'Daisy' Ashniko

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If you have a weird style in music listen to the song.


"oh ok, well so I had a talk with Niall, he admitted he had feelings for Nancy, I then had a talk with Nancy, I admitted I loved you, she told me she had a crush on someone and I then told Niall that that was probably him and he probably had a chance, but judging by the look on her face just then, no its not Niall" Harry says really fast. 

All that I hear from that information was 5 words 'I admitted I loved you'. When he says it I cant help whether to think he was talking in past tense or present, that he 'loved' me or that he 'loves me'. I shouldnt be thinking about these things, I am straight!

'I am straight' a phrase I have never actually said out loud, maybe because I have a hard time convincing myself everytime I say it. Yeah, I think about it a lot, I first realised when I first saw Harry shirtless at a pool party. "Louis?" Harry  says, as he interupts my thoughts, "yeah Haz?" I says "what do you mean 'yeah?' the popcorn is ready!" he says mocking me saying 'yeah' but the way he does it, it's just really cute. 

Ok I am not straight. I finally admitted it, I have loved Harry since X factor, I just thought it was a brotherly love though, I never started to think like that lately. We sit back down on the couch with the others, the staring contest between Liam and Niall, because of Liam stupid little comment is over and there all starting to watch 'Dear John'. 

By the end of the movie, Nancy is crying, Niall is comforting her, Liam is in Zayn's lap, Zayn is playing with Liam's hair (ok yes, ziam, you cant blame me though!) and Harry's crying beside me, I pat my lap and he comes and lies in it, and we all fall asleep exactly like that. 

Shitty ending and short chapter I know but I am tired and and it is 12:30 at night so you cant blame me. Goodnight.


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