Slowly but surely

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"Listen I want to take things slow, I'm not ready to go back into a relationship with you Wille, as much as I love you, you hurt me, a lot" the curly haired boy looked at Wille who had looked at the floor as he spoke,

" I know, I am sorry Simme, I betrayed you and I understand you want to take things slow, that will give us time to think things through clearly"

Simon starred at Wilhelm, " Together, you and I are in this together, you talk to me about every decision about this, no man for himself." The prince nodded,

"Yes Simon, that is what I meant, together is what will be all the way through this"

Simon smiled, the urge to kiss the golden boy was taking advantage of him, he debated if one last kiss would be so bad, but that he thought if he kissed Wilhelm now, he wouldn't be able to stop ignoring the urges.

"God Wille, you're like a magnet" Simon sighed

Wilhelm chuckled, gazing at him,
"Oh yeah? How so?" He smirked

Simon shook his head.

"You're magnetic force is pulling me towards you" Wille's face went serious for a minute, like he was debating what had just came out of the curly haired boys mouth, Simon saw a soft smile creep on the princes face.

" I thought you wanted to take things slow Simon" Wilhelm said, smiling at him,

" I do, but my urges are still there, my love is still there for you"

Wilhelm went wide eyed, and then twitched in his spot, Simon looked at him with a confused expression and then noticed it.

" WILHELM OH MY GOD" Simon laughed, he was now also wide eyed

" God damn Simon " Wilhelm said, his face fully pale with embarrassment

" Do I sound that hot to you, making you hard?" Simon said chuckling to himself, missing the pen chucked at him.

Just then the first bell rang, making them both jump, " Well I better get going" Simon said, smiling at Wille and walked out, he couldn't get over the fact he was now sucked back into Wille's lap, no matter how much he tried, that boy would always find a way to pull Simon back in.

It had been about 2 months since the Wilhelm had spoken to Simon, Wille kept his word by letting Simon take things slow, them just being friends.
While those two months went by, Wilhelm started his plan to come out the world. Wilhelm only told few people who he trusted what his plan was, he didn't tell his parents, only 2 people knew, Felice and Simon.
Wilhelm woke up, the sun shining through his curtains ( Which were nicely closed but not all the way ) he sat up and stretched and leaned against the wall, grabbing his phone from beneath him, it was time.
He opened his phone and went to Instagram, writing his speech that he had been working on for over a month.

" I would like to make it known that I have not been completely honest with the public concerning the video that was leaked just over 2 months ago. I was held at a cross roads, between the one I love and the crown I hold, but ultimately, I have made my choice and decided to be honest with the people. It was me in the video, I am the one shown in the video, it might come to surprise to some and none to others but this is the honest truth. I choose love, I love a boy, and that boy loves me."

Wilhelm pressed the post button, his heart pounded, about two minutes after posting it he heard a knock at his door, he got out of bed, only in his pajama pants. He opened it to find Simon, who he had told the day before exactly when he was going to come out, " That was beautiful Wilhelm!! " Simon burst out as soon as Wilhelm opened the door, Wille smiled as he saw the brightness in Simons eyes. Seeing his boy this happy made his heart melt deep into his chest, " im glad you approve " Wilhelm winked, even though Simon had read each word Wille wrote.

" God Wille I really want to kiss you right now" Simon said, starring at Wilhelm, Wilhelm blushed, " Why don't we meet tonight? We haven't seen each other for awhile " Simon said slowly, looking shyly into Wille's eyes.
Wille was taken a back by Simon's boldness,
"Simon, I would love to, but are you sure? You want to take things slow"
Simon looked down and then back up, " Yes I'm sure, if anything happens it happens, and if it doesn't it doesn't, I've missed you as a friend and as a lover Wilhelm"
Wilhelm nodded, " what time bold boy"


"Sure, see you then "

And with that, Simon walked off with Wilhelm in a daze of confusion and desire, as much as wanted Simon he didn't want to do anything with him that Simon would later regret, those thoughts followed him throughout the day, making Wille questioning ever agreeing to hang out with Simon.

Hey!! Ik boring chapter, don't worry! It'll get more interesting I swear!!!

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