Chapter 2

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It's rare for Sumeru to receive such long lasting thunder storms, especially in the desert areas. So when lightning started to strike, and thunder started to roar, you couldn't help but be reminded of your homeland.

You have been living with Cyno for half a year now, but sometimes you do get a little homesick, but you know better than to return to your spiteful peers.

Though you kept staring at the window for what seem like eons. A Kitsune's ears are a lot more sensitive than a human's, so the thundering sounds were hard to block out. It sounds like Inazuma, it doesn't sound like home.

"Why are you still awake?" A voice said disrupting your thoughts. Cyno stood next to you as he looked out the window. "We haven't gotten a storm in quite a while. What is it? Are you scared of thunder or something?"

Something like that.

Cyno sighs and picks you up, to which you squeal in surprise at the sudden action. "If you don't go to sleep now your going to be grumpy tomorrow and I don't want to deal with that." He mutters.

Before you could protest, he places you on the bed and climbs in next to you, pulling up the blanket so it covers both of you. "There," he says as he starts to close his eyes. "sleep or I'll fry you tomorrow morning."

Normally you would've slapped him for his culinary comment but you were too tired to care. So you wiggled yourself deeper into the blanket and fell asleep against Cyno.

To your surprise, he didn't move away.

One thing that Cyno learned about foxes is that they shed a lot. Any clothes he has in black? Now littered with loose furs. The bed, the table, the front door mat, nothing escapes your wrath.

To counter this he tried taking you outside and shaking you aggressively, in which you responded by biting his hand.

He then tried to chase you down with a hose, but you somehow jumped back inside the house and hid under the couch. He couldn't risk damaging his furniture with water.

His last attempting failed when you almost clawed him to death. The boy tried to shave you bald so you wouldn't shed anymore. Death be deserved.

Though you did feel somewhat bad, which is why you stopped hopping onto his bed each night and would only stick to your side of the kitchen table. You wouldn't run up to him while he was cooking dinner and would stop sleeping on his clothes.

Although the boy didn't say it out loud, it made him a little sad. As a solution, Cyno bought another hairbrush from the market and spent an entire afternoon removing every loose fur on your body. By the end of it, he could knit an entire scarf with the extra fur. Why haven't I done this sooner? He thought to himself. He's known you for more than a year and this is the first time he was doing this.

"What am I going to do with you." He says with a sigh, placing the hairbrush down and pulling on your cheeks instead. This time, you didn't bite his fingers or smack him with your tail, you simply crawled into his lap and fell asleep right there. Oh was she tired? he wonders.

He would easily give up his right hand to have keep his only companion, after all, you were the only thing that was truly his.

It wasn't uncommon for a child to get sick, receiving a fever or a cold would often be responded with worry and care. Unlike the normal children, Cyno had no one to care for him when he was sick. He was left all alone. Until Y/N came along.

You immediately sensed something was wrong when Cyno woke up with a groan. Usually he would be up and cooking breakfast by 8am but it was almost 10 and there still wasn't any signs of him getting out of bed.

You gently nudged him with your forehead and let out a mew. What's wrong?

"Just a headache, it'll go away soon." Cyno said answering your unasked question. He's gotten used to responding to your unspoken inquires and stopped questioning his one sided conversations.

It was times like these where you thought of turning into a human and helping the poor boy but, transforming out of your kitsune form would probably give him a heart attack and kill him. Cyno waking up with a headache wans't uncommon, it happened once or twice since you two have been living together. Usually you would sit by the window and wait it out, leaving Cyno alone since he had enough things on his plate. But this time you decided to stay.

You pressed your nose to his forehead to check his temperature, no fever at least, and then laid on top of the blanket, right next to the boy.

Soon enough, Cyno fell asleep again and you found yourself getting sleepy as well. Just before the two of you drifted off, you felt a hand gently patting you on the head.

I don't think I've received a head pat in years. You thought to yourself before nuzzling into Cyno's palm.

There would be many more of those to come.

Fun facts:
- Y/N rolls on Cyno's beautiful black cloak sometimes just to piss him off

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