Truthfully mine

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Hey hey!! Before I start this chapter I just wanna warn you guys that there is ⚠️smut⚠️ so if you are not comfortable with that then you can skip!! I will give warning to when it starts and ends!

After holding, crying, venting and snuggled in Wilhelms chest, Simon was completely drained, from everything that happened. He couldn't get his head around the fact his sister betrayed him, his sister full on betrayed him, his head pounded, his eyes tired and sore from crying so much.

"You ok?" Wille asked softly, still holding on to Simon,

"Yeah I think so" Simon replied, his voice shaky and harassed.

"Would you like to lay with me?" The curly haired boy asked the prince, Wille smiled and nodded, they lay down, Wilhelm on his back and Simons face curled below the princes chin.

"Thank you" Simon said

"For what?" Wilhelm said looking honestly confused

"For saving me, being there for me" Simon said smiling, his tiredness was getting the better of him and his eyes were fighting to stay open.

"You don't have to thank me Simon, we're a team, we go through things together" Wille said, looking up at the ceiling,

''I love you Wilhelm" Simon said, he didn't hear Wille's response, he fell asleep after the name "Wilhelm" escaped his lips, he fell deep into a world where his mind took control, let his body relax and recharge, a place he didn't have the pain of knowing his sister, his best friend, slept with the person who ruined his and his lovers life, even though she knew.

Simons eyes fluttered open, he noticed that his head was on a pillow and he was on his side, he felt soft arms on his sides, he turned around gently to see his beautiful boy infront of him, the prince eyes were shut and his breathing was steady, he looked so peaceful, so perfect. Simon gently kissed his forehead, and looked out the window, it was night!! Already? He swore he had only slept 10-15 minutes!! Simon got up, trying hard not to disturb the prince, which he successfully accomplished, he walked over and grabbed some of the PJs he had brought incase this happened, and slipped them on, he walked to the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, how in the hell did he manage a prince for Christ sake? He was the most average looking boy there was.

He brushed his teeth and went back over to where Wilhelm was sleeping, or at least he thought, the golden boy was awake, his back leaned against the wall and his pillow, scratching at his eyes, "Well hey there sleeping beauty " Simon joked, Wilhelm smiled, as Simon curled back into bed with the prince, "Sleeping beauty?? You're the one who fell asleep before I could say I love you too, rude if you ask me" Wilhelm said pretending to look annoyed.  Simon chuckled, cuddling in next to Wille, "What time is it?" Wille asked, Simon reached for his phone and turned on the screen, 9:48, "Almost 10!" Simon says, surprised he had really slept that long and was still a little tired, " Damn" Wilhelm chuckles, Simon watches the prince, his smile, oh his smile, makes Simon want to melt, Simon is caught gazing and Wilhelm looks at him.

"You look so beautiful" Simon slips out, and then snaps out of his fixation on the boy next to him, "You're even more beautiful love" Wilhelm says turning to face him, Simon leans in for a kiss and Wilhelm eagerly connects their lips, it's soft at first, gentle, Simon has the wierd feeling that he has been starved half to death not having this, Wilhelms touch, the feeling he gets around the prince is unlike any other, it their feeling, it's their love. Wilhelm deepens the kiss, getting more desperate to reach in Simons mouth, Simon teases Wilhelm by keeping his lips sealed shut, Wilhelm takes this as a challenge and pushes harder, licking Simons lips and pushing hard, Simon gives in letting Wilhelm take control of his body.



Wille feels a smile glide across his face when Simon finally lets him in, Willes tongue surges in Simons mouth, their tongues dance together, swirling and curling. Wilhelm needed this right now, he not only wanted but needed Simon, all of Simon, he wanted to see Simon have pleasure again, see him in all his beauty. Wilhelm disconnected their lips and made his way to his neck, kissing the soft, sensitive skin, Simon moaned which made Wilhelms heart flutter, that what he wanted, thats what he needed.

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