Its inevitable everything that's good comes to an end

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 I hear a knock at the door, I open it to see Niall standing there, "Hey Nancy can I talk to you please?" he says with a little frown, "yeah sure, whats happening?" I say still a little annoyed from the comment made about my hair, "look, I just wanted to apologize for the comment I made about your hair today, your right it wasnt my place to say, I was just a bit upset because Zara  told me that it was obvious that I was still in love with you, and she told me that I need to settle that before I start even trying to move on" he saying looking down sadly. "So she practically dumped you because she found out about your silly little crush on me that your over, the convocation could've been avoided if you just told her you were over it" I say confused, "No, No, No Nancy you will never get it, she was right, I am always going to love you as more than friends, thats it, even if I do end up getting over my "Silly little crush" I will always have the thought in the back of the head reminding me I love you, more than anything and you dont feel the same and the agony of that is the fact that I have to see you everyday, reminding me of it" he says sadly.

" I am so so sorry that happened but-" he cuts me off, "I have decided to leave One Direction, I cant handle the stress put on us and the stress I get everytime I see you" he says with a little bit of anger. I am starting to get angry now, I dont get it, "Fine, if you wanna leave just go ahead and leave im not gonna stop you" I say upset but also angry, "so your just gonna let go like that after all our years of friendship, I cant fucking believe you", "What do you WANT me to do, cry, SCREAM, I cant fucking do that! If I cried and screamed everytime somebody left I would never stop, I am sorry Niall but its not fair blaming it on me, and you and I know damn well its not the stress from the band its the fact you cant fucking handle that I dont want that kind of relationship with you." I say still standing in the doorway. "Nancy I-" he tries to say, "No, you dont get it! You never will, Niall I'LL NEVER BE LIKE YOU" I say tears rushing down my face, I walk into my bedroom and slams the door. 

The next day I dont leave my room, only for the bathroom and if I did I would have ashniko blasting into my noise canceling headphones. At about 7 oclock at night someone knocks on my door, "Nance, honey can I come in, its just Louis and I?" Harry says with a small voice. I open the door, a tear stained face from crying not long before, "hey, what're you doing here?" I say trying to act as normal as possible wiping my eyes, "Nancy, you know why were here we haven't seen you in days, everyone is asking where you are, are you ok?" he asks, Louis buts in "sun, I love you but we all know that's a silly question, look at her, she is obviously not ok" he says with a little smile over at me, "yeah no Louis right I obviously don't look alright, did you hear about what happened?" I ask with a sad expression, "yeah we did, is Niall serious, he cant just do that because he cant get over a crush I-" I cut him off. "You both know I love one direction with all my heart don't you?" I say, "of course, why" he asks concerned, "oh nothing" I say. We talk for about another hour and then they leave.

Ok so a good chapter, I am finishing the story soon, I probably wont write another one unless I am REALLY bored, so just wanted to say.


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