Chapter 19

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You sit at the table alone patiently waiting to hear the familiar "click" at the door. Yae Miko had left a while ago yet Cyno has not returned. It's unlike him to stay out so late, you can't help but worry a little.

The desert is cold at night but you keep the window open. You keep it open as you wait for the familiar sand crunching sounds. How long has it been now? Your hard worked dinner was starting to get cold. 

You feel yourself shiver as another breeze brushes past you, fingers tingling from the cold. No good. You should turn on the stove and reheat the food. 

Just as you're about to get up from your seat, you hear the front door click open. Finally. Took him long enough.

Cyno didn't mean to come home so late. Perhaps sitting under a tree and pondering all his thoughts was a poor way to spend time. He hadn't even realize the sun has gone down until he heard the night birds chirping. 

Part of him was afraid to come back. What if he came back and you were gone? But the cold night air served as a reminder. He must return. He must go home. 

"Cyno, what took you so long?" You ask. Jumping up from your seat and taking his cloak from him. Locking the door as he slowly makes his way into the house. You take the chance to shut the window as he's taking off his shoes. It was getting way to cold.

"Sorry." The boy mumbles, looking down at his feet as he stares at nothing. "I just lost track of time." 

That was a lie. It was easy to tell. Cyno never looses track of time. 

"Really?" You reply, deciding to let him go for now as you hurry the food over to the stove to reheat them. 

"Well it's a good thing I waited for you then, you must be hungry." You joke, seeing the little spark of fire as you carefully stir the pot of cold soup.

Silence falls on the two of you as you continue with your task. Not noticing the way Cyno's gaze burning into you, perhaps his eyes were enough to reheat the soup

The yellow orange lights shimmer in the house, Cyno watches as you stand by the kitchen counter, the little spatula in your hand as you hum a gentle tune. It makes him wonder what he'll do if you're gone. What would he do without you? 

Just like that, he feels that sensation again. The one where he feels like throwing up but can't because his stomach is empty. 

"I'm actually not that hungry tonight." The scholar says, choosing to sit on the couch as he gaze at the crescent moon.  

"Are you not feeling well Cyno? You've been acting weird ever since you came back. Is something bother you?" You ask, slightly concerned at his unusual mannerism.

"No." He dismisses, "I'm fine." 

You don't believe it. But something tells you to leave him alone for now. 

"At least have some soup." You insist, bringing him a bowl of warm soup. "You'll feel awful tomorrow if you sleep on an empty stomach."

Cyno gives you an uneasy glance. Usually he would have bitten back with a remark, or at least teased you for your horrible knife skills. You find this version of Cyno scary, like he's so close but yet so far.

"If you insist." He mutters, disregarding the spoon and downing the soup in one go. What a crime.

The scholar sets the bowl down by the table. "I'll do the dishes tomorrow, head to bed when you're done eating." He says before leaving you all alone in the living room. 

What just happened?

You slowly crawl into the covers, careful to not to disturb Cyno. He's master the art of fake sleeping, if it was any other person they'd assume he was completely out. But Cyno's not snoring yet, so it's easy for you to tell he's awake. 

You gently nudge him, testing the waters to see if the shark will come out. 

No response.

You try again, this time with a little more strength. 


"Cyno?" You whisper, poking his cheeks gently as you intertwine your hand with his. Something he doesn't usually get the luxury of receiving. 

"Hmm?" You hear him mutter, his face tells you to leave him alone, but the way he has your hands in a deadlock grip tells you that his expression was just a facade. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" You offer. 

"You'd have to pay more than that." 

"Dollar for your thoughts?" 


"What can I say, I'm broke." You argue. 

"Fair enough." He retorts.

You two share a moment of silence, your hand is starting to tingle again. This time from the lack of blood flow. 

"Care to tell me what's up?" You ask once again. 

Cyno shakes his head gently, sinking further into the pillow as he tries to dismiss your interrogation. "You wouldn't get it." 

If there was one book that you could read upside down. It would be Cyno. And you knew. You knew that if you leave him alone right this moment, it would just keep eating away at him. 

Not taking his none sense, you life yourself up from your position and yank Cyno up with your intertwined hands, forcing him to sit up and look at you. 

"Tell me whats wrong. Please?" He's always there when you need him, and you want him to know that you'll always be there for him. 

There's another pause before Cyno works up the courage to speak. It's always been like this, you taking away his words without even trying. Maybe he really was sick after all. 

You look at him, patiently waiting for the words to come out. Take as long as you need to, I'm always here. Your eyes tells him. 

"Don't go." Cyno begins, whispering the words into you as he takes your waist and brings you closer to him. 

"Don't go."


- Yes Cyno does snore in his sleep.

- No he is not aware he does it. 

- Y/N can cook but Cyno prefers for her to stay out of the kitchen. He's so scared you'll get hurt that he basically banned you from holding a knife. 

Author's Note


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