumpy boy responds, swatting your tail out of the way. "You could at least be a little grateful."

Is this guy seriously talking to an animal. You let out of yawn before standing up and stretching your legs. You were wrapped up in a black fabric and placed on a ledge beside the window. Looking around once more you notice that the house was quite small. With the kitchen, bedroom and living room all in the same area and one door leading to the (assumed) bathroom.

"The name's Cyno by the way. " He says as he pauses for a moment, "Am I seriously conversing with an animal."

You let out a snicker.

"Are you mocking me?"


"Yea right, you can't even understand me." Cyno says once more before. "Now here's the question, do I keep you or do I make dinner out of you?"

EH? If we were in Inazuma this guy would've been arrested for five crimes already, but here he threatens to cook me?  You give a little jump in surprise and dive under the nearest item you see: a couch.

"I'm starting to wonder if you can actually understand me." Cyno mutters to himself. "Not like I care though. By the way, this belongs to you... I think?" The boy questions as he threw a hydro vision under the couch.

Lunch will be ready in 10, you're either going to eat what I cook or starve yourself to death.

A vision? I don't remember receiving one... and what is with all these threats

Lunch was actually surprisingly good. You sat on the table and was given your own little plate  while Cyno sat across from you on a chair. You liked how he was treating you like a human even in your kitsune form.

He also helped you tie the hydro vision to your neck which you gave a grateful purr to.

"Seems like you're enjoying the food." Cyno says breaking the silence. You swish your tail in agreement as you finish the last of your dish. "People ought to think I'm crazy for talking to a fox, though I've never seen your kind of species before. Are you from around here?"

You stare at him as he starts rambling about different theories of where you came from. This guy can speak an essay, his writings must be horrifying.

Your thoughts are soon disrupted by a particular question. "What should I name you?" Cyno inquires.

I swear to god if you name me something corny like... cupcake... I will end you.

Cyno started throwing out names at you. Some were decent, some made you question his vocabulary. Finally, he said something remotely similar to your name. You peak up your ears to the sound and he notices.

After a few more tries he finally get's your name. "Y/N?" you swish your tail in approval. "Y/N it is..." he decides "I can't believe you just named yourself."

And I can't believe you're talking to a literal animal, Y/N thought.

After lunch, Cyno decides to take Y/N out to explore Sumeru. The two spent most of their time walking around in the dunes. The boy was amused as Y/N ran around in the sand, making small paw prints and drawing out weird shapes.

Soon, the pair found themselves hiding in the shade under a tree. Cyno sat with his back leaning on the tree while Y/N curled up beside him.

It's nice to have a companion Cyno thought to himself. You weren't annoying like the other children, your presence was sufficient enough for him, he decided.

The two enjoyed each other's company and would soon grow into a routine of things. Y/N would doze off on Cyno's shoulder when they went out, or follow beside him when the roads weren't too busy.

On rare occasions, the pair would play with each other after sunset. A cat wand that Cyno bought at the market was surprisingly entertaining for the two. It was rare for Cyno to laugh, or even let out a smile, but the kitsune did not care as she was happy to finally have a companion. Both won't admit it but both were grateful for the other's company.

After all, they were both children.

Fun fact
- Y/N likes to smack Cyno in the face with her tail when she's angry.

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