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Pan!c at the disco, love this song (I mostly just love Brendo Urie but thats not the point)


I wake up in my own bed with a blaring headache but with a smile remembering somewhat of last night. I get up and walk downstairs, on the stairs I meet Niall "you look like shit" he says tiredly "fuck! good morning to you too" I say we walk down the stairs together to see a Liam and Zayn on the couch and Harry and Louis drinking coffee, "you guys look like shit!" Louis says, "one more person says I look like shit I will shoot them, is there any coffee for me?" I say rubbing my eyes. 

After I have my morning coffee, I sit on the couch to watch toy story with the other boys, and I get a text:

Anne: Hey, had fun last night, how are you feeling, got a hangover too?

Me: I had fun too, majorly have a hangover and apparently look like shit according to the boys LOL

Anne: fun, I am sure you dont look that down to hang out today, talk about last night?

Me: Yeah sure....when?

Anne: how about in half an hour?

Me: Sounds fun just gotta get dressed...

Anne: cool see u then :)

I get up to go get dressed and Harry questions me, "and where are you going??" he says raising his eyebrows, "Anne's, enough of an explanation?" I say and continue walking, Niall gets up too. "Where are YOU going?" Louis says to Niall, "I met a really nice girl last night and asked her on a date, huge fan of ours, figure its time to move on" he says with a grin towards me, "I am so happy for you Ni!!" I say, "what because your first optioned turned out not into you and gay?" Louis says pissing himself laughing, "hey I am not gay! I am bisexual and so are you! "whatever, she's my best friend anyway!" he says smirking. "Excuse me Boo bear, whats wrong with being bisexual?" Harry says, everyone else pissing themselves laughing at the name 'boo bear' "Hazzzzzaaa, I told you not to call me that!" he wines at Harry, "well I know you love it so stop complaining!" Harry says kissing Louis. "Whats wrong boo bear Harry got your tongue?" I say and he glares at me whilst Harry cracks up laughing. 

I finally get to my room and get dressed into a baggy rolling stones top and skinny jeans chuck my hair in a messy bun and walk downstairs again. I head towards the door and Niall stops me, "hey I just wanted to let you know that if anything goes wrong call me and if everything goes right tell me ok?" he says, I chuckle at the last bit, "you too Niall, have fun, use protection, and if anything goes wrong call me!" I say, we hug and I go. 

I get to Anne's house and she greets me at the door, "hey!" she says nervously, "hi, you said you wanted to talk about last night" I say, as I walk into the kitchen shutting the door behind me. "Yeah I just wanted to apolagise for last night, I know I shouldn't have kissed you we were both drunk and I really like you and have for a while" she rambles, "no its ok, I knew what was happening like I was drunk but I wasnt THAT drunk at the same time, and I have liked you for a while now too, so we are both as bad as each other" I say laughing, making it less awkward between us. "Soooooo, still wanna go to the award ceremony with me?" I ask her, "yes! but before that I want to take you on a date!" she says proudly, "sure, when?" I ask, "how about now?". 

We ended up getting brunch and a coffee because we both needed it, and I invited her to another modeling thing I am doing in a couple of days, its for Gucci I think?


"I feel like that whole blow-up last night was my fault, I told Niall to go for it and I didnt even see that Nancy was Bisexual!!" I say feeling guilty, "Harry dont blame yourself they were both inevitably going to suffer whether he told her or not, and it worked out in the end and they are both happy just being friends" Louis tells me, I know they are happy now but what if I just told Nancy? it wouldnt have happened, what if I just saw that she wasn't interested, I could've told him not to go for it, but I suppose Lou is right, even if I did tell him he probably wouldn't listen and do it anyways. 


I feel relieved in a way because I had liked Nance for a long time that it just kinda put stressing about it on my shoulders when it could've been solved years ago, I am happy that Harry pushed me I am because now I am going out with amazing girl and my best friend is going out with an amazing girl too, and I am so happy that she's happy. 


From getting brunch I get back to the house and no one is home so I sit and I watch a whole lot of movies, it was a good day, I am so excited to go to the award ceremony!!

I think it was a decent chapter, I am so proud of myself because it is number one in the Anne Marie category, and I am really happy because its my birthday next week, and I am shouting my grandma lunch cause I love her (and my mums making me) which I dont have the money for...... Anyways good chapter,pls vote, like, comment, I dont bloody know do something?

~Eli :)

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