Swimming in the rain

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The prince was laying on his bed in his dorm, Simon was sitting next to him, both scrolling through their phones. It was Saturday afternoon, both had nothing to do, school would get out in less than two weeks and that meant the prince had the whole summer to spend with the love of his life

Wilhelm rolled into Simons lap, flopping his head on Simon's legs, and stretching with an exaggerated yawn. Simon put his phone to the side and smiled at Wilhelm, the prince looked back at him with the same loving smile. The two gazed at eachother for a minute or two before Simon rested his head on the wall behind him.

"What do you wanna do?" Wilhelm whispered, looking up into the ceiling.

"A lot of things." Simon answered back, looking into the distance.

"Yeah? Like what?" Wilhelm said, shifting his focus to the boy.

"Go swimming, cuddle with you...have sex." Simon smirked.

Wilhelm sat up straight away and looked at him, Simon giggled, his face flushing a rose colored red.

"Damn your horny." Wilhelm giggled and Simon slapped him playfully on the back.

"Fuck you!"

"Yeah I know, that's what you wanna do." Wilhelm shot back devishily.

"Shut up!! Your just as horny as I am!! Admit it!!" Simon pushed.

"Only for you my love. Anyway how about we go swimming and save the sex for tonight?" Wilhelm offered.

"Ok finnneeee." Simon wined jokingly.

The two jumped out of the dorm bed and threw on some bathing suits, Simon burrowed one of Wilhelms pairs and the boys were off.

Wilhelm called Malin to bring him down to the lake, their special spot. Malin agreed and the two exited the school and waited for the black car to arrive.

"Remember the first time we went to the lake?" Wilhelm asked, wrapping his arm around Simon's waist.

"Of course, it was cold as fuck." Simon laughed, his eyes shifting, as if he was reliving the memory.

"It was cold, I remember talking about the water and thinking we were being sneaky bitches. Malin told me after I came out that she knew we were flirting."

"Malin guessed the minute we started hanging out." Simon said resting his head on Wilhelms shoulder.

Wilhelm giggled and the two waited for Malin to arrive, once the car pulled up, the two hopped in and drove to the place that they could call theirs.


Simon loved the lake, everytime he and Wilhelm went there, it felt private and special.

The two arrived and hopped out, Malin parked out of view of the two and they stripped out of the clothes covering their bathing suits and jumped in the lake.

The two splashed and played in the water, they kissed and made out, they pushed eachother and tackled eachother.

Simon was in heaven, the amount of joy he got when being with Wilhelm was overwhelming and amazing all at the same time.

Simon jumped into Wilhelms arms, wrapping his legs around the princes waist and brought the two in for a passionate, love filled kiss. Wilhelm didn't deny the sudden passion and gladly pushed back into the kiss.

"God I love you Wilhelm." Simon whispered into Wilhelms ear.

"I love you more Simon" Wilhelm answered and just then rain started to pour down on them, they broke apart and looked up at the sky, laughing.

"I didn't know it was supposed to rain!" Wilhelm exclaimed.

"Neither did I!!" Simon gasped and looked up at the water droplets, feeling them pour down onto his face.

Wilhelm shook his head like a wet dog and water flew from his hair. Simon splashed him and Wilhelm looked at him with revenge flaring in his eyes.

"Oh your so paying for that lover." Wilhelm growled playfully and used both hands to splash a huge wave right a Simon. Simon gasped and laughed historically, splashing right back at his boyfriend.

The rain poured down on the two lovers, who were crazy for eachother. Simon wished this could last forever, just him and Wilhelm, alone, together, no school, no politics or royalty, just them. Just Simon and Wilhelm.

Simon wished other people could see that Wilhelm and him were no different than other people, they were just two 17 year olds in love. Just because Wilhelm was a prince had no effect on how Simon treated Wilhelm, they were happy.

They loved eachother before the sex tape but after it brought something new, it brought a stronger connection between them both. Though the tape damaged them and broke trust between them, Simon felt it made them stronger and better together.

The two were out until the rain stopped and the sun was setting, they went to the car, where Malin gave them dry towels and dry clothes to cover their bathing suits.

The clothes they had worn got drenched in the rain and couldn't be worn. Simon was thankful Malin kept extras in the car.

The two went back to the dorms, both hopped in the shower and warmed up. Cleaning eachother gently and soaking in eachothers warmth and presence. After the shower they changed into some pajamas and cuddled into bed. Both were to exhausted to do anything else but cuddle.

Simon curled into Wilhelms neck, quickly dosing off to the sound of Wilhelms steady heartbeat. This was so good, everything about this was good. This day, them, everything was good and Simon wanted it to never change.


OK SO FIRST AND FOR MOST!! I MISSED YOUU!! sorry abt my shitty uploads, I'm trying!! ALSO ARE WE SERIOUSLY ALMOST AT 19 FUCKING K?? ARE YOU SHITTING ME RN?? thank you thank you thank you beautifuls it means the honest world❤️❤️❤️
Hope you amazing ppl enjoyed this chapter 🙏 I wanted more lake scenes cuz that scene is everything to me🥲

Hope you all have an awesome, wonderful, lovely day and thank you so much for 19k, I love you all so much❤️❤️❤️

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