Unsaid Emily

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Julie and the Phantoms (Omg Luke.....but then again JULIE) I am so sorry just scroll past. 


I finish talking to the boys and hear walking down the stairs, with that we hear Nialls voice, "I wanna go shopping today who wants to come?" He says rubbing his eyes. "Sorry Niall I've got the thing with Anne" I say walking upstairs to get ready. 


I watch Nancy walk up the stairs and Harry notices my facial expressions, "Hey mate, you ok?" he asks indicating what just happened "I try and try to get her to at least notice me not in a bestfriend way, but I guess it serves me right for not having the courage all these years" I blurt out to Harry. "Its ok she'll notice, at the next award ceremony just ask her to go and dont say as what, if that doesnt work just talk to her, if you dont communicate dont expect her to know how you feel (Life advice right there. Communication is important) ok I'll take Harrys advice, "When's the next award ceremony?" I ask, "in a couple of days but you'd be better off asking her now" He says, "oh and I know the shopping trip wasnt offered to us but no anyways, no offense but you can tag along with Louis and I on a restaurant lunch?" He says as he walks off. "Ok sounds good" as I walk into the kitchen. 


Omg I am so excited to see Anne, by seeing Zayn and Liam get together as well as Harry and Louis, I think anything is possible, I am going to ask- my thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my door and I open it to see Harry, "Hey?" I ask gesturing for him to come in, "Hey I just wanted to talk to you about Niall, I think you should talk to him, he's not acting like himself" he says, "Yeah of course, Harry? I need to tell you something" I say but he doesnt hear me and gets up, I just dust it off and get up to. "Alright I am glad we cleared that up, I will see you tonight yeah?, oh and I cant forget all of us are going clubbing tonight, you are too no choice" he says as he walks out the door. 

Once I get dressed into tracksuits and a half cut green jumper I run down stairs, I am sooooo excited, "Ok call if any of you need anything ok, I wont be back untilllll....." I say and look at Harry to give me a time for tonight, "4:30 tonight" he says, "Yep, ok bye" I say running around the couch giving all he boys a hug. 

I get to Anne's place, it is so big, but why she's the only one living there. I get up to the door and knock, Anne answers "hey, come on in, I have so many thing for us to do today" she says getting excited, "i know i am so excited!!" as we walk into the lounge room we talk, "sooo there is an award ceremony in a couple of days, you wanna go with me?" she says hopefully, "omg yeah of course who else would I go with" I say sarcastically with a grin, "cool, I just thought you would be going with Niall and the boys seeing that your dating Niall and all" she says casually.

"where did you hear that?" I ask, "oh in a newspaper article the other day" she says, "Oh no Niall and I we arnt we're just great friends, and the other boys I have something to tell you about them" I say as we sit down on the couch. "Ok but first 'Shadow hunters' or 'Heartstopper'?" she says excitedly, "OMG Heartstopper of course!!!" I say and we giggle as we sit down and watch it. 

By the end of the day we had binge watched 'Heartstopper', 'Shadow Hunters' and we were halfway through 'Brooklin 99', I looked down at my phone and it said 4:00, "oh I have to go, I'll tell you about the boys at the ceremony ok" I ask getting up and walking "Oh ok yeah, when will I see you next other than at the ceremony?" she asks getting up too, "Oh I have a modelling show coming up, you can come, meet all my modeling friends!" I say, "sounds fun, ok see you on Tuesday!" (Random day) With that I walk out to my car and drive home. 

Short  chapter but I am tired and its winta (so so so sorry) Have a nice day, could you please comment and Vote!! BYE!!!!!!!


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