Don't Let It Break Your Heart

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Nancy POV!!

I woke up this morning and I saw leaning onto Nialls chest, Harry was up against Louis, which I smiled at, and Liam was in Zayn's lap, at that point Harry wakes up, I gesture my head towards Liam and Zayn and he shrugs and nods over to the kitchen.

"Since when was Liam and Zayn, and you and Louis?" I ask getting a mug for tea out, "since never, Zayn and Liam have always been with girls and never given off the vibes, and Louis and I, we- were not like that, its just what I told you the other night, I like him, he's straight" he says with a shrug. "One, what do you mean vibes?, and two are you sure Louis straight?" I say with a questionable look. 

"Do you actually think so?" Harry says with a super surprised look, "who thinks what, what are we talking about?" Louis says as he walks into the kitchen, Niall not far behind, "never mind" Harry says, "we'll talk later" I say with a wink and he laughs. Niall gives me an annoyed look, I don't even know why, I saw just talking to Harry, I mean come on!. 

The boys got a call to do an interview in 2 hours so I will be tagging along with them, hopefully Harry and I can talk more about his situation. After breakfast I go to my room to get dressed when I get a text:

Private number: Hey Nancy its Anne, Anne Marie, if you dont remember, I was wondering if you wanted to grab some coffee with me, maybe shopping?

Me: Oh hey Anne, yeah that'd be cool, send me address?

Anne: Nah, I'll pick you up, its just coz we'll be going shopping too, about half an hour?

Me: yep sure see you then.

I put my phone away and go down stairs to tell the boys I cant go with them to the interview. "Hey, on second thought Anne just texted she wanted to go shopping and get coffee, sorry" I say, "Nah its all good" Louis says, "Ok but we have got to talk later ok?" Harry says raising his eyebrows, "Oh yeah ok cool" Niall says sadly. These days he is so sad, I dont get it, girl problems maybe?

With that I run back upstairs. 

I am amazing... no not really. But anyways for some reason what I think is a long chapter looks really short after I write it but its fine, ok bye. 


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