What a time

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Niall and Julia Michaels song. 

Nancy POV:

In the middle of the night I woke up because I heard a bang, when I opened my door, no one else was awake, I checked the time and walked down to get a glass of water. I walked down the stairs to find a drunk Zayn and Liam kissing, "what the fuck am I witnessing?!" I wisper/yell, the boys jump apart, "I um no we aren't um" Liam tries to get out "just give up baby, she obviously saw" Zayn said whispering to Liam, "Its ok, I wont tell anyone...how longs this been going on?" I ask walking into the kitchen. "a couple weeks ago?" Liam says questionly, Zayn nods, "Like I already figured but...?" I said and both their eyes opened wider, "what do you mean you figured?!" Zayn practically yelled, and Liam hit him and shushed him, "I saw you too on the couch and  kinda...guessed? OMG so this is why you've had "girlfriends" I say with hand movements. 

"Yeah, but can you just keep it on the down low, just until we tell the others?" Liam says, I nod and walk back up stairs both following me. 

I wake up the next morning, "OMG what a dream I had!" I say as I walk down stairs, Louis and Harry's eyes widening, and Zayn and Liam giving me a death stare, "what was it about" Niall asks, "I was in this like dark tunnel that a beam of light shone and then just got closer and closer before I got hit by it and I woke up" I say. "Sounds more like a nightmare to me, if I do say so" Liam says, and the other boys sighing of relief.

After breakfast, all the other boys except Harry and Louis go up to their rooms, "Nancy can I talk to you later?" Harry says eyeing Louis with a questionable look, "Oh yeah we will" I say as he walks off. I see Louis eyes following Harry and I smile, they're in love with each other and don't even know, I chuckle "Hey Nance, could I have a chat with you about Harry, maybe get some advice?" he says with a pleading look. "Of course Louis, anytime!" I say walking up to my room, Louis following me, "cool, um, I wanna tell Harry but I am afraid that he will reject me, how do you suggest I do it so that it will hurt less when he says he doesn't love me?" he says. "Louis I know for a fact Harry wont hate you if you admit this, maybe something unexpected will happen, you have to figure out how to do it, you have known him for the longest and I know you will know best" I say to Louis. 

Harry POV:

Omg what is she talking to him for, out of all the boys she talks to him the least, why is it now she talks to him so much?! I need to know why!, I walk out of my room and down the hall, on my way I walk past Louis and I look at him and smile, all of a sudden he goes bright red and I go to ask whats wrong when he walks off fastly. I watch him walk away and run back into my room and start crying. When Nancy walks in, "Harry oh my god I need to tell you- " she starts talking but I stop her, "you've ruined my life, you told him didnt you?!" I say to her with tears between the words, "I- what no, Harry I would never" She tries to say, "really? enlighten me than to why Louis just went bright red and ran off when he saw me" I say to her confused. 

Nancy POV: 

"Harry, you dont get it do you?" I practically scream at him, "get what" he said inbetween sobs, "what do you do when he comes near you or talks about how much you mean to him?" I say to him trying to give him a hint, he obviously gets it as his eyes go wide and starts breathing heavily, "he, he, he likes me, ssince when?" He says stuttering. "I will tell you everything later, but you cant let anyone know I told you, especially not Louis" I say getting up from where I was sitting. 

As I walk out of Harry's room I get a text:

Anne: Hey did you wanna hang out tomorrow?

Me: Yeah sure! where and at what time?

Anne: We'll hang out at my place I'll send you the address tomorrow morning, about 8

Me: Ok cool see u then

I put my phone back in my pocket as I walk down stairs and hear Liam talking "Niall, there is something I- we need to tell you, and the rest of the boys when they're here" Liam says and Zayn nods in agreement, "Are you gonna-" I ask but Zayn cuts me off, "Niall, you know how Harry likes boys and girls?" Zayn asks Niall, "Well its something very new but Liam and I are dating" Zayn says slowly so Niall can let the information sink in, "Oh I new Liam wasnt straight but I thought you were, and I am so confused, I thought you both had-" He cuts himself off as he answers his own question. Liam and Zayn nod, "So you are all ok with this?" Liam says quietly, "Yeah! what better person to date than your best mate?" Niall says with a smile. Liam and Zayn grin as I hear Harry's door open and Louis's door open, both coming downstairs. 

Finally updated, yeah its been a long time, im tired imma go to bed, bye :)


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