Cinderella's dead

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Its a good song. 

Nancy's POV:

"Nancyyyy!" Harry greets me with a hug, "Hey guys, Harry, also I need to ask you about something, so we'll talk after I put everything away?" I say pleading with my eyes, "yeah of course I need to talk to you too, so put your stuff away and meet me in my room, yeah?" Harry says, as I run upstairs I see a sad Niall. "Hey Niall, what's wrong?" I say stopping, "you have just been so distant, and then running off to talk to Harry, why?" he says with a confused look, "because he's the only one who is going to understand what I am about to tell him," I say internally (I'm not that dumb to say it out loud) "I am sorry Niall, it's just-" I say but he cuts me off, "I'm sorry for asking, you shouldn't have to explain yourself to me, never mind" he says and walks off leaving a speechless me behind. After i realise he had walked away i continued to walk up the stairs, into my room to put my stuff away, then into Harry's to talk to him. I walk in and Harry's already got 2 coffee's up there and some snacks, "so you needed to tell me something, and i needed to you something, so spill" he says as i walk in, shut the door, and sit down. "it's more asking you something, but could you go first?" I ask desperately, "i would say first but i actually NEED you to tell me first" Harry's says seriously, "ok,, i don't know how, um, i, how did you, um?" I say stuttering, "how did i um?" Harry says with a chuckle. "Oh my god, here goes nothing, how did you figure out you liked boys too, like i know it all started with Louis but..." I say, "i don't know i guess little things growing up maybe, yeah" he says, I'm waiting for the million dollar question... "i am just wondering why?" He says, there it is, there's the million dollar question. "Why what?" I say innocently, Harry looks at me again, and by this point I start stress eating the chips in front of me, "um, i, uh, no, no" i say stuttering, then i start crying. 

Louis POV:

Have you ever wondered what your friends talk about if they talk in private?, well i know its not right to do but, i am genuinely interested!

I start walking up the stairs its quiet, Niall's in his room, Zayn and Liam are staying with their girlfriends, and Harry and Nancy are talking. I walk up to the door of Harry's room and push my ear on it enough so i can hear. "Its ok Nancy, its ok to feel like that, your human!" Harry says from inside, "what about you what did you want to tell me?" Nancy says, "Um, its its nothing" he says. "Come on harry tell me, I told you and now I'm crying, pleaseeee?" she says, "Nah I just wanted your advice about louis too, but I. I don't know, maybe I wont tell him" he says getting quieter with every word. "Tell me what?" I mumble, I decide to leave because I felt weird listening in anyways. 

Harry POV:

"So how do I tell my best mate that I have been in love with him since I was 16?" I say frustraighted because she wont give  me a straight answer, "I love you harry but I don't know how to answer this question, it took me some guts to even admit-" she was cut off by Louis walking in. 

Louis POV:

"Hey um sorry to bother you but Nance can I talk to you about something?" I say, "yeah?" she says confused, "in private?" I ask with a pleading look, "Yeah course" she says as she gets up and walks out the room. We get halfway down the corridor and I cant help but say it, "I relly need to tell you something about Harry, ok but you have to promise not to tell anyone not even Niall, or Lana, please!?" I say really quickly, "of course I don't haven't told Niall everything these days anyway, and I don't see Lana till the photoshoot in 2 days" she says with a concerned look. "Look, I have to admit, I did listen to a bit of Harry and your convocation, and I-" Nancy cuts me off, "LOUIS!" she practically screams, "look I am sorry but I heard something...Harry said something to me earlier, something about admitting something?" I say hoping she knows what I am talking about, "Oh Louis look, if its about me liking-"she says and I cut her off. "No its not anything about you it was about him, and I have to admit I need to admit something to him to, but I don't know because he will laugh at me" I say sadly, "Louis, he is your best mate, he absolutely-"she stops and curses to herself, I wonder why. "I know but I am still afraid... but if I tell you..." I say, and she nods understandingly "Ok, the thing is that I lov- I have always loved Harry like he was my brother but as I have become older...well that love has grown and- I um" I stutter trying to find the words, but she knows what I am about to say, and she widens her eyes and mouths "really?!". "Yeah, please don't say absolutely anything" I plead. 

"Its ok, I wont, I might go to bed now though, night Louis!" she says walking to her room, "Night Nancy" I say pleading in my head she wont tell anyone. 

Ok so I actually love this chapter, I know I haven't updated much, and I love that people are actually reading this book but... vote? pls :)


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