Chapter 10

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"Just one more card game Y/N?" Cyno asks as Y/N shakes her head in disagreement. The two had decided to play a "short" card game after dinner, but they lost track of time and it was almost midnight.

"You said that last round." The Kitsune Protests.

"Okay but this is the final round I promise."

"You said that last round too!"

Knowing he needs another leverage in order to convince Y/N Cyno looked around the room to see if there's anything that could be of use. Suddenly a really brilliant idea clicked in his mind.

"How about this," the boy offers "if you win this round I'll let you braid my hair."

"Really?" Y/N asks in excitement but it quickly faded once she realized the consequences. "but... wait... what if I loose, you're not going to fry me and have me for a snack are you?"

Cyno lets out a menacing smile as he thought his idea over.

"I do not like it when you smile like that." Y/N says as uses her hands to slowly scoot away.

"If I win..." Cyno begins, grabbing onto Y/N's left ankle and pulling her back to him. Gesturing to his cheek and letting out a smirk "Then I get a kiss."

You did not like this side of Cyno.

After an intense game of cards which you lost to pathetically, you were really starting to debate your life choices.

"Y/N you know what that means." The boy teases.

"I want other Cyno back." You whine, crossing your arms and puffing your cheeks in protest.

"Would you rather get fried and eaten then?"


"Then give me my kiss."


"I'm waiting~"

"Fine!" You muster as you make your way over to Cyno. Giving him the tiniest peck on the cheek before running onto the bed and diving into the covers.

Humming in satisfaction, Cyno begins to clean up the messy floor and returning objects to their rightful places. Extinguishing the candles and closing the curtains, he makes his way to the bed with a conceited smile.

"Are you seriously that flustered?" He asks.

"Shut up." Y/N mutters.

Cyno gently gets onto the bed and wraps his arms around the girl. "Better improve your card game skills then."

"You're impossible to beat I'm not even going to try." Y/N argues as she jabs the boy in the stomach.

"Ow." He says with a very unamused voice as Y/N starts giggling.

"That's what you get.", the kitsune says as she shakes with laughter.

Looking at her, Cyno couldn't help but let out a chuckle too. "Alright, alright. It's getting late so go to sleep now."

"One of these days I'm going to get you back 10 times worse."

"Haha very funny." The boy says sarcastically as he pulls the blanket over the both of them.

"Sweet dream Cyno, I hope a gummy bear eats you." 

"Goodnight Y/N."  

On days when you and Cyno go grocery shopping, you find yourself wandering away from him and helping out the civilians. While the boy is busy planning out the week's meals, you're usually looking around, seeing if anyone needs assistance.

"Hey girl can you give me a hand?" someone who looked a few years younger than you asks. Her hands are filled with numerous bags of food and her small frame can definitely not handle it.

"Yea no problem. You need help carrying these?"

"Yes please. I don't get how my mom expects me to deliver these to my uncle all by myself!"

"I understand the struggle." You chuckle, "let me assist."

"Oh thank you so much!" The girl expresses the gratitude.

After chatting as you two walked through the market, you discover this girl has a lot more opinions on Cyno than you thought. Or maybe the rest of the town has more opinions on him than you thought...

"No he's horrifying! I don't get how you can hang around him!"


"The sheer weight of his gaze makes me feel like a bug that needs to be crushed! One time he glanced at me and I thought he was going to turn me into a snake! Y/N you should stay away from him what if he brews you in a potion and eats you."

"Ahaha..." You let out a nervous chuckle. "Cyno isn't like that I promise, he's really sweet."

"Are you brainwashed? You're so kind how can you ever stand to be around that dude."

"No no I assure you I'm perfectly sane. He's a lot better once you get to know him."

"Suit yourself." The girl decides as she lets out a sigh, "I won't be getting any closer to that dude I swear.".

"Whatever floats your boat I guess."

Cyno's not scary... is he?

You quickly return to Cyno's side after helping the girl, smiling at him as usual as you help him with the grocery bags. Reaching for the one on his left hand since it's the closest to you but the boy pulls that hand back and gives you the bag on his right instead.

You raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"This one's heavier." Cyno answers, gesturing at the bag on his left. "You take the lighter one instead."

"Oh, alright." you reply, knowing there was no use in arguing with him. "Don't complain to me if your arm gets sore." you joke.

You and Cyno then spend the walk home in comfortable silence, with you getting distracted by butterflies and Cyno sighing as he watches you reach for them.

"Hey Cyno," You say as you start to pick flowers along the path. "do you know people in Sumeru assume you're scary?".

"Oh...really? And they don't find you annoying?" He teases.

"No!" You protest, "everyone loves me. But anyway, this girl told me you'd turn her into a snake if you stared at her too hard."

"Should I... not look at anyone then?" Cyno raises an eyebrow.

"No you idiot." you laugh, "just do what you normally do."

"Yea sure." Cyno rolls his eyes in a playful manner before flicking your forehead. 


After some more silence in which you filled by chasing after prettier flowers and Cyno judging you, the boy asks a question. 

"But you don't find me scary right?" there was almost hesitation in his voice but you didn't detect it.

"Of course not! Who do you take me for?" You gasp sarcastically. Walking up in front of him. 

"My boy is the sweetest and most caring person in the world!" you say as you grin, giving a bright smile before grabbing some flowers and putting it in his hair. "Even though he likes to threaten to grill me sometimes~"

Cyno stares at you in shock as you add the same flowers to your own hair.

"See? Now we match!" you giggle. "Let's go home quickly I have an assignment I need to finish." Without a second thought you use your freehand to grab his, intertwining them as you pull him back home. Skipping and singing a tune as the boy behind you follows, speechless.

He thought he was dangling over a cliff, but he is already falling for you.

Fun facts:

- Cyno has really bad bed hair 

- Y/N asks to braid Cyno's hair almost as much as Cyno threatens to grill her

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