Forget Me

11 1 0

Back to the song titles, continues from last chapter. 


I walk out of my room and while walking down the hallway I meet Louis, "Hey Louis can we talk please?" I say really wanting to talk to him, "Yeah we'll talk later and-" I cut him off halfway. "No Louis I need to talk now!" I say firmly, he gulps and nods following me to my room, "Louis look I- I've meaning to tell you something for a while now and well um- it might change your perspective on me" I say ready for him to reject me. "Yeah I have been too, did you want to go first or me or whatever you want" he says trying not to be awkward but failing. 


He stays quiet. "Well harry I- um I- you know how you knew you liked both genders, how exactly did you find that out?" I say quickly hoping he didnt hear me so I could avoid the convosation. "I- well I knew because I had a person who made me realise it, a person I liked" Harry says and steps closer to me. "And thats kind of what I wanted to talk to you about-" He says but gets cut off  by the sound of Nancy's voice, "Boys hurry up we're waiting!" with that I sigh and walk out, harry not far behind me, we walk down the stairs and we see Liam and Zayn cuddling on the couch. "Did we miss something?" I say confused, "Oh yeah they're dating, thats old news, thats how long you guys were up there" Niall says looking at his phone with a nodding Nancy in his lap. "But I though-" I say confused "their 'girlfriends' were there excuse to go and fuck" harry wispers in my ear, "Ohhhhh ok that makes sense now!" I say sitting down. "Oh yeah I am hanging out with Anne again tomorrow" Nancy pipes up and says, "Oh speaking of non straight people, did you know Anne is actually bisexual?" Liam says raising his eyebrows "I only found out about 4 days ago, she came out is like 2013!" he says and the only reaction he gets is from Nancy who just nods. 


I was so close why did she have to interupt!!!!! I am never gonna be able to tell him, he'll just reject me! I sit there on the  couch next to Louis no one saying anything "Ok this is boring what'd ya wanna do?" I ask the group, Niall grunts, so does Nancy and Liam and Zayn just sit there. "MOVIE! GREASE" Louis yells I laugh as I get up to put the movie on and I see the time 4:30, wow not that late. I put the disc in and sit down. 

We get half way through the movie, Nancy's fallen asleep on Niall and Niall is stroking her hair lovingly, and Zayn and Liam are just cuddling I am still getting used to seeing them like this. I continue watching the movie and I feel a hand go on mine, I look over at Louis and he quickly removes his hand going red. He brushes it off like its nothing but I look over at him and I do the same thing, this time I dont jerk back I look at Louis and he looks at me. 


We sit there looking at each other and I grip onto his hand expecting him to react badly but he repeats my movements. We continue to look at each other till he moves closer. 


I move closer than rest my head on his shoulder still holding his hand. As the movie progresses I am no longer focused on the movie all I do is keep looking at his beautiful blue eyes as he watches the movie. 

Near the end of the movie he notices me looking at him, I feel him move as he reaches him down towards mine, he does this until I can feel his breathing, he suddenly kisses me, first I am surprised and then I kiss back. 


I CANT BELIEVE I KISSED HIM! This beautiful green eyed man, at first I though he was going to reject me but ended up kissing me back. The movie ends and we continue kissing until clapping stops us, we both look up to see Zayn with his draw dropped, Nancy clapping, and Niall talking to Liam, "You owe me 20 buck now, I said by the end of the film!" Niall says to Liam, "No you said the end of the day, its 6:00!!" Liam says and Harry and I look at them so confused and then it hits me "YOU BET ON US!?" I scream at them, "Technically the bet has been going on for a while now" Liam says, "6 weeks give or take, and you havent noticed!" Niall says. 


"I am so proud of both of you!" Nancy says, "wait hang on what do you mean both of us?" I say confused as I thought I was the only one. "Both of you loved each other but didn't want to hurt the other, I just helped you figure out what you wanted!" she says with a proud smile and then turns to Zayn, "WHAT?, you didnt know!" she says. "NO OF COURSE NOT, but congrats mate!" Zayn says to both of us.

After ordering Nando's for dinner we go to bed, for an early night. 


I am so excited I get to see Anne again and to find out she's bisexual wow, I walk down stairs in the morning to see Harry and Louis and Zayn and Liam up, "Is Niall not up yet?!" I say, "No he not yet" Louis says as he goes into the kitchen to put the kettle on. "oh and also now that all of you are here. How do you know you have feeling towards  a person and what happens If you think that person would never feel the same way?" I say to all of them getting a questionable look from alot of them. "Well you are always happy to see them, you excited with the sound of their name and you just have a feeling, with the other part, thats for you to figure out" Harry says giving lovey dovey looks to Louis, "OMG why are you making me feel so single, its not fair!!!!" I say. 

I actually LOVE this chapter its just so awwwwwww and it also makes me feel lonely but, we dont talk about my loneliness. Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)


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