Chapter 15

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The conversation you and Cyno had with Lisa ends quickly with you two deciding to bring Collei to Sumeru. The librarian has expressed her concern over Collei and requested for you two to escort the young girl and help her with her education.

"I'm sure Collei will be in good hands, please be sure to take care of her." 

"You have nothing to worry about." You reassure, "Collei and I are going to have so much fun on our way to Sumeru, isn't that right?" You look at Collei, who's looks back  with a hopeful expression. 

"Why don't we go shopping for some supplies, then we can leave for Sumeru tomorrow morning." You offer, "Collei you can come with me! I'll show you how to make flower crowns out of fallen leaves."

Collei quickly nods as she follows you out of the library, giving a quick wave to Lisa as the two of you exits.

"I'll come home before sundown." You call out to Cyno as you close the library door. Leaving the scholar alone with Lisa in the library. 

The two stare at each other. Cyno's mind filling up with ways to excuse himself as Lisa let's out a mischievous smile. I'm doomed aren't I? The boy thinks to himself.

"Cyno please come take a seat here." Lisa says, beckoning the boy over. "let me offer you some relationship advice!"

"Thanks but no thanks." Cyno replies, nevertheless, sitting down across from Lisa with an unamused face "I'm not interested in anyone."

"So the way you look at little Y/N is all an allusion?" Lisa questions, tilting her head and smiling at the scholar. "The way you cover the table corner when she bends down to pick something up, the way you ask if she's cold when the breeze comes in, the way-"

"Keep your voice down-"

"Ah, my favourite line in the library." Lisa remarks. "So can I offer you some advice now?

Cyno looks at Lisa with hesitation, the woman grins back as she clasps her hands together in anticipation. "I suppose you are the smartest person the Academiya has seen in centuries..."

"That's the spirit!" Lisa praises. "Now now, will you tell me a little more about our dear Y/N here."

"What do you mean?"

"Does she like anything? Perhaps a certain food? Or a particular object? People like it when you notice the little things, and I know you know every detail about her."

Cyno pauses as he looks down at the table. "She likes flowers..."

"Flowers? Well that's a surprise." the librarian responds sarcastically. "Why don't you get her some flowers then?"

"I... buy her... flowers?" The scholar replies in confusion.

"Yes, there's a flower shop right beside the gates of Mondstadt. Go and pickup some flowers. I heard that Cecilias are trendy right now."

"But why do I have to get her flowers?" 

Lisa looks Cyno up and down, letting her judgmental expression show with no shame. 

"Oh dear, it sounds like we're going to be in here for a while."

You came home with two shopping bags full of supplies for tomorrow, closing the door with your left leg as you set the bags down on the ground. "Cyno I'm back~" You call out. 

The boy looks up from his books to see you skipping towards him, hands immediately going into his hair as you attempt to start a braid. Cyno quickly shuts you down by shaking his head. 

Another failed attempt.

"I uhh..." Cyno begins, not meeting your eyes. "I bought you some flowers." He says as he practically shoves the flowers in your face, waiting for you to take them.

You look at Cyno in surprise, head tilting, colour dotting your face as you slowly take the flowers from him. He let his hood down to shield his face, perhaps to hide the smile when his fingers grazed yours. Or maybe the crimson colour that washed over him.

"You bought me flowers?" You gasps in surprise, examine the flowers closely as if you were dreaming. Like a child receiving candy or a cat getting fed, you let out a smile as you smell the flora.

That sweet, sweet smile he loves so dearly. The way your eyes look at the flower with such joy, he wish he had a camera to capture the moment but alas, he's left frozen in admiration as his mind does nothing but think of you.

As Cyno's left in infatuation, he feels a small kiss on his cheek. He snaps his head back and widens his eyes in shock. You look at him sheepishly before returning to the flowers. Holding them in front of you and giving a spin in joy.

"Thank you for the flowers Cyno." You laugh, holding them next to your face as he places a hand on where your lips had just touched. 

The world slows in that moment, time stops as everything else blurs. It's just you and him. Nothing else and no one else. The way you look at the bouquet of flowers with such love, he wonders if you would look at him like that.

The white Cecilia that resemble his hair, he wants to be held so preciously, to be looked at with adoration, to be longed for and to be appreciated for. To be the cause of your smile and joy.

In that moment he knew, he knew that even if the world was to stop right here and right now. He would want to be with you. Forever and ever.

Perhaps another bouquet of flowers tomorrow...

Bonus Scene: Cyno trying to buy flowers

The boy stared at the flower stand for a good half an hour before taking his pick. Flora felt quite pressured by the intense gaze and the other customers were whispering around him. 

Cyno payed them no mind though, he was much too focused on getting the perfect flower. 

In the end, he picked the Cecilia since it was white and reminded him of his hair colour. Cyno's masterplan was that if Y/N liked something that resembled him, Y/N would like him more too. Though his logic isn't flawed, it was unnecessary. 

Y/N likes nothing more than Cyno.

Fun facts:

- Lisa's relationship advice is almost as bad as Yae's

- Lisa also taught Cyno human biology while the boy died internally

- Y/N and Collei were having a lot of fun while Cyno was being mentally tortured

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