Past, present and future

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Simons Pov;
The curly haired boy turned around, and found Wilhelms eyes, they stood in silence for a minute until Wilhelm broke the silence, "Hi" he said in a soft voice, "Hi" Simon replied. Simon could feel the nerves in stomach start to swell as he said hi, the prince was standing 2 feet away from him, the person he loved with all his heart but also wished he could disappear.

"What did you want to talk to me about Wille?" Simon said looking at Wilhelm straight in the eyes,

"Us" the prince responded coldly

The way he said "us" made him shiver, Wilhelms blank stare didn't give away what he was thinking, did he regret not telling the truth?

"Let's go somewhere more private" Wilhelm said after waiting for a response for Simon but never getting one.

Simon nodded and followed the prince into a empty classroom, Simon stood next to one of the desks that were scattered throughout the room, Wilhelm stood next to a window and leaned against it. "I have decided what I want" Wilhelm said with a nervous voice, Simon looked at him, this was the first time he heard emotion in Willes voice, "What is it then Wille? Cause I already told you I don't-"
"I wanna be with you, not as a secret" Wilhelm cut Simon off.
Simon couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Wait what?"
"Simon, over the break all I could think about was you, how unfair I was, but Simon, I want you to know that this isn't going to be easy for me or you, that's why I want to talk about us" Wilhelm said, flicking his hair back.
Simon nodded thoughtfully, he has never seen the prince this serious, his face wasn't giving away any of his emotions, "Alright, we have a free hour right now" he said looking at Wille, who nodded.

Wilhelms pov;
I tried not to show how petrified I was, having Simon 4 feet away from me, telling him I wanted to be with him, but Wille also knew what he wanted didn't matter in his mother's eyes, Wilhelm collected his words and looked at Simon.

"Simme, what I said the day we got let out for break, I wasn't lieing, I love you, I love you so much, but I also have to make you understand what I want and what I love, doesn't matter to my mother or the monarchy, my wishes are put in my mouth by someone other than myself." Wilhelm explained feeling the nervous feeling creeping in his chest, Simon looked at him with his beautiful eyes, " I never wanted you to be my secret, I never want to hurt you, you are so perfect to me " Wilhelm said rubbing his hand across his chest, " I will come out, but you have to know the chaos will come, and I don't wanna put you through the paparazzi and the reporters following you everywhere you walk, step and breath" Wilhelm said looking at the floor and then back up at Simon.
"I have lived through that my entire life and I don't wanna put that on you"

" I just want to know what you want, if you want to be put through that, I also would like to say how incredibly sorry I am for not telling the reporters the truth when I had the chance"

Wille waited for Simon to say something, anything, he looked at the curly haired boy, his eyes were watering looking in the direction of the prince, " Wille, I love you too, ever since I met you I loved you. As much as I tried to get you out of my head I couldn't and still can't, I understand the risks of you coming out, and I'm willing to take them as long as we do it together, not someone going alone without talking to their partner first." Simon finished, Wille's eyes were also now beginning to water, he could feel his salty tear well up in his eyes, " I'm ready to take on the world with you Wille"

Sorry these chapters are shorter!! I will try and make them longer but it's hard lol, I start school tmr so I might not be able to write until later on this week anyway hope you enjoyed <33

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