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Wilhelm woke up with sore eyes and a swollen face, him and Simon both had sobbed their eyes out. They talked for hours about them and their relationship, how they needed to trust eachother more.

They both decided it would be better for Simon to just spend the night, since by the time the boys had finished talking, it was already 9:40. Simon texted his mom to let her know that he was staying with Ayub, even though he was actually with Wille.

The boys shared Wilhelms bed, nothing happened between them, just "I'm sorry" kisses and "I want to hold you" hugs. It was a much needed release, Wilhelm talked about his family and his anxiety which he could see on Simon's face, he had no idea the extent of it.

Simon talked about his problems with his dad and the people from his old school, how he met Ayub and Rosh and how they were there for him when he needed it.

The prince let out a tired sigh and looked at the curly haired boy next to him, and god he looked beautiful. Simons tan skin glowed in the morning sunlight and his messy curls shimmered through the glow of the morning sun. The boys face was peaceful, Whilhelm took his fingers and traced the boys face gently, just like he had done the first morning they woke up together.

Simon's opened and he smiled at the prince, Wilhelm smiled back and leaned backwards to stretch.

"How did you sleep?" Wilhelm asked, leaning back down and holding Simons eyes. Simon nodded and looked back at Wilhelm.

"It was good, you?" Simons croaked, his voice scratchy from sleep.

"Fine." Wilhelm answered.

"We should get up" The prince suggested and Simon nodded and sat up, yawning and scratch his arm. Wilhelm let Simon get up first since he was closer to the edge and then followed.

"Mind if I used the bathroom to change?" Simon asked shyly, Wilhelm looked at him, a little confused.

"Yeah of course" Wilhelm says and smiles, Simon smiles softly back and heads into the bathroom. Wilhelm changes into a oversized grey shirt and some regular jeans and slips on his socks.

Simon comes out of the bathroom a little later, he has his purple hoodie on and some jeans as well.

"Wilhelm?" Simon calls and Wilhelm looks up from his phone and looks at Simon.


"Do I look ok?" Simon asks as he sits on the bed next to Wilhelm. Wilhelm immediately turns and faces Simon, and stares at him dead in the eye.

"Simon. Your perfect. Everything about you is perfect." Wilhelm says and Simon just nods.

"Yeah but I don't feel like it," Simon admits and look down at his hands which are bundled together as if he is cold.

"You should!! Simon look at me." Wilhelm orders in a serious tone and Simon meets his eyes.

"Simon, you are beautiful, everything about you is beautiful. You never need to think anything less of yourself because you are everything to so many people. Your drop dead gorgeous. Your eyes, your hair, your stomach, your legs, your arms, everything!! Everything about you is just beautiful. Simon to me your perfect, I've thought that since the day I met you." Wilhelm finishes his speech and Simon has more tears brewing in his eyes.

"Thank you love" Simon whispers, looking sadly into the  princes eyes and leans in to give him a hug. Wilhelm hugs tightly back. It breaks his heart his boy thinks he less than he is, because God, Simon is the most beautiful person alive.


Ever since the video had been released, everytime Simon looked in the mirror he would get flashbacks to when it was released and people would comment on his body.

Some people would sexualize him and others would just be plain out horrible. Simon would look at himself and want to throw up. The boy felt uncomfortable in his own skin, Wilhelm telling him that he should love himself and to the prince he was perfect made him feel better but it was still nagging him.

Spring break is just around the corner and that meant that the choir was going to perform their Spring concert, it was gonna be big. Simon walked to the choir practice room and stood on the risers. He stood patiently and watched as other kids entered the room.

"Simon?" His choir teacher called and Simon looked up and she signaled for him to meet her. Simon walked off his place on the risers and greeted his teacher with a polite smile.

"Simon. I have a question for you!" His teacher said with a warm smile.

"Of course Miss, what is it?" Simon asked and his teacher looked at some papers in her hands, adjusting her glasses as she did so.

"I was wondering if you would be interested in doing a solo at the Spring concert? You have amazing talent and it would be an honor for you to sing!" His teacher said.

Simon felt a flash of overwhelming excitement, h enodded happily.

"Yes!! Of course!!" Simon smiled widely.

His teacher clapped her hands in excitement and had a bigger smile on her face.

"Perfect, meet me today after your lessons and we can go over the music and work on pitches!" His teacher said happily.

"Of course!! Thank you so much!!" Simon thanked and then walked back to his spot, he really was going to sing a solo!?

Simon couldn't wipe the smile of his face the rest of the day. He walked down the halls and into glasses with the goofiest smile. As he walked into his math class, he sat next to Wille, the prince looked at him and smiled.

"You look happy." Wilhelm observed and Simon chuckled.

"Yes, yes I am very happy." Simon answered and Wilhelm turned at looked his him.

"May I ask why?" Wilhelm pushed and Simon couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I got chosen to sing a solo for the Spring concert!!!" Simon gushed.

Wilhelms face lit up and his smile grew bigger.

"Simon!! Thats amazing!! I'm so happy for you!!"

"Isn't it? I'm so excited, I'm going to the choir room this afternoon to go over the music and stuff." Simon said and looked at Wille.

The look in the Princes eyes made Simon melt, the way the prince would look at Simon made him feel like jello. Wilhelm looked at him with peer love and happiness for the boy, Wilhelm always looked at him like that, it made Simon have a ping of guilt for ever thinking Wille would cheat on him.

"I'm so happy for you!! You'll do amazing as you always do!!" Wilhelm cheered and Simon held his hand.

"Your my favorite" Simon whispered.

"Your mine Simon, forever and always." Wilhelm whispered back.

Sooooo, we got more happiness!! Also I just wanted to make a little announcement!!🤭
I am currently working on another story, ( DONT WORRY THIS ONE WILL STILL BE UPDATED ) it has nothing to do with Young Royals it's just a little something that I thought of in school!! If you guys would like to see more of me definitely check it out!!
I will post the first two chapters tmr!!👀😍


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