Love You Goodbye

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After the whole blow up with Nancy yesterday I feel like shit, I haven't left my room since I don't know when, I cant believe I said all that to her, and that I was leaving one direction.

I walk downstairs and go to make myself a coffee, I see multiple letters, one for Louis, one for Harry and the rest of the boys then one for me. I am hesitant to grab it, what was it, I think its from Nancy but I don't know, I decide to grab and open it, I read it aloud:

Its inevitable everything that's good comes to an end, its impossible to know if after this we can still be friends, I know theres nothing I can do to change it, I wish there was something that could be negotiated but unfortunately theres not, you said a lot of things in that argument and of course so did I, I love you, I always will and always have but I cant keep doing this, if this is how your going to be with everyone you date. I know we agreed that with every breakup for eachother we would be the ones to pick up the other up, but its impossible for me to do that when I am the problem in your relationships. I know you didn't mean it when you said we cant be friends or anything, and I know you especially didn't mean when you said you were gonna leave 1D because of me, I didn't want you to do that. If that happened I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt and pain of that, and because of that I have decided to remove myself. Anything I leave in my room you can either throw or keep, I have packed, I am going, I wont tell you where, I changed my number, I changed everything. When you or I am ready to talk then and only then will I come back out of the shadows, it might be a really short amount of time or a longer one. I hope you respect this decision, I will always remember you, I love you with all my heart and I hope you find someone who will love you the way you deserve. Properly.

Yours, Nancy

I don't understand, what why I don't get it, "NO! WHY WHY WHY!" I scream and sink down onto the floor. I stay like this until someone walks in and sees me crying on the floor, "Niall, what're you doing?" I hear Harry's voice, "She's gone, Harry, SHE'S FUCKING GONE!" I scream at him and he looks down at the letter, "Ni where'd you get that?" he asks.


Niall points towards a stack of letters, addressed to all the boys and Anne. I pick one up that says my name.

Harry, I cannot describe how happy I am to have met you, as you probably know from Niall I have removed myself from the situation, I never wanted anything to come between the band, but now I have and I need you to know, none of this is your fault. Its no one's but Niall and I's, we both should've been mature enough to handle the problem we were having and we didn't, instead we just ignored it. I admit I also envy you for having to deal with our problems, and I am so sorry for it, but also I am not because without you being there for me I would be a complete mess, and I love you for that. I love you, I hope all turns out well for you and Louis and that one day you can be safe coming out, until that day, live your life be happy.

Yours truly with all my heart,


By the time I stop reading I have tears in my eyes, she's gone. I wipe my eyes, as much as I don't want her to be she is.

I deliver all the other notes, one to each of the remaining boys and the last to Anne.

So I recon I am quite decent in this chapter, sadly this story is coming to an end, it doesn't really matter cause no one really reads it anymore anyways.


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