I don't care what people say when we're together

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So.... My brilliant idea is coming upppppppppp


The day of the award ceremony came up really quickly, one minute I am getting asked to be Anne's girlfriend and announcing on social, to getting my makeup done by a professional for a award ceremony.

I am sitting in a seat with the boys surrounding me and Anne sitting next to me, all doing different things, getting hair done, makeup done, getting ready in general. I have my hair already done in an up do which looks really pretty, next to me Anne has her short little bob of hair recently dyed light pink, I always loved her hair but at the same time I have always wanted a buzz cut. Anne notices me looking at her, "you look amazing" is all she says, "thankyou you do to, I was just thinking about cutting my hair... I wanna do it" I say casually, "did you wanna do it now or later, we could do it now saves the hairstylist coming back out?" she says excitedly, "oh you mean now now, yeah I am down, where are they".

After a little while the stylist finally comes back, "you wanted to cut your hair?" she says with a smile, "um yeah I want kind of like a wolf cut...I think that what its called" I say getting a picture of this really pretty person up, "oh yeah I gave a girl that hairstyle the other day, no problem" she says. As she starts cutting, I cover my eyes, not wanting to see what it looks like till the end, and I can do a big show for my new hairstyle to the boys, they've already walked out into the lounge area. "Alright that should be it..." she says, and I open my eyes, "oh my god" I say slowly, the stylists smile turns into a frown, "do you not like it? I can make it better if you like?" she says nervously, "No. I LOVE it, it looks amazing!!" I say and turn around and hug her. "I say a quick thankyou to the hairstylist as I go to get into my dress, it's got a sparkly black corset top that outlines my figure and then goes into a swish floor length purple skirt with a big slit, to match it I have sparkly black platform heels that I could barely walk in.

I walk downstairs to see Anne talking to Harry, Louis in his lap looking at his phone, Liam and Zayn talking, and Niall talking on the phone. To actually physically walk downstairs I had to lift the skirt off the ground so I wouldn't trip on it, I see everyone look up, Anne rushes over to me "holy shit Nance!!" she says as she looks at me, "I must be the luckiest person alive to have you as my girlfriend" she adds with a grin. We all start walking out as everyone compliments me and my new hairstyle.

"That's a bold hairstyles Nancy... are you sure you arnt getting pressured?" Niall asks concerned, "look Niall I like it and just you liked my hair better long doesn't mean I just am not gonna cut it at your request" I say getting a little annoyed, I mean wouldn't anyone, I get he doesn't want to see me get hurt but that's not his place to say, and honestly, I don't care whether he likes it or not.

We pick up Zara, Nialls girlfriend then we get to the award ceremony, first Niall and Zara get out causing the crowd to scream, then there comes Zayn and Liam, and Harry and Louis who again gets quite a big cheer from the crowd. Its just Anne and me finally, Anne steps out and I hear more screams which kind of frightens me if I am gonna be honest, Anne holds out her hand and I grab it as I get out of the car, my nerves go away as I see grins and hear cheers. We then get photos taken there is camera's all around us, first fans, than paps, next are the professional photos and I half hug and half not hug Anne as the person takes the photos.

The rest of the night flies by in a flash until it come up to the bit where Anne gets an award, she walks up takes the award then says a few thing, "first off thankyou to my fans for their unconditional support, and trust that I will make the right decisions, next person I wanna thank is Nancy, my beautiful girlfriend who is always there for me and always respects me, I love you" she says, the words making me grin but go red a little.

After the award ceremony my socials blew up, some being death threats, sayin how much they despise me, but the once I see the most are the supportive ones. No matter what Niall says, or what anyone says for that matter I feel happy.

 Really good chapter I recon

I started writing the start to the next chapter at the end of this chapter than thought different, I love the next chapter I dont know why I just do, ya know?

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