Guess who's back, back again.

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Simon woke up, his lovers arms gripped tightly against him. The curly haired boy took in the princes facial features, he broad jaw line, his pale skin, the little acne scars that Simon found very attractive. The boy could stare at him all day if he could, just taking in what was his, or hopefully would be his.

Simon gently stroked Wille's face, not trying to wake him up but did so anyway. Wilhelms eyes fluttered open and sleepily gazed into Simon's eyes, Simon looked back at him.

"Good morning" Wille whispered, his voice fresh from sleep.

"Good morning love" Simon answered smiling looking at the prince,

Simon wished they could lay like this forever, be in each other's arms, never letting go. He knew that could never happen, so he soaked in the moments he got.

"I wish we could stay like this forever" Simon said quietly and tucked his head into the princes shoulder,

The prince nodded, "I do too my love" and kissed Simon on his head.

Simon looked at Wilhelms eyes and then his lips, god everything about this boy was perfect, Simon looked back up at Wilhelms eyes and smiled cheekily.

The prince smiled back and connected they're lips, "If we cant stay under the covers forever maybe just for another couple minutes" Wille said, giving Simon one last kiss before trailing down til he was under the covers.

(Let your imagination do the rest) 🫶

Wilhelm looked at his phone, there were so many messages about his coming out, news reporters and fans, almost unbearable.

It had been almost 4 months Wilhelm had not been at Hileraska and he was getting tired of being cramped in the castle. For how big it was, it felt suffocating. The prince had begged and bagged at his mother for months to let him go back but she wasn't budging. It was torcher being home, he wanted to be with his friends, his lover.

"Wilhelm." The queen called, Wilhelm looked up from his phone and got up from his bed, making his way down the stairs case. And into the dining area where his mother was waiting.

"Since you have been non-stop asking and begging and sulking in your room, it is time you go back to Hileraska, this is not what I want but as your mother I want what you want," The queen said.

Wilhelm didn't know what to say, his mother had never done this, ever. The queen had never thought to be just his mother and not queen,

"Thank you mom" Wilhelm said containing his excitement.

"Go and pack your things, you will be returning tomorrow morning"  The queen nodded and Wilhelm nodded back walking to his room. The prince was silently screaming, he couldn't believe this, he was finally going to be back at Hileraska.

HIIII omg ik it's been a minute, BUT 1.17K READS OMLLLL, THANK YOUUUU. Sorry abt the short chapter but ip there will be longer!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to the ones who celebrate it ❤️❤️❤️ hope your day is as amazing as you❤️❤️❤️❤️

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