Chapter 4

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Living in Sumeru has its perks and weaknesses. The weather can be extremely damp or extremely dry depending on the area you lived in. Since Y/N and Cyno lived in the dryer part of the nation, hot weather was too be expected.

Though it was never this hot. No this was way way way too hot.

Waking up with a layer of sweat was not fun and Cyno could only imagine what it felt to be trapped in a fur coat. He quickly got up to go outside and survey the situation, it felt almost double the normal Sumeru temperature.

"Y/N are you alright?" Cyno says while stepping outside. "If it's too hot for you we can go to the rainforest today."

You could only let out a whine in protest before following Cyno outside. Observing the situation, the heat was most prominent on the East side of the nation, the rainforest side.

"Let's go take a look, I have a bad feeling about this" Cyno muttered, picking up Y/N and bringing her along.

Saving the world at 14? Nah, Cyno would probably watch it burn.

As you and Cyno traveled towards the rainforest, you saw a familiar figure heading your way.

"Tighnari? What are you doing here?" 

"Oh Cyno. The situation in the rainforest is really bad. It's too hot in there the plants are dying. Apparently the people found dead fish surrounding the lakes. They were boiled to death." Tighnari replies with haste.

"Boiled? No that's impossible." The boy replied in disbelief.

"I'm not kidding, if you want you can check it out yourself. I don't recommend it though, the air is so hot there it's hard to breathe."  

"Do you have any idea why this is happening?"

"I'm not exactly sure." Tighnari says, "But some of the forest watchers said that they saw fatui lurking around this area, which is why I came here to see if I can find the source of the issue."

"I'll help you investigate." Cyno decides, "If we don't put a stop to this then there might be even more trouble afterwords."

Tighnari nods in agreement as the two ventured closer to the heat source, Cyno still holding you so you wouldn't burn your paws in the sand.

As the temperature got hotter their vision began to blur however, not far away was a red orb that looked as if it had been infused in pyro energy. Surrounding it were black plants that had been burned to a crisp and smoky sand. There were a few other men with weapons and shields standing around the source. Tighnari and Cyno joined them to observe the situation.

"That must be the source." Tighnari says stating the obvious.

"We've determined that the temperature rise was cause by this... mechanism." One of the people confirmed.

"But we haven't found a way to stop it though." Another person joined in.

"Yea! We can't even get close to that thing without being burned to a crisp."

"I see." Cyno says observing the strange orb, clearly deep in thought as Tighnari tried to calm the panicking people.

The temperature was getting hotter by the second and the heat was almost unbearable. After a few minutes that felt like hours, Cyno finally reached a consensus.

"It would be impossible for an average human to stop that...thing." Cyno concludes, holding his hand out to prevent Tighnari from advancing any closer.

"What are we going to do then? If we don't destroy that Sumeru is going to burn down!" Tighnari protested.

"I'm aware." Cyno replied. "But if we act too hastily then we'll all loose our lives."

"If we don't hurry up everyone will die." The fox boy argues back.

The temperature increased as the two bickered. Behind them, the soldiers were getting tired and the plants were wilting. It was clear that if things went on like this, no one would get out of this place alive.

After what seemed like eons, which was really a 30 second argument. The two paused and stared at each other.

"I have an electro vision, I might be able to stop this if I overload the pyro energy."

"That's nonsense you would get hit with the impact too!"

"We don't have any choice right now." Cyno yelled back.

Suddenly, the sky turned red and a huge wave of flame came towards the group. It felt as if a giant flaming ball of fire was coming your way. Everyone braced for impact as Cyno used himself to shield you.

Oh great...

Fun facts:

- Y/N actually felt fine because she had her hydro vision to cool her down.

- Chapter 2 and 3 are filler chapters of when Cyno and Y/N were younger. Cyno is fourteen in this chapter and Y/N is 13. 

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