Talking it through

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It's a message from Wilhelm.
Simon immediately snaps his head up to look at Wilhelm. Simon stares intensely at the crowned prince and then looks back down to see what the message read, " Simon, we need to talk, please meet me in the changing rooms after class, I have a plan." Simon started to think frantically what he should do, he of course was still hurt and mad about what happened but a part of him needed to touch and to speak with Wilhelm again, he missed the soft kisses, the small caresses, the jokes, the love between Wilhelm and him. Simon looked at his phone and back up at Wille, looking intensely again at his head, his hair, his skin, Simon was mesmerized by him, it felt like every time Simon looked at Wille he was being pulled to him like a magnet.
Simon looked back down at his phone, he was starting to get turned on by Wille and his beauty. Simon finally decided to message back, he typed to Wilhelm and then put his phone in his pocket. Simon couldn't get Wille out of his head, everything about the crowned prince, his walk, his voice, his hair, his smile, literally everything made Simon want to run up and hold and kiss him.  Simon didn't know if he made the right choice by what he sent to Wilhelm, he didn't know what to expect, but he knew he couldn't change it now, it had been sent and put onto Willes phone, now Simon just had wait, he to wait til the end of the class hour to see what would happen between him and Wilhelm, where there relationship would go and what the final decision was about the two and this long wait, made Simon nervous to move.

Wilhelm heard a buzz coming from his phone, he grabbed his phone and flipped it open and went to his messages. "One message from (Simon) " it read on Willes phone, Wilhem was nervous, he pressed on the text box, and read the message that Simon had written.
"See you in the locker rooms."
Wilhelm felt relieved Simon responded and would meet with him, he didn't expect Simon to believe him and immediately forgive him, Simon had a right to be angry at Wilhelm but Wille couldn't go much longer without Simon, his touch, his love, he couldn't live without it. The rest of the class dragged as Wilhelm waited it for it to end, every 10 seconds he found himself eyeing the clock, " Crown Prince, please pay attention" the teacher said seeing him eyeing the clock, "Sorry Ms" Wilhelm said apologeticly and then focused back on the teacher, or pretended to. The crown prince couldn't stop thinking about Simon, his hair, his eyes, his skin, his gaze, everything about Simon made Wille melt.

The bell finally went and Wilhelm got up almost immediately, he grabbed his books and pen and left the room, before he could leave the room him and Simon caught each other's eyes, the looked at each other for about 5 seconds and then looked away, Wilhelm quickly walked out, flicking his hair out of his face, "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck " he thought to himself. He almost ran to his locker, he turned down the hallways and finally hit the locker rooms, he slowed himself down and opened his locker to put his books away, he heard foot steps behind him as he finished putting his stuff away. He turns around and sees the curly haired boy, standing awkwardly behind him.

"Hi" Wilhelm says break the silence that had grown

"Hi" Simon replies.

Authors Note:
Hi!!! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in awhile, this summer has been incredibly busy!! Hope you enjoy!!

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