'Sorry' Halsey

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I have plan... I'm gonna name the part whatever I am listening to at the point I am starting to write the part, its kinda dumb but then again... so am I. HAHA


The last award was coming up "Anne Marie!" the host shouts out, she won the award, Anne Marie. After the award show, I tell the others to go to the car, I see Anne walking to her car in her stunning dress and I walk up to her "Hi you probably don't remember me, but I just wanted to say a great job for winning the award!" I say to her, and she replies, "Oh yeah I do remember you, Shy model, and thank you so much, I didn't actually catch your name last time we met?", "Oh, it's Nancy!" I say chuckling at the nickname she gave me as 'shy model'. "Could we exchange numbers maybe we could catch up and have a friendly conversation instead of bumping into each other?" she says laughing, "oh yeah sure here's mine" I give her my number. "Ok cool, good to see you again Nancy cya!" she says walking off. 

When I get back to the car Harry comes up to me "Hey, where were you?" he asks, "Oh I saw Anne Marie, the singer I bumped into at the show a couple of days ago and said hello and congrats" I said. "Oh ok, hey you never actually explained the Lana thing that day either," he says as we get into the car. 

"Oh that's basically my best model friend but she's in love with you so I promised to introduce you guys," I say casually, "oh ok," he says simply. "What was up with Niall and you before the award started, you guys both looked so depressed?" I say concerned "oh Niall, I don't know, and with me, ok I am going to tell you something that you are not allowed to tell anyone else, but not right now ok, how about you come to my room with snacks tonight at like 2:00 am, we have nothing on tomorrow so we can stay up late," he says. "yeah ok cool!" I say as we pull into the driveway to our flat, for tonight everyone is staying in the same house.

As planned by Harry and me, at 2 o'clock we both sat on the floor of Harry's room with a pile full of food in the middle of us both and started to talk. "So what were you going to tell me?" I ask eagerly, "Ok so basically, since one direction got together I have been in love with Louis and he's never noticed, all the boys know except Louis" he says. "How long have the boys known?" I ask, "since I helped Ed write 'Little things' he answers. "Shit, thats a long time, how've you been dealing with it?" I say concerned. "Oh I have plans, like I normally whenever I think about it I've been going to the gym" he says with a shrug, I can tell he's uncomfortable talking about it so I try to go into another topic. "Oh well I kind of have a crush on someone right now too" I say with a shrug, not knowing how he'd react to it, "oh really?" he says. 

OK this is a longer chapter, I am going too be getting my friend Grey to read this and tell me what they think soo just pre warning?


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