Jumped in feet first and I landed too hard

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Last chapter, might make another, not likely.


I cannot believe Tuesday came by so quickly! I was talking to Harry and the next I am looking myself in the mirror to check if I looked ok, I was wearing a dress with flowers on it, floor length, and strapless, I have matched it with plain black heels. I take one more look at myself before deciding to grab my bag.

"Ok I am off Anne, I will be back late tonight or early tomorrow!" I say to her as she sits on the couch watching princess diaries, "ok" she responds to focused on the movie, "why are you watching princess diaries?" I ask because I know she's watched about 13 times in the last 3 weeks, "because I love it, and I love you, have fun see you later!" she says leaning over the couch to give me a kiss, "love you too, bye" I say as I walk out the door.


I arrived at Nialls at 7:00am this morning, Louis arrived a bit but not much longer later, and then Liam rocked up. "Hello lads long time no see, huh?" Louis says, "yeah, did any of you bring dates?" Liam says obviously trying to find out because he doesn't have one of his own, "Nah, I don't do social event with other people anymore" I say, not since Louis. To my disgust and surprise Louis answers with a smile, "I have actually, yeah she's just over there, talking to that girl" he says point out a pretty brown haired girl.

"That girl happens to be my girlfriend Louis" I hear from behind us, Zayn. "Didn't expect to see you here" Liam says with a disgusted look to his face, "I wouldn't miss this for the world, its like seeing a little brother grow up" he said with a genuine smile, "yeah that you abandoned 3 years ago" he mumbled. "C'mon Liam!" Louis says, "what he did it to all of us, especially ME, you fucking broke my heart!" Liam says sternly but not loud enough but the boys could hear. "NOT at Niallers wedding! you know better, act more mature" I say, I try looking to see if Nancy was here yet, that would stop the boys from arguing.


I arrive at the venue and get out, I cannot believe after 4 years I am gonna see my best friend again, how will he react will it be good, will it be bad! My body starts to go into panic mode. I stand there for a little while then go in.

Multiple guests have rocked up already, I search the room for familiar eyes, I finally see Harry's, thank god I was starting to feel awkward. I walk up to the boys everyone not noticing me except Harry, "So Nance, how are you" Harry says loudly, "NANCY where?" Zayn turns around and almost straingles me to death with a hug. "hey" I simply, I notice Louis elbow Harry in the gut really hard and ask something. I ignore it and move on.

Once all the guests have arrived, it begins, first Niall walks out in a suit, he doesn't seem to notice me at first then I think what if he doesn't notice me?! I panic. Next the bridesmaids start walking down, none of which I recognise, and then the bride, her dress was long sleeved both which was lace, a detailed lace pattern going all around, it was a princess wedding dress and had a huge trail, the veil was all lace, large trail, and she had a tiara on.

As I watch Niall look at his fiancé coming down the aisle, I realise that leaving was the best decision I made, not for me but for him and his future, now look at him. As the couple walk down the aisle my eyes meet Niall and I grin and yell a "yesssssss", he grins back and just because of those actions I knew everything with us was gonna be ok, we were gonna be ok, as for all the other boys that's for them to find out.

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