Chapter 13

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"Woah this place is huge!" You say as you and Cyno step into the room. The Knights of Favonius had given you two a place to stay in during your visit. However, you hadn't expected it to be this grand. 

"Look at that Cyno, we have a huge fluffy carpet." You laugh as you lie down flat on the floor, stretching you're limbs out like a starfish. 

The boy only looks at you in disappointment before setting down the books he borrowed at the nearest table. "Get up." he tells you, "the floor might be dirty." 

"No it's comfy!" You protest, digging you're limbs into the soft fabric as you refused to move. 

Sighing in defeat, Cyno scoops you into his arms and carries you bridal style towards the bed where he purposely throws you onto the mattress. You land with an "oof" sound as you glare at him. 

Cyno ignores your stare and returns to his books, laying them in alphabetical order on the wooden desk as he begins to go through them. You lie limp on the bed, questioning all your life choices as you begin to mentally plan your revenge plan on Cyno. Maybe I should switch his sugar with salt.

After an hour or two of Cyno relentlessly studying, and you lying on the bed reading a story book Lisa recommended, the boy finally stands up from the desk and makes his way to the front door. 

"I'm going out for a bit." Cyno tells you. "I forgot to get a book from the library."

"Alright don't get lost~" You sing, waving him a goodbye before diving back into your book.

Cyno rolls his eyes at you before grabbing his cloak and closing the door with a click, hopefully the library is still open. 

"My my, here for another book?" Lisa asks as she watch the white haired boy enter the library. 

Cyno gives Lisa a small nod before making his way to the section he was at earlier. Examining each book carefully as he tries to find the subject he's looking for. 

After a good 10 minutes, the boy finally locates the book he was looking for. Giving the book a quick scan, he nods in satisfaction as he goes over to check out the book. 

"You're certainly a hard worker." The librarian comments, "Is everyone from Sumeru this hardworking?" 

"Yea." Cyno says shortly, wanting to get out of the conversation as soon as possible. He didn't really mind the social interaction but it was getting quite late and he still needs to cook dinner. we ate lunch pretty late, Y/N shouldn't be hungry-

"Wheres your girlfriend?" The question jolts Cyno out of his train of thoughts. His eyes widens in shock before his normal expression returns.

"I don't have a girlfriend." The boy answers. "Relationships are a waste of time." he tries to justify.

"Mhmm~" Lisa gives the scholar a knowing smile before handing him back two books. 

"I didn't borrow this one." Cyno states, looking at the book Lisa added to his checkout list. 

"Oh I know." The librarian replies, "but I think you should read it." 

" '16 ways to make her like me back' seriously? What kind of book is that?" Cyno frowns in disgust, trying to give the book back. "I'm not going to read that." 

"Give it a try sweetie, I'm sure it'll help you out." Lisa urges, pushing the book back towards to the confused boy. 

"No thanks." He rejects again.

"Oh I insist." Lisa pushes on.

Sighing in defeat, Cyno takes the two books and leaves the library, not wanting to be there a second longer. I'm never going to read such a stupid book

After Cyno left for the library, you decided to take a shower. The bathroom that came with the room was huge, there was a full size bathtub and a floor length mirror. Needless to say, you had a good time splashing around.

After realizing you lost track of time, you quickly begin to dry yourself off with a towel and change into pyjamas, only to realize that you left your clothes in the living room. 

No problem, you thought, Cyno wasn't home after all. You grab a towel and let it cover your body, tucking it under your armpits to keep it together. 

Dashing out the bathroom, you quickly locate your clothes in the living room. As if your life wasn't hard enough, you accidentally spill a cup of water on your shirt, leaving it wet and unwearable. 

Sighing in defeat you put on your shorts and bra, leaving the shirt by the window to dry. Cyno probably won't mind, he sleeps without a shirt anyways. 

Out of everything Cyno was expecting when he returned back, this, was not what he envisioned. A train wreck of thoughts run through his head as he stares at you, lying on the bed in a bra and shorts. 

"My shirt got wet." You explain, pointing at the wet piece of cloth hanging by the window. 

"Why not get another shirt?" Cyno asks, trying to keep his cool as he closes the door behind him.

"That one's dirty," You say pointing to the outfit you were wearing today, "and that one's for tomorrow.".

"Still, couldn't you have put on a jacket or something?" The boy questions, setting his books down with the rest of the pile, making sure to hide the book Lisa suggested at the bottom. 

"What kind of weirdo wears nothing but a jacket? You argue, rolling your eyes as you retort "stop complaining about my clothing choice when you have your abs hanging out 24/7."

Mumbling something incomprehensible, Cyno frowns in defeat as he stares at you with an unamused expression. Why was god torturing him today?

"Have one of my shirts then." The scholar says, throwing an oversized t-shirt your way and smacking you in the face with it as he walks over to the kitchen

"Wow, I didn't know you owned an actual shirt." You joke, throwing it over your head and letting it drape over your body. 

Not answering you, Cyno gives you a quick glance but quickly turns around so you wouldn't see his flustered form. "I'm going to get started on dinner." He states, curling his hands into a fist as he feels his ears burn

Were the gods testing his self-control this week? 

He's failing.

Fun facts:

- Cyno doesn't sleep with a shirt on because it's hot in Sumeru but he packed a few since Mondstadt's known to be colder. 

- He's very thankful he packed that extra shirt.

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