Part 3 - Shopping. A lame excuse to spend money

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The next few days consist of me just lounging around all day and Niall going to interviews.

I decided this morning to go shopping just because I can and I have nothing better to do, and also because I have a party to go to, models only. Lana is coming shopping with me and will probably be going to the party also and I have no doubt Zayn's new girlfriend is going too, Gigi Hadid.

I pick Lana up on my way to the shops, and of course, all she can talk about was meeting Harry, I mean it's not even that big of a deal, it's just Harry. "omg did you see Harry looking at me, I swear he is so cute and I can't believe he's single!!, do you think I would have a chance?!" she says to me getting overexcited. "LANA, no offence but do you hear yourself!? you sound like an obsessive teenager, I am sure he was so cute and I am sure he was fine, but I am so so sorry, but I don't care!" I say, so we stay quiet for the rest of the trip, and for some reason, I can't stop thinking about why Anne helped me,

Again my thoughts are interrupted as I see the cars around us in the car park, we hop out and walk in. The first shop we walk into is Sportsgirl, I have modeled for them a couple of times, they have good stuff, but I do have to admit, expensive.

After the whole day, we drive home with a boot full of mostly Lana's stuff.

OMG 2024 me is regretting this so much, I don't know why this part is so short neither do I have a valid excuse for it. 


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