And neither one of us wants to say were sorry

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Ok so this might be the end of the story I will decide while writing it, bye.

A few years later....


"Louis, I need an answer now, I don't know what to do?!" I say complaining over the phone to Louis. One Direction actually ended up splitting up after Zayn broke up with Liam and Louis broke up with me, the only persons relationship that's going well is Nialls, speaking of, "ok so I don't know what you should do ok, if you invite her he could have two different reactions, and she could possibly say no" he says. Niall is getting married to Zara, I need people's opinions on whether I should invite Nancy or not, I mean she was his best friend and would be pissed if she missed it. After their whole blow up I found her new Instagram I must admit she did a good job at trying to hide it, no but I started to message her and tell her what happened with the boys.

"I am going to invite her, I have made up my mind" I say putting my foot down.


I hear my phone go off and I look down to my phone, its Harry, he found my Instagram and started talking to me again,

Harry: Hey, I want to ask you something, it might be a bit weird but are you still with Anne?

Me: Yeah I am, why??

Harry: well maybe you can bring her as your plus one to Niall and Zara's wedding on Tuesday?

I re read the text about 5 times before calling Harry, "What the fuck?" I say as he picks up, "oh yeah they sorted themselves out, he proposed about 4 months ago" he says casually, "but doesn't he hate me, I mean like the way I left?" I say. "Nancy don't ever tell anyone this but I found Niall screaming, crying and rocking in a corner when he read your letter, whatever you put in there really got to him, he broke down for a solid month", he says a little upset, "I said what I had to ok, I didn't want to get in the way of his realtionships or of One Direction ok" I say in a stern voice. "crap I haven't told you have I?" he says and continues cursing at himself, "Nancy, One Direction broke up, right after Zayn and Liam did, Louis and Zayn had a blow up then Louis and I broke up, did you not hear this in the news, it was everywhere, any type of social media" he says, I go onto the one direction account in Instagram and there it is, their last picture together before their last hurrah and breaking up. "Shit Harry, I didn't know, I am so sorry about you and Louis too, but isn't Louis and all the other boys going to be at Nialls wedding then?" I say confused, "Yeah it will be the first time I am seeing them in about 3 years, I have talked to Louis already, I don't know what Zayn and him will be like though" he says, that surprises me because in the band Louis and Zayn were best mates, something must've gone badly wrong for them to hate each other now.

"So you still haven't answered my question on whether you'd come or not, its this coming Tuesday, I know its short notice but I think it would be great if you could come" he says quickly, "Its ok I am definitely coming, I don't know about Anne though, and may I ask does Niall know you want me to come or...?" I say questionably. "Niall doesn't know, I thought it would be a good surprise" he says unsure, "well I am blaming you if it turns out badly, I can check with Anne now, hang on" I put the phone call on hold and start talking, "hey babe, I just found out Niall is getting married next Tuesday, and Harry was just wondering if you wanted to come?" I said with a smile, "honey, I know you were best friends with Niall, but after the whole blow up, do you really think you should be going?" she says which gets me thinking, "I think after 4 years it would have blown over" I say hopefully, "Ok so your going? when is it again?" she says, "next Tuesday.... oh shit you've got your show haven't you, I am sorry!" I say totally forgetting about it.

"Its ok you go to the wedding I will go to my show though, you know I cant cancel" she says walking upstairs. I take Harry off hold, "Hey, I will be coming but Anne has a show, where is it and what time?" I say with a smile.

Ok so not the last chapter but second last...


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