Shout out to my ex

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Little Mix


"I am back!" I yell through the apartment, "Nancy, finally!" Harry says dramatically, "I am not late am I?" I say confused, "no I just wanted to make you think you were" he says with a small chuckle at the end, "I am gonna go get dressed now?" I say confused, I start walking up the stairs and I get stopped by Niall, "Hey, your back, I wanted to ask you something?" he says nervously, "yeah, what'd you wanna ask?" I ask. "Well the award ceremony is coming up in a  couple of days and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" he says quickly, "Oh shit, I am so so sorry Niall, I am going with Anne, I should've asked you first, I'll just cancel with Anne it ok" I say with regret, he goes red with embarrassment "oh-  no I, I was just wondering because I know you dont um- normally have anyone, I am going with someone too so its alright, dont cancel" he says as he walks off in a sad huff. I continue walking up to my room thinking about how red Niall was when saying that, he looked like a year 6 girl telling her crush she liked him, I have a shower and get dressed into a black skin tight clubbing dress, with silver heels to match, I go with a silver smokey eye look.


When I get downstairs to see everyone but Nancy ready I go over to Harry, "Well?! Did you ask her?" he asks excitedly, "uh yeah" I say upset, "what happened" he says concerned, "She's going with Anne, she seems to be very fond of Anne, she's literally kicked me to the curb as soon as she got 'THE Anne - Marie (side note: mate I would kick ANYONE to the curb for Anne Marie, and thats saying something for me)' to be friends with her, I just wish she would open her eyes to her REAL friends!" I say agrily. "Its ok, she will, it'll take time though, be patient, look how long it took for Lou and I, yeah?" he says rubbing my back, I sit next to him and put my head on his shoulder. 


I walk down the stairs to see all the boys ready and Niall staring at me, I go red but brush it off.

We get to the club and Zayn and Liam go off together, Louis, Harry, Niall and I stick together, find a seat and order a drink.

A while into the night Harry and Louis and making out in a corner, Niall is dancing with Zayn and Liam, and I am sitting at our seats, or falling off the seats half drunk, I look around and I see a familiar face, Anne, so I go over to say and we start talking. "HEY!" I yell over the blaring music, "NANCY!" she yells equaly as loud, from there our convosation goes further. 


I look around and panic, I cant see Nancy, I search but then I find her with Anne, what is she doing here, is she stalking her or something?! I walk over  to her and grab Nancy by the wrists, not knowing what I am about to do, "we need to talk" I say as cold air hits my face, "What the hell Niall, what was that for?!" she says angrily. "Look I am gonna be totally honest, I dont have anyone to take to the award ceremony OK?! and I was really hoping we could go together, as like a date, I know its a long shot, and I know I am your best friend but-" I say cutting myself off. I look up to see a confused and drunk Nancy, "Look Niall I said I would go with you to the award ceremony, but Niall, were best friends! why would you do this, I hate that now we have to live with this between us, that you will always have feeling towards me and I dont, and probably never will, I love you Niall and I always will just not in that way ok I am sorry!" She says tears streaming down her face, and she runs back inside leaving me standing there, confused, hurt, but yet understanding, it does it makes sense that because we have been friends for the amount of years we have its hard to see a relationship between us but it hurts it does to be rejected by my only love, and yeeah because I admitted it it'll be weird between us now, but I guess i'll deal with it then. 


I run back inside and panic, I cant see anyone, I finally find Anne and go over to her, I hug her and grip on, she hugs back and eventually we sit down, "You wanna talk about it?" she says, "I just dont get it, why is this happening to me, why we cant be just best friends?" I say, "Honey, I hate to break it to you but you cant leave me with no context, ok I am going to guess this is about Niall, but what happened?" she asks, me leaning against her shoulder. 

"Niall just then after 14 years of friendship (random number) admitted to me that he has feeling for me and I said I didnt and that I hate it now because we are now always gonna have the thing where he's got feeling for me and I have never felt the same way, and its gonna be weird and awkward between us" I blurt out. 

"Well did you talk to him fully about it?" she says, "well no I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible" I say "Maybe if you talked to him he would understand" she says, "But thats the thing I cant talk to him, or to anyone....I think I am bisexual..." I say quietly. "Thats amazing that you've found that out! but I am serious, you've gotta talk to him ok?" she says, "ok" I say "your amazing and I dont know what I'd do without you!" I say. The next bit was a bit like a replica of Harry and Louis except this time there was a lot of people. I kind of made the first move and leaned in, after that she did the same thing you know we were making out, I have kissed guys before but for some reason I liked this more, it kinda felt right. But that feeling faded out when Niall saw us and walk up to me. 


She was kissing Anne, it kind of makes sense.... I walk over to her and Anne, "I am so so sorry Niall, I-" I cut her off midway "Nancy, I am your best friend right? Why didn't you just tell me? I am not even upset, I get it I saw this happen with Harry and Lou and Zayn and Liam, and I am so so proud of you for figuring whatever you just figured out but you should've told me what you were thinking, it would've saved me time and effort" I say with a smile at the end, and as soon as she sees my smile and she grins and jumps into my arms "thankyou, thankyou, thankyou Niall, you are amazing and the bestest friend, I love you Niall!" she says, hearing those last words gives relief that there is no bad blood or awkwardness, I will always have a part of me that loves her for more than that but honestly I wouldnt have our friendship any other way 

Ok not my best work but that was the main point of this story, to find out she was a little fruity (like me) sooo yeah hope you enjoyed. Comment, vote, or dont.....I don't know (maybe do pls) It is long sorry.


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