Chapter 18

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"You're sending her off to Tighnari?" You yell in distraught, looking back and fourth between Cyno and Collei.

The former had just informed you that Collei will be sent to study under Tighnari as a forest watcher. You didn't take the news well since you were hoping you'd get to keep the adorable girl.

Giving your best heartbroken expression, you put your hand on your chest as you dramatically take a step back. "How could you do this to me!" You gasp.

"Relax," Cyno says with a sigh, "you can visit her whenever you want."


"No buts."

You look down on the ground with an angry expression, feeling like a child who just got scolded by her mother. Collei was amazing but you couldn't go against Cyno's words, the last time you did you ended up with food poisoning for days. 

You give Collei one last glance, bidding her a farewell and promising to visit soon. She smiles warmly at you as she waves you goodbye, thanking you for everything you've done.

"I'll catch you later Collei! Don't have too much fun without me." You laugh, following Cyno out of the rainforest.

"See you later Y/N." Collei replies with a small smile, giving you a shy wave.

Oh she's so precious!

Coming home was unexpected to say the least, the furniture stayed the same, the house was still intact, none of the food had gotten bad either. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary except for the one big factor in the middle of the living room. 

Why was Yae Miko sitting on the couch?!

Cyno stand at the door stunned and confused as you stare at the figure in shock and confusion. The boy didn't know who this person was but judging from her ears and your reaction he could deduct it was someone you were acquainted with. 

After a long pause in the room, the scholar spoke, "Who are you?" he asks, keeping his guard up while Yae gave him a grin. He recognized that kind of smile, it was the one you often wore when you were up to no good. 

"I guess you can say I was dear Y/N's legal guardian for a while." She answers, beckoning the two towards her as she pats the empty space next to the couch. Was she inviting you two into your own house? Yes she was. 

You didn't mind though. Skipping into the living room and happily sitting next to her while Cyno took the chair.

"Oh I haven't seen you in so long." Miko says, placing her hands on your cheeks as she smiles. "How have you been little one?" 

"I'm good." You answer, beaming at the women, it has been so long since you've last seen anyone from Inazuma. Although you're memories there weren't as great as you would've liked, Lady Miko still held a warm place in your heart. 

"Why are you here though?" You ask, tilting your head as you think of the answers to that question. Did she need help? Was there something she left behind? Or was she just stopping by to check on you? 

Yae Miko gives you a reassuring smile as she turns away. Facing Cyno who was mentally analyzing your conversation in the most unnecessary way. "Could you give us a moment?' The fox asks, hinting that this was a private discussion. 

Cyno gives you an uneasy glance, silently asking you if it was okay for him to leave the two of you be. He looks calm and collected on the outside, as if he didn't care about anything or anyone but, on the inside he was worried about leaving you alone.

"We'll be fine." You answer, "Lady Yae is basically my second mom." 

"Alright." Cyno sighs, getting up from the chair and leaving the room, giving you one last look before heading out. Why did he have a bad feeling about this. 

"So Lady Yae, what did you want to talk to me about?" You ask as soon as you hear the door click. Looking at her in curiosity as your eyes meet. Miko was known for her independence and problem-solving skills, it wasn't like her to ask for help. Besides, what can you even offer to her?

"So..." The shrine maiden begins, "you might've heard about the vision hunt decree in Inazuma, and you can probably imagine the tension between the three commissions right now." 

You nod along as Lady Yae relays the info to you, not knowing how you could play apart in this.

"The Yashiro Commission has been requesting for my assistance recently, and I'd love to help except I can't do anything right now since my hands are tied by the Tenryou commission." There's a pause as Miko observes your face before she continues. "So if I could get a relationship between the shrine and the Yashiro Commission, I might be able to assist them in putting an end to all of this."

The fox glances at the window as she's talking, the set of heartbeat there was unspeakably clear in her ears. She could tell that Cyno was eavesdropping. Yet. She doesn't say or do anything about it.

"What I'm wondering is if you'd be willing to go back to Inazuma and help start a relationship with Ayato Kamisato, the current head of the Yashiro commission. You're directly connected to me as a kitsune. This would allow me to have a proper excuse in breaking the neutrality state and aid them in abolishing the decree..."

"You want me to come back to Inazuma with you?"

Cyno walks away from the window at that point, he doesn't need to hear your answer, he doesn't want to hear it. He knew enough about Inazuma's governance system to keep up with the conversation. He also knew what Yae Miko was asking of you. Perhaps he should've just walked away like he was requested.

She was asking you to return back to inazuma. To engage in a relationship with the head of the Yashiro commission to win Inazuma's freedom. 

And Cyno did not want to hear you agree.

He feels sick, worse than anything he's felt before. Even with the mountains of deadlines he's had in the past the feeling couldn't compare. It was as if an arrow had pierced him straight in the heart, one of his worst fears. Perhaps his only fear. Might be coming true.

The air itself seems to weigh down on him. His knees feel weak and his heart stings. He so badly wanted to run in there and tell you to reject Yae at any cost. But he can't do that, because he doesn't want to dictate your life. Instead, he find his way to the nearest tree, leaning on it as he hides in the shade. 

It's been long since he was scared, alone, and unsure of what to do.

Fun facts

- Tighnari wanted to invite you over for lunch with Collei but took one quick look at Cyno and decided against it. 

- You and Collei got scared by a mushroom in the rainforest. 

- A mushroom got scared by Cyno in the rainforest...

Author's Note

We're still burning but we're burning a lot faster now. 

We're actually burning really really  fast.

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