Forever yours.

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Wilhelm spent most of Spring break with Simon. The two boys would go to Simons and hang out with Ayub and Rosh, Wilhelm getting his ass beat at video games, the two cooking, making out, being kids. Wilhelm also tried to step out of his comfort zone by walking around Bjärstad, holding hands and going in shops.

Wilhelm found himself never wanting to be at the castle with his family, they had August. The prince always wanted to be around Simon, spend time with him cause god did he love that boy.

Wilhelm flopped onto Simons bed dramatically and let out an aggravated sigh. Simon giggled and picked up the game controller the prince had thrown down aggressively.

"It's not our fault you suck at video games Wilhelm." Rosh laughed and Wille sat up to look at her.

"Shush!" Wilhelm said pretending to be annoyed, he looked at Simon and smiled at him lovingly.

"Ok scooch over!! My turn, imma show you how it's done." Simon said and pushed Wilhelm off the bed.

Wilhelm landed on the floor, flopping on his side and groaned from the impact.

"Aggressive much?" Wilhelm whined and received a smirk from Simon.

Wilhelm sat up and watched Simon as he played the game. He gazed as the boys eyes flickered and followed the movements of the video game, the prince watched has Simon jaw clenched and unclenched, how he moved his hands, how the light outlined his skin. Simon was beautiful.

"AH SHIT!! AYUB YOU CHEATER, I COULD'VE WON!!" Simon yelled and gave Ayub an astonished look.

"Sucks to be you Simme!" Ayub smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

Wilhelm giggled at the curly haired boys reaction to losing, Simon flung the remote at Rosh, who caught it and flopped on the bed.

"Aww is poor Simon being a sore loser?" Rosh teased and Simon gave her the finger.

"Fuck you Rosh, I'm not a sore loser!!" Simon defended himself.

"Yeah yeah Simon, ok." Rosh smiled and focused at the game.

Wilhelm got up from the floor and lazily sat on the bed with Simon, he gave the boy a reassuring smile and Simon returned it.

Wilhelm always adored the way Simon interacted with his friends and how he acted when he was at home. Simon was more loose and his childish side came out, Simon was more himself. Wilhelm realized how much he had been pushed away from regular child and teenage pleasures, how much he had been made to grow up, he envyed Simon in that respect.

After a little while, Ayub and Rosh started to get ready to head home, saying bye to Wilhelm and Simon and heading out of the curly haired boys room.

"You wanna spend the night?" Simon asked turning off the game and putting the controllers away.

"Yes please!" Wilhelm said, helping Simon tidy up the room, fixing beanbags and cleaning up cups.

They both headed out of the room and into the kitchen, Wilhelm placed the cups in the sink and washed them out.

"Mama!! Is it ok if Wille spends the night?" Simon called to his mom, who was sitting in the living room reading a book.

"Yes Simon, no funny business mi amor!!" Linda called back and Simon rolled his eyes.

Wilhelm smirked and looked at Simon, Simon threw a towel at the prince, who chuckled.

"Dry the dishes stalker!" Simon said and sat on the counter.


Simon hopped onto the counter and watched as the prince gently dried the cups and placed them in the cupboard.

Wilhelm turned and looked at Simon with that look he always gives, the look that makes Simon blush. The prince gives Simon a look that sparkles with love and affection.

Wilhelm strides closer to Simon and places his hands on either side of the boy.

"Your blushing." Wilhelm observes.

"Your a flirt." Simon snapped back smiling.

"You make me flirt." Wilhelm pushed with a silly grin plastered on his face.

"You make me blush when you flirt and it's embarrassing honestly." Simon sighed playfully.

"Oh so you don't like my flirting? Rude." Wilhelm said.

"Didn't say that."

"But you said it's embarrassing when I do."

Simon smiled giving up, "I love you."

"I love you times 10."

Simon laughed and rolled his eyes, he leaned in and kissed the prince gently.

Wilhelm melted into the kiss, they released and Simon felt as Wilhelm brought his hand up and lovingly stroked the side of Simons face.

"I love you more than anyone." Wilhelm whispered, his eyes becoming serious and he looked into Simons, brown eyes meeting brown.

Simon leaned in even closer and stopped his head right before the princes ear.

"I love you more than anyone too." Simon whispered gently.

Wilhelms smile returned and they touched foreheads, "You and me, Simon. Us forever and always my love."

Simon brought his hands up and rest them on the back of the princes neck, rubbing it softly before stopping.

"I'm forever yours Wilhelm." Simon said softly

"And I'm forever yours Simon." Wilhelm answered.

The boys went into the living room and squished in a recliner together, pulling a blanket over them, Linda turned on a movie. Wilhelm nuzzled into Simons chest and watched the TV, playing with the hem of Simons shirt.

Simon loved when Wilhelm did that, it made him smile at the princes subconscious action.

The two watched the movie quietly, Simon watched as the princes eyes drifted open and closed until they closed and didn't open again. The princes breathing slowed and his fidgeting with Simons shirt stopped.

Linda looked over and smiled warmly, "that boy loves you Simme."

"I love him." Simon said quietly.

"Both of you deserve it, you both have been put through so much, you deserve happiness." Linda said standing and kissed her son on the head.

"Don't let anyone ruin your happiness Simon, I heard your twos conversation, he's yours forever and always."

"What if we break up?" Simon asked.

"Forever is however long you choose it to be mi amor, right now he's your forever. If you break up and you find a new person, and you know you truly love them, then their your forever." Linda said.

Simon looked down from his mother's eyes and looked at the prince sleeping on his chest.

"I want him forever mama, he's my forever forever." Simon said looking back at his mom.

"I know darling, I've known since the lunch you introduced me to him, I saw the look you gave each other." Linda said and strolled out of the living room.

I have to admit I really love this chapter!! BUT MOST OF ALL I LOVE ALL OF YOU, LIKE YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME, YOUR LOVE MEANS THE WORLD TO ME, you are my forever🫶

Have an amazing, beautiful, happy day my stunning lovlies💖💖💖

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