Summer fun

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It was two weeks into summer and Wilhelm and Simon had done nothing but be with each other. Wilhelm didn't complain because he loved being with Simon. The two would go to the lake and swim, hang out at Simons house, spend time with friends, make out, cuddle, watch movies, have sex.

Wilhelm and Simon were at the lake, sitting on a towel facing the crystal water. Wilhelm thought he loved the lake in winter but in summer, it was beautiful. The water shimmered in the mid summer sun.

The prince hadn't been home since school ended, he would mostly spend the night at Simons or use the dorms at the school. He didn't want to be at the castle, for how big it was he had always felt claustrophobic in it, Every time he was in the house, he was itching to be out and anywhere but his home.

Wilhelm looked at Simon, admiring the boy relaxing in the hot sun. His hair was freshly wet from being in the water, little water droplets rested on his skin and in the sun it looked like he was glittering. Simon had sunglasses on and was on his back, his shoulder propping him up. He looked beautiful.

"How do you always look so amazing?" The prince whispered.

Simon turned and gave the prince a shy smile and then leaned in to kiss him. Wille immediately ducked his head forward to meet the curly haired boys lips. Both shared a gentle kiss and pulled away. Wilhelm wished he could hold onto Simons kisses forever, never let them go from his lips.

"I have no idea what you mean my love, you look to perfect in this sunlight, I don't know how i could ever beat that." Simon said looking at the prince thoughtfully.

Wilhelm shook his head smiling, "No one is more beautiful than you Simon. You are the most perfect boy in the world."

Wille watched as a smile immediately escaped from Simons lips and his dimples were sneaking in with it. Wilhelm smiled back and he rolled over to be on top of Simon.

Simon squeaked in surprise but Wille didn't care. He was in a position where his mouth had a perfect view of Simon's neck. Wilhelm gently leaned in to kiss the boy's neck and felt the boy shudder once the prince's lips met the skin on his neck.

"Wille.. don't leave a hickey, my mom would be pissed." Simon said breathlessly and Wilhelm dug his teeth in a little bit to the boys flesh.

"Can borrow Felice's make up, can cover it." Wilhelm  suggested. The thought of leaving a mark on Simon's body made Wilhelm want to go crazy.

"Wilhelm..." Simon moaned softly, with a warning tone in his voice.

"Please Simon, I really want to see a hickey on your neck, it'd be so fucking hot." Wilhelm begged quietly, still kissing the boy's neck gently, sucking a bit in between each kiss.

"My mom finds out and your dead." Simon said, giving into Wilhelms pleading.

"So that's a yes?" Wilhelm grinned and Simon nodded his head gently, tilting his head to give Wilhelm more room.

"Yes because I'm already to turned on to want to stop." Simon breathed as Wilhelm went for it.

Wilhelm gently sucked at the flesh, feeling the vibrations the other boys throat from a moan. He felt as Simons hips bucked up to get friction and Wilhelm felt the obvious boner that Simon had developed and Wilhelm was starting to grow.

"Fuck Wille.. please.." Simon said impatiently, rubbing his hips vigorously into Wilhelms.

The prince groaned with the undeniable pleasure he was receiving. Simon was addicting, he was like a drug and Wilhelm couldn't get enough.

"I want to fuck you so bad right here." Wilhelm moaned, becoming more rough with the sucking.

"Do it." Simon groaned and Wilhelm looked up.

"Really? Right here?" Wilhelm asked a little astonished.

"Yes, fuck, I need you right now." Simon moaned still grinding his crotch roughly into Wilhelms.

Wilhelm moaned and started to strip Simon of his one and only piece of clothing which was his swimming shorts.

Soon both boys were butt naked on a towel right in front of the lake, their special spot. Once moving Wilhelm couldn't get enough of Simon's moans and pleas, he needed this, he needed Simon in all the ways possible.


Simon let out one last moan before feeling his whole body shake and a relieving feeling as he rode his high. He felt as Wilhelms sweaty body collapsed on top of him and rest his head in the crook of his neck.

Simon gently kissed the top of the boy head breathless and exhausted. That was the best sex he's ever had in one of his favorite places.

Both boys stayed like that for a moment, catching their breathes and feeling how connected they were. Wilhelm eventually pulled out and rolled over to lay next to Simon.

"I love you." Wilhelm said between his faint pants, Simon turned his head and smiled.

"I love you more."

"We should clean off in the lake." Wilhelm pointed out and Simon nodded.

Both boys managed to stand up and walk into the cool waters of the lake. Simon felt the chilly water hit his feet and feel the water rise up his legs the deeper he went in.

Simon melted into the water, floated on his back and felt as Wilhelm came close behind him.

"We should do that again, that was fucking amazing." Simon said looking up at the sky.

Wilhelm who was now standing next to him, chuckled and splashed a little water on the boys chest.

"We should, it was fun." Wilhelm giggled as Simon jumped up from the cold water that had just been splashed on him.

"You little... your paying for that." Simon said and splashed the prince with water. The two went back and forth laughing and jumping about, completely naked in the lake.

Once they were done splashing, the headed back to where their towels were and wrapped up in them. Smiling and grinning.

"That was a lot of fun but I'm ready for a shower." Simon shivered and watched Wilhelm walk closer and wrapped his arm around the boys shoulder and pulled him in the kiss the side of his head.

"I'm ready for a shower and a nap." Wilhelm said and the two made their way to Malins car.

Once they were back at Simons, the two hopped in the shower together and washed eachother off.

Simon felt as Wilhelm slowly and gently wash all parts of the boys body, his hands messaging his scalp with soap and his back. Simon repayed Wilhelm with the same treatment.

He gently scrubbed Wilhelms hair and his body, kissing his lips as a thank you. The two finished and stepped out of the shower, since Wilhelm had been staying over so much, he had extra pajamas there.

The two got in some comfy pajamas and cuddled on Simon's bed and watched a movie. Simon loved this, he loved being this close to his best friend, his lover. He loved being cozy and warm, curled on Wilhelms chest.

Simons eyes drooped as he felt sleep fast approaching, he faught it, wanting to soak up this moment a little longer before sleep won and Simon fell asleep in the warmth of his boyfriends arms.

Before he fell asleep Simon thought to himself, "This is going to be the best summer ever."

Heyyy it's meeeeee😭
Oml where do I even start, I am so incredibly sorry for how shitty I have been, its been a crazy couple months for me and I haven't had time to write and I'm so sorry.
I've missed you guys a shit ton though and I'm so sorry this took so long to get to you.
As always I love you amazing beautiful ppl and I hope you enjoyed this little chapter, sorry it wasn't longer!❤️❤️❤️

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