Rule breaker

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Hey loves!! Just warning you there will be smut in this chapter, if you are not comfortable, there are warnings so you know when to skip!


The prince hadn't spoken to his mother, he stayed in his room from morning til night ignoring every part of her existence. Wilhelm couldn't get his mind off Simon, they hadn't seen each other in almost a month. The prince hadn't felt Simons warm gaze, his soft lips, him in general, to be quite honest, it was torture.

Wille: "Hey ml, my parents are going out on a business meeting, I was wondering if you wanted to spend the weekend with me ;) "

Wilhelm texted nervously, what if Simon didn't want to see Wilhelm? What if he wasn't interested in him anymore? No. That wasn't true. They loved each other, he was just over thinking. A buzz on the princes phone broke him of his thoughts and looked at the screen;

Simme💖 "Ofc I want to spend the weekend with you!! I miss you sm!!"

Wille "I miss you more!! I will send a driver to pick you up!!! I love youuu" Wilhelm instantly got excited. It was just going to be him and Simon for an entire weekend, alone.

Wilhelm immediately got out of his pajamas and started digging through his clothes. He found a nice pair of sweatpants and a shirt, he slipped them on and tidied his room a little. Wilhelm didn't know if he could be anymore excited, HIS BOY-.. wait is Simon his boyfriend? The Simon and Wilhelm never named their relationship, are they boyfriends?? Wille shook his thoughts.

The prince messaged Malin to pick up Simon,

Wilhelm: "Could you pick up Simon Erikson? :)"

Malin: " Does the Queen know you are having a house guest? ;)"

Wilhelm: " She doesn't need to know :)))"

Malin " Ok fine, we are keeping this between you and I, got it? I will pick him up right now 😋"

Wilhelm: " Thank youuu!!"

Wilhelm had always thought of Malin his bodyguard as one of his friends. Him and Malin were sort of inseparable, she spoiled him a lot with letting him sneak off and see Simon.

Wilhelm went down stairs and waited in the grand living room. He sat on the sofa and scrolled through his phone, checking Instagram for any new posts of his friends or his...lover.🤭 There were a couple posts from Felice. The prince's closest friend had posted pictures of her with her horse and Felice with Sara, did she know about Sara and August?? Did Sara tell Felice yet?? Wilhelm hoped she did and was honest with her, Felice deserved to know.

Wilhelm closed Instagram and put his phone beside him, looking up at the ceiling. He was almost asleep when he heard the doors start to open, he immediately jumped and ran to the door. The prince was met with the eyes of his best friend, his favorite person, his one and only, Simon.


Simon walked into the castle and was met with Wille's big brown eyes gazing at him, he smiled and Wille ran into him and hugged him passionately.

"I've missed you so much" Wilhelm exclaimed

"I've missed you more my love" Simon said digging his face into the princes shoulder. The curly haired boy loved Wilhelms smell, it was so clean and just smelled like home.

The two boys broke away and looked at each other, god Simon just wanted to kiss him and hold him.

"So what do you wanna do this weekend?" Wilhelm asked and Simon got a smirk on his face,

"I know what I wanna do first" Simon said tracing his fingers down Wilhelms chest. Wilhelm got the hint and also smirked.

"Yeah? Should we go to my room and... Watch a movie?" Simon giggled at this, this was gonna be some movie. Wilhelm grabbed Simon's hand and they ran up a huge staircase, this castle was huge, way bigger than Simon ever expected.

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