I Love it When we Play 1950...

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As Nancy walks back up the stairs, I sigh. "You ok mate?" Harry walks up to me and says. "Yeah nah she is just seems distant I dont know why, and I am sorry about getting annoyed at Nancy and you, I was jelous" I say to him, "Nah I do get it, you like her and yeah she has seemed a bit distant since the award show" he says, "It was the comment from the paps, I know it was!" I say pissed off, "come on, I mean who can blame her, I mean if someone just automatically assumed I was dating my best friend I would be a bit distant too, just to prove its not true" he said, I nod understanding what he is saying. "And Niall, you need to take into consideration that just because you like her, dont automatically expect her to like you back, so you cant just go 'protective boyfriend' on every guy she hangs with, ok" Harry says walking up the stairs to get dressed. 

"Wait...do you know something I dont?!" I yell up the stairs, "thats for me to know and you to find out, I guess, sorry honey!" I hear Harry yell back. 


I finish getting dressed into a cute half cut jumper with a denim skirt (I dont know?), I go to the mirror to fix my hair, they were in braids just to get it out of my face. With that I run down stairs and hear a knock, "I'm coming!" I scream, "Ok, did anyone need anyhting while I am out, and does anyone know where I put my wallet?" I say hurrying, "you sound like your mother, and yes I need some Nando's" Niall says, "anything else, going once, going twice, done! so monsters and Nando's!" I say. 

"Who the hell drinks monsters in this house?" Louis says loudly, "Me!" I say rolling my eyes, I walk to the door and open it. "Hey!" Anne says to me and waves at the boys, "Have fun! see you tonight!!" the boys yell out. As we walk out to the car we start talking "So how do you know the One Direction boys, arnt you like dating Niall or something?" she says, I groan "I am not dating Niall, he is my best mate and we share an apartment, thats literally all!", I say "Oh sorry, I just assumed...so how do you know the boys then?" she says. 

"Niall and I have been best  friends since forever! even before One Direction, we went out of touch for a little while at the start but we are still friends" I say with a smile. When we get to the store, not a lot of people are there, "I figured we get coffee and walk around?" Anne suggests, "Yeah, that'll be good!" I say "Ok so I need a new dress for a award ceremony coming up, so do you mind if we stop in a few formal stores?" she asks. 

By the time we were done Anne had about 5 bags of clothes, and I had 3, and we walk out laughing about something Anne said. As we get back it is about 5:30pm and we walk to the door "I had so much fun, thanks Anne!" I say with a grin. "Its all good, I havent had a shopping trip that fun since 3 years ago!, could we meet up again at one point?" She says with a smile, oh my god her smile... "Oh yeah, I have a shoot coming up next week, we could do it after?" I say interupting my thoughts. "Cool send me the details, cya!" she says as she walks back to the car gets in and drives off. 

I open the front door, "did you get me nando's?" is all I hear as I walk into  the house. "No, order some, sorry, got side tract!" I yell as I put the shopping on the bench and Monsters in the fridge. 

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