Chapter 7

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It took a few days for Cyno to get use to his new roommate but once he finally did, he realized there were some adjustments that needed to be made. 

"Wake up." A voice says as you felt a pair of hands shake you. Letting out a "hmm" sound you turn your back towards the voice in attempts for more sleep.

"Y/N wake up." The voice said again, yanking the blanket away from you and pulling the pillow out from under your head.

"Alright alright, I'm up." you said in a groggy voice. "Geeze." Swinging your leg over the bed and standing up... only to fall down on the cold hard floor with an "ow" sound. "Guess I'm not used to human legs yet."

Cyno only observed you quietly before turning around and walking back towards the kitchen. "Breakfast will be ready in 5, get ready quickly today cause we need to go shopping."

"Shopping? But our last grocery run was only two days ago and we usually wait a week before going."

"Normally that would be the case, but we need to get you some new clothes."

"Or I can just turn back into a fox and save us the money?" You offered.

"No it's fine we can stop by the market. I wanted to check out the library anyways."

"There's really no need I can just turn-"

"We're going." Cyno says cutting you off.

"Okay?" Gee what's gotten into him.

"How do you trip over your own two legs." Cyno says as you fell for the third time. You guys were currently on your way to the market but you were slowing the journey down with your bad...walking skills?

"Hey it's not my fault! I haven't walked with two legs in a long time." You defended yourself.

"Whatever." Cyno says with a sigh kneeling down and dusting the dirt away from your knees. "No injuries?"

"I'm fine, it's going to take a lot more than that to kill me."

"Alright let's hurry up then, we don't have all day."

"Okay oka- WAIT... Cyno slow down please." You yell as you almost tripped again.

The boy sighs and stops to wait for you. "You're so bothersome..."

Walking through crowds of people as a person yourself was not something you were accustomed too. You found yourself getting overwhelmed at the crowds of people, not being able to stay on Cyno's shoulder and having to use your own two feet was surprisingly difficult.

"Cyno it's really alright, I can just wear this outfit and your worn out shirts, we don't have to spend money on useless things." You say while gently tugging on Cyno's cloak. For some reason you really really wanted to go home.

"I already said it's okay stop askin-" Cyno began, but stopped when he saw your worried expression. "Y/N?"

"Can we just go home?" You ask in the softest tone you can muster.

"What's wrong Y/N?" The boy asks, beginning to feel worried.

"Nothing it's just-" Not wanting to meet his eye, you look down to your hands. "there's too many people."

Raising an eyebrow, Cyno looked around and noticed that the streets are slightly busier than normal.

"Transform into your fox form then, I'll carry you." He offers.

"No! Not in public! What if people think im a monster and try to kick me out?" You say gripping harder on his cloak.

"No one in Sumeru is going to kick you out, they're not even legally allowed to do that." Cyno says trying to reason with you but you wouldn't budge and just shook your head aggressively.

Sighing, he gently removes your hand from his cloak, holding onto your hand lightly, and pulls you slowly away from the busy street and into the clothing store.

The friendly shop owner immediately went over to greet you two. You quickly move behind Cyno in attempt to hide from any social interactions, sensing your concern Cyno shut down the lady's offer to help.

"Any clothes that catch your eye?" Cyno asks as your eyes scan the store.

"We can check the clearance rack-" You suggest before Cyno cut you off.

"Absolutely not. I see what you're trying to do. Don't even think about it."


"If nothing catches your eye then we'll go to the next store."

 You look around the store silently before pointing to something on one of the racks.

"You want that whole side or just the rack of clothing?"

"No just the one-"

"We'll just get the entire rack, if you're not happy with it we can come back tomorrow."

"Aren't you spoiling me too much?" You asked with a nervous smile.

Cyno looked at you and looked back at the store before thinking to himself. "Eh," he says after a while, "it's fine.".

Three bags of clothing and and a slightly mortified Y/N later, the two were finally done with their shopping and decided to spend the rest of the afternoon in the library.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Y/N asks for the 10th time while looking at the shopping bag in her hand.

"Yes, stop asking that."

The afternoon flew by with Cyno reading a book on ancient runes while Y/N took a power nap in her fox form beside Cyno.

When it was time to leave, Cyno decided not to wake Y/N and placed her on his shoulder where she usually rested. Picking up the three shopping bags and borrowing two new books, he left the library feeling like a luggage bag.

It's alright with him though, whatever made Y/N happy.

I think I spoiled her a little too much today ...once in a while doesn't hurt.

Fun facts:

- Cyno subconscious spoils Y/N. He's not aware of what he's doing.

- Cyno decided to take Y/N out shopping when Y/N started taking all his socks.

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