Chapter 3

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Somewhere along Cyno and Y/N's childhood tales, our little kitsune wandered too far up a tree and learned the consequences when she fell.

Y/N was climbing and playing around as usual. Cyno was under a tree, hiding in the shade with a book, also the usual. When suddenly, the kitsune's claws failed and she tumbled down the tree with a loud "thud".

This alarmed the boy and he immediately went to check on Y/N, only to see her lying flat on the grass. Normally he would've laughed and Y/N would fly at him and try to bite off his ear but the situation seemed to be more serious this time.

"Y/N are you alright? Stop acting dead." Cyno says trying to hide his concern.

No response, not meow, no bark, no estranged fox noises, nothing.

Actually panicking a little, the boy reaches out for Y/N and places her in his arms. "Does this hurt?" He asks while applying slight pressure to Y/N's left paw, in which the kitsune responds with a yelp. "I guess you really did it this time." Cyno says with a sigh.

Without another word, the boy takes Y/N home and begins wrapping her leg up with bandages. His book long forgotten, though it mattered little compared to you. "Don't do that again alright?" Cyno says while tying the bandages together with a knot. "If you become crippled I'll make you into fox soup."

"Hey don't bite me, I'm trying to help you."

"Y/N. Y/N behave please."

"Spoiled fox."

It was a typical day for Y/N and Cyno. The two would go to market in the morning and then spend the rest of their day in the library or under a tree. Normally Y/N would be on Cyno's shoulder and take a nap there while the boy shopped for the week's groceries. However, this time, the kitsune decided to be a little more courageous and walked beside Cyno instead.

While Cyno was looking at the fruit stand, Y/N felt a pair of hands grab her stomach and hoist her up. Panicking instantly she began to flail around and screech until Cyno noticed the problem.

As Cyno looked down to examine the situation, he realized a kid, no more than 4, was gripping onto Y/N furiously and glaring at him.

"Sorry boy, but that's my fox and you're going to let her go." Cyno says sternly while reaching his hand out to Y/N.

"NO!" The boy protested before turning his back to Cyno. "This fox is mine now! I found it on the ground. It belongs to me!"

"She doesn't belong to you." Cyno corrected,the thought of kicking a 4 year old being more pleasing than it should be.

"You don't have your name on it so this fox must not be yours. The doggies around Sumeru all wear collars, this one doesn't. Therefore, it is unclaimed and I want it."

Cyno sighed as Y/N let our a helpless whimper. He debated if he should knock the four year old down and take Y/N by force but, that would attract too much attention. Unfortunately.

Using the last drop of kindness he has in himself, Cyno offered a solution to the angry boy. "How about this, you place the fox down in the middle and see who she walks towards. If she walks towards you then you can be her owner, if she walks towards me than I am her owner."
"Fine," the boy answered with a dissatisfied pout before placing Y/N on the floor and taking 10 steps back. Cyno did the same.

As soon was both boys were equally distant from each other, Y/N wasted no time sprinting towards Cyno and jumping into his arms. The childish side of Cyno wins and he lets out a victorious smirk to the boy before walking off with the Kitsune, leaving a crying four year old behind.

"Good girl." He says as he walks away from the sobbing child, patting Y/N on the head and placing her back on his shoulder.

"I should probably get you a collar though, if that happened one more time I might actually kill a kid." Cyno said half to Y/N and half to himself.

This was the reason why Y/N found a golden collar on her neck the next time she went out with Cyno. Though the "collar" was more of Cyno's thinner bracelets that complimented Y/N's hydro vision nicely and the Kitsune didn't try to tug it off. Nevertheless, the two never saw the crying child again.

Fun fact:
- Cyno was scared that Y/N wouldn't want to wear a collar but Y/N was surprisingly happy to receive the gift.
- Y/N likes shiny things.

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