Chapter 14

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Cyno didn't get much sleep last night. He spent the majority of the evening tossing and turning while you slept soundly next to him. A crime truly, he thought, for the cause of his restlessness to be without a care in the world. 

Every time he closes his eyes he can only think about you. Your eyes, your smile, your hair. The way you look at him when the two of you wake up, the way you squeal in happiness at a beautiful flower, the way you point at the sky when it turns into a pretty shade. 

He's infatuated with you, he's obsessed with you, he's absolutely in love with you. And you don't know it. You don't see the way his eyes soften at you, you don't catch him staring at you, you don't hear the way his heart beats when he's around you.

Sighing to himself, Cyno slowly moves out of bed and goes to the desk where he picks up the one book he promised he would never lay a finger on. 

Now I'm relying on a book for relationship advice? This is pathetic. 

Nevertheless, the boy kept reading the book until the sun began to rise. He was use to all-nighters and isn't fazed by them. Sliding the book into the rest of the pile, he gets up from the chair and moves to the kitchen. An early breakfast wouldn't hurt. 

I can't believe you woke me up so early, you groan as you and Cyno walk through Mondstadt. Rubbing your eyes as Cyno drags you to the library for an 'early morning studying session'.

"We have a lot of things to do today, we ought not to waste time." the boy replies, slowing his pace down just a little so you won't have to jog after him. "I told Lisa to tell Collei to meet us at 10 for the ritual."

"Sheesh, I wanted to sleep in though. Why'd it have to be so early?" you complain. 

"Would a joke help wake you up?" Cyno asks in absolutely seriousness.


Making your way up Starsnatch cliff was a pain, you cried in relief as your steps finally made it to the top. Collei and Amber were already there waiting and you greeted them with a smile. 

"Good morning Amber and Collei.' 

"Good morning Y/N." Amber replies back with enthusiasm. "Hope you had a good time in Mondstadt last night."

"Yes the room the knights of Favonius provided with us was so luxurious." You thank, turning your focus onto the anxious girl as you answer Amber. "Are you ready for the ritual Collei?" 

Collei gives you a short nod, eyeing Cyno nervously as she stands behind Amber. 

You notice this and follow her gaze to the scholar, chuckling as you give her a pat on the head. "Don't worry about Cyno he doesn't bite, Amber and I are going to be here too to make sure you're okay." 

 "Thank you Y/N." Collei responds, relaxing slightly at your reassurance. 

"Amber and I will stay over there while the ritual is in process." You say gesturing to the tree. "Cyno says the process isn't that risky so you have nothing to worry about." 

"Yea I'm sure you'll be fine." Amber chimes in, we'll make sure you stay in one piece.

The two of you grin at Collei as the nervous girl gives a determined nod. With one last pat on the shoulder you retreat to the side with Amber as Cyno begins the ritual. Hopefully he doesn't tell a stupid joke mid performance. 

After the ritual you leave Collei to Amber as the two of you depart. You suggested to go back to and get some rest, to your surprise, Cyno agreed. The process must've taken more out of him than he let on.

Closing the blinds and shutting off the lights, you let him rest as you start writing the report for the two of you. Documentation and paperwork are mainly Cyno's forte but, that doesn't mean you can't do it. 

Looking around the desk you notice a letter that wasn't there before, picking it up and observing it you recognize the Knights of Favonius stamp. Someone had clearly delivered this while the two of you were away. 

Dear Y/N and Cyno,

Please come meet me at the library after sundown, I'd like to thank you personally for your help and discuss future plans regarding Collei. She has expressed a desire to study at Sumeru earlier this week so I would like to converse on that matter. 

Thank you for all your help, 


Guess you have to make a trip to the library later.

Setting down the quill and completing the last line, you slowly get up from the chair and make your way to the sleeping boy. 

Laughing at his sleeping face, you give his cheek and gentle poke and removes the hair out of the way. "Cyno it's time to wake up~" You sing.

The boy stirs in his sleep as he mumbles something incomprehensible. "Lisa wants us to come meet her at the library in an hour, you have to wake up now." You urge. 

Shaking the boy again you blow a gentle breeze next to his ear which causes him to open his eyes in annoyance. "What is it?" He mumbles. 

"Lisa wants us to meet her at the library." You repeat, nudging Cyno up in a sitting position to keep him from going back to sleep.

Pushing his messy hair out of his face Cyno slowly sighs as he gets out of bed. "How long until we have to be there?" He asks as he starts making the bed. 

"About an hour." You answer, skipping back to the desk to organize there. "Do you need to return any books?" 

"I'll handle the books don't worry about it." The scholar replies a little too quickly, coming up from behind you and directing you away from the books. 

"If you say so?"

Fun facts:

- Y/N knows what a relationship is, she even gives out advice to the girls around Sumeru but she's completely oblivious to her own love life. 


Now that school is starting I won't be able to post as frequently, updates will come out weekly on Sundays. If I publish a smut chapter I will also publish a normal chapter (that way people who don't like reading smut won't be disappointed :)

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